


Swift Essentials电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Dr Alex Blewitt

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:147.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Whether you are a seasoned Objective-C developer or new to the Xcode platform, Swift Essentials will provide you with all you need to know to get started with the language. Prior experience with iOS development is not necessary, but will be helpful to get the most out of the book.

Swift Essentials

Table of Contents

Swift Essentials


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1. Exploring Swift

Getting started with Swift

Numeric literals

Floating point literals

String literals

Variables and constants

Collection types

Optional types

Nil coalescing operator

Conditional logic

If statements

Switch statements


Iterating over keys and values in a dictionary

Iteration with for loops

Break and continue


Named arguments

Optional arguments and default values

Anonymous arguments

Multiple return values and arguments

Returning structured values

Command-line Swift

Interpreted Swift scripts

Compiled Swift scripts


2. Playing with Swift

Getting started with playgrounds

Creating a playground

Viewing the console output

Viewing the timeline

Displaying objects with QuickLook

Showing colored labels

Showing images

Advanced techniques

Capturing values explicitly

Running asynchronous code

Playgrounds and documentation

Learning with playgrounds

Understanding the playground format

Adding a new documentation section

Styling the documentation

Adding resources to a playground

Additional entries in the header

Generating playgrounds automatically



Limitations of playgrounds


3. Creating an iOS Swift App

Understanding iOS applications

Creating a single view iOS application

Removing the storyboard

Setting up the view controller

Swift classes, protocols, and enums

Classes in Swift

Subclasses and testing in Swift

Protocols in Swift

Enums in Swift

Raw values

Associated values

Creating a master-detail iOS application

The AppDelegate class

The MasterViewController class

The DetailViewController class


4. Storyboard Applications with Swift and iOS

Storyboards, scenes, and segues

Creating a storyboard project

Scenes and view controllers

Adding views to the scene


Adding a navigation controller

Naming scenes and views

Swift and storyboards

Custom view controllers

Connecting views to outlets in Swift

Calling actions from interface builder

Triggering a segue with code

Passing data with segues

Using Auto Layout

Understanding constraints

Adding constraints

Adding a constraint with the drag and drop method

Adding constraints to the Press Me scene

Adding missing constraints


5. Creating Custom Views in Swift

An overview of UIView

Creating new views with interface builder

Creating a table view controller

Showing data in the table

Defining a view in a XIB file

Wiring a custom view class

Dealing with intrinsic size

Creating views by subclassing UIView

Auto Layout and custom views

Constraints and the visual format language

Adding the custom view to the table

Custom graphics with drawRect

Drawing graphics in drawRect

Responding to orientation changes

Custom graphics with layers

Creating a ProgressView from layers

Adding the stop square

Adding a progress bar

Clipping the view

Testing views in Xcode

Responding to change


6. Parsing Networked Data

Loading data from URLs

Dealing with errors

Dealing with missing content

Nested if and switch statements

Networking and user interfaces

Running functions on the main thread

Parsing JSON

Handling errors

Parsing XML

Creating a parser delegate

Downloading the data

Parsing the data

Direct network connections

Opening a stream connection

Synchronous reading and writing

Writing data to an NSOutputStream

Reading from an NSInputStream

Reading and writing hexadecimal and UTF8 data

Implementing the git protocol

Listing git references remotely

Integrating the network call into the UI

Asynchronous reading and writing

Reading data asynchronously from an NSInputStream

Creating a stream delegate

Dealing with errors

Listing references asynchronously

Displaying asynchronous references in the UI

Writing data asynchronously to an NSOutputStream


7. Building a Repository Browser

An overview of the GitHub API

The root endpoint

The user resource

The repositories resource

The RepositoryBrowser project

URI templates

Background threading

Parsing JSON dictionaries

Parsing JSON arrays of dictionaries

Creating the client

Talking to the GitHub API

Returning repositories for a user

Accessing data through the AppDelegate

Accessing repositories from view controllers

Adding users

Implementing the detail view

Transitioning between the master and detail views

Loading the user's avatar

Displaying the user's avatar


A. Appendix


Twitter users

Blogs and tutorial sites




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