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Testing with JUnit
Table of Contents
Testing with JUnit
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1. Getting Started
Why you should busy yourself with unit tests
Reducing the defect rate
Improving the code quality
Increasing the development pace
Enhancing the specification density
Boosting confidence and courage
Setting the table
Choosing the ingredients
Organizing your code
Serving the starter
Introducing the example app
Understanding the nature of a unit test
Writing the first test
Evaluating test results
Writing tests first
2. Writing Well-structured Tests
The four phases of a unit test
Using a common test structure
Setting up the fixture
What goes up must come down
Choosing the next functionality to test
Start with the happy path
Conclude with corner cases
After the war
Getting the test names right
Test prefix
Behavior-expressing patterns
Reducing names to the essentials
3. Developing Independently Testable Units
Decomposing requirements
Separating concerns
Component dependencies
Understanding isolation
Delegating responsibilities to DOCs
Indirect input and output
Unit isolation with test doubles
Working with test doubles
Placeholder dummies
Fake it till you make it
Providing indirect input with stubs
Recording interactions with spies
Verifying behavior with mocks
Increasing efficiency with mock frameworks
The promised land?
Basic stubbing
Indirect output verification
Using test helpers
The test helper class
The test helper object
4. Testing Exceptional Flow
Testing patterns
Using the fail statement
Annotated expectations
Verification with the ExpectedException rule
Capturing exceptions with closures
Treating collaborators
Fail fast
The stubbing of exceptional behavior
5. Using Runners for Particular Testing Purposes
Understanding the architecture
What are runners good for?
Looking at the big picture
Writing your own extension
Using custom runners
Furnishing a suite with test cases
Structuring suites into categories
Populating suites automatically
How about creating test doubles with annotations?
Writing dataset tests
Using parameterized tests
Reducing glue code with JUnitParams
Increasing the expressiveness of test descriptions with Burst
6. Reducing Boilerplate with JUnit Rules
Understanding rules
What are JUnit rules?
Writing your own rule
Configuring the fixture with annotations
Working with advanced concepts
Using ClassRules
The ordering of rule execution
Employing custom solutions
Working with system settings
Ignoring tests conditionally
7. Improving Readability with Custom Assertions
Working with the JUnit built-in assert approach
Understanding the basics
Reviewing the file session storage
Verifying the storage behavior
Improving readability with assertion helpers
Creating flexible expressions of intent with Hamcrest
Using matcher expressions
Writing custom matchers
Writing fluently readable assertions with AssertJ
Employing assertion chains
Creating your own asserts
8. Running Tests Automatically within a CI Build
Wrapping up the sample application
Refining the architecture
Separating concerns into modules
Setting up an automated CI build
What is continuous integration?
Principles and practices
Creating your own build
Integrating code coverage reports
Enlarging on code coverage
Automating reporting
A. References
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8