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JavaScript Regular Expressions
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JavaScript Regular Expressions
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1. Getting Started with Regex
It's all about patterns
Analyzing a phone number
Analyzing a simple log file
Analyzing an XML file
Regex in JavaScript
The RegExp constructor
Using pattern flags
Using the rgx.test method
Using the rgx.exec method
The string object and regular expressions
Using the String.replace method
Using the String.search method
Using the String.match method
Building our environment
Handling a submitted form
Resetting matches and errors
Creating a regular expression
Executing RegExp and extracting its matches
Testing our application
2. The Basics
Defining vague matchers in Regex
Matching a wild card character
Matching digits
Matching alphanumeric chars
Negating alphanumeric chars and digits
Defining ranges in Regex
Defining a range
Matching the dash character
Defining negated ranges
Defining multipliers in Regex
Matching one or more occurrences
Matching zero or one occurrence
Matching zero or more occurrences
Defining custom quantifiers
Matching n or more occurrences
Matching n to m occurrences
Matching alternated options
Creating a Regex for a telephone number
3. Special Characters
Nonvisual constraints
Matching the beginning and end of an input
Matching word boundaries
Matching nonword boundaries
Matching a whitespace character
Defining nongreedy quantifiers
Matching groups in Regex
Grouping characters together to create a clause
Capture and noncapture groups
Matching non capture groups
Matching lookahead groups
Using a negative lookahead
4. Regex in Practice
Regular expressions and form validation
Setting up the form
Validating fields
Matching a complete name
Understanding the complete name Regex
Matching an e-mail with Regex
Understanding the e-mail Regex
Matching a Twitter name
Understanding the twitter username Regex
Matching passwords
Matching URLs
Understanding the URL Regex
Manipulating data
Using the String.replace method
Matching a description field
Understanding the description Regex
Explaining a Markdown example
5. Node.js and Regex
Setting up Node.js
Getting started with our application
Reading a file with Node.js
The anatomy of an Apache log file
Creating the Apache log Regex
Creating a Regex for the time part
Creating a Regex for the request information
Creating a Regex for the status code and object size
Creating a Regex for the referrer and the user agent
Parsing each Apache log row
Creating a JSON object for each row
Display the JSON in a table
A. JavaScript Regex Cheat Sheet
Character classes
Character sets
Grouping, alternation, and back reference
JavaScript regular expressions methods