


Mastering Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3电子书

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作       者:Ricardo Zea

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:356.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you already know some HTML and CSS and understand the principles of responsive web design, this book is for you. There's something here for you to learn regardless of whether you're a web designer or web developer, or whether you're a seasoned expert web professional.

Mastering Responsive Web Design

Table of Contents

Mastering Responsive Web Design


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1. Harness the Power of Sass for Responsive Web Design

How does Sass work?

Installing Sass

Downloading the Ruby installer

Opening the command line

Installing the Sass gem

Using Sass

The basic concepts of Sass for RWD

Sass or SCSS

The Sass syntax

The SCSS syntax

Sass variables

Sass mixins

Sass arguments

How to use several arguments in the same mixin

Setting default values in multiple arguments

Nesting in Sass

Partial files (partials) in Sass

The Sass extend/inherit feature

Sass comments

Vendor prefixing

The order of vendor prefixing

Automating vendor prefixing

Using Compass

Using -prefix-free

Using Autoprefixer

Using Pleeease

Using Emmet

Using a third-party application

The recommended vendor prefixing method

Using a third-party program to compile

The Prepros app

Expanded output

Nested output

Compact output

Compressed output

Add some CSS and let the Prepros app do the rest!

Defining how many legacy browser versions to support for prefixing

One compiler only

Sass mixins to house our media queries

Media queries mixin methods

Let the content define the breakpoints


Named media queries

The basic mixin


2. Marking Our Content with HTML5

The <main> element

The <article> element

The <section> element

The <aside> element

The <header> element

The <footer> element

The <nav> element

Using WAI-ARIA landmark roles to increase accessibility

WAI-ARIA landmark roles

The banner role

The navigation role

The main role

The contentinfo role

The search role

The form role

The complementary role

Important meta tags to consider for RWD

The viewport meta tag

The X-UA-Compatible meta tag

The charset meta tag

A full HTML5 example page with ARIA roles and meta tags

Output screenshots for desktop and mobile


3. Mobile-first or Desktop-first?

Create your designs in a desktop-first view, but implement them with mobile-first

Why create designs in a desktop-first view?

Why implement with mobile-first?

Sass mixins for the mobile-first and desktop-first media queries

The mobile-first mixin

The desktop-first mixin

Dealing with legacy browsers

How to use Respond.js for RWD

The days of an IE-specific style sheet are dead

Other benefits of not using an IE-specific style sheet

Use conditional classes in the <html> tag

How to deal with high-density screens

Bitmaps or vectors for high-density screens?

Sometimes RWD is not necessarily the right solution

Retrofitting an old website with RWD

The base page



Creating the _980gs.scss file

Retrofitting with AWD

Creating the styles.scss file

980px to 768px (AWD)

768px to 640px (AWD)

640px to 480px (AWD)

480px to 320px (AWD)

Retrofitting with RWD

The RWD magic formula

The main container

The Header and Footer sections

The Nav section

The Content section

980px to 768px (RWD)

768px to 640px (RWD)

640px to 480px (RWD)

480px to 320px (RWD)


4. CSS Grids, CSS Frameworks, UI Kits, and Flexbox for RWD

What is a grid?

CSS grids

The pros and cons of CSS grids for RWD

CSS frameworks

UI kits

The pros and cons of CSS frameworks for RWD

Creating a custom CSS grid

Doing the math

Adding the UTF-8 character set directive and a Credits section

Including the box-sizing property and the mobile-first mixin

The main container and converting 10px to percentage value

Making it mobile-first

Adding the row and float clearing rules

Building a sample page with the custom CSS grid

Nested containers

Stop using CSS grids, use Flexbox!

Building a sample page with Flexbox



Adding the Flexbox container

DIVs inside the Flexbox container

The Header, Footer, Nav, and Section Containers

Nested containers

Supporting old IEs

One rule to rule them all

Rules for both IE8 and IE9

Specific rules for IE8 and IE9


5. Designing Small UIs Driven by Large Finger

The ideal target sizes on small UIs

The posture patterns and the touch zones

The posture patterns

The touch zones

The nav icon – basic guidelines to consider for RWD

The hamburger icon

The word Menu

The hamburger icon plus the word Menu

The navigation patterns for RWD



Third-party demos

The Off-Canvas or Off-Screen navigation

The Toggle navigation

The Flexbox-based navigation


6. Working with Images and Videos in Responsive Web Design

Tips for reducing the file size in images for RWD


Blurring the background

Darkening or lightening the less important areas

Optimizing an image

Using Adobe Fireworks (optional)

Compressing the image

Third-party image resizing services

The <picture> element and the srcset and sizes attributes

When to use <picture> and when to use srcset

Implementing the Picturefill polyfill

Using the <picture> element

Using the srcset and sizes attributes

Targeting high-density screens with srcset

<picture> versus srcset

Replacing 1x images with 2x images on the fly with Retina.js

Retina.js – a JavaScript solution

Excluding images

Retina.js – a Sass mixin solution

Making videos responsive

Responsive videos with HTML and CSS

Responsive videos with jQuery

Responsive videos with plain JavaScript

Third-party services to embed video

The Vector Formats

Vectors or bitmaps/raster images

Icon fonts

Implementing icon fonts

Using a pseudo-element

Using an extra HTML element

Scalable Vector Graphics

Inline via the <svg> tag

Providing fallback images to legacy browsers for inline SVGs

Using the <foreignObject> and <img> tags

Using an <image> tag

File-based with the xlink:href and src attributes

Other sources to learn about SVG


7. Meaningful Typography for Responsive Web Design

Pixels, ems, or rems for typography?

Calculating relative font sizes

Creating a Modular Scale for a harmonious typography

Defining the first base number

Defining the second base number

Choosing a ratio

Using the Modular Scale for typography

The rems-to-pixels Sass mixin

Web fonts and how they affect RWD

Sass mixin for implementing web fonts

Using FlowType.js for increased legibility

Defining thresholds

Threshold widths

Threshold font sizes


8. Responsive E-mails

Why do we need to worry about responsive e-mails?

Don't overlook your analytics

Recommendations for building better responsive e-mails

Responsive e-mail build

Modular Scale for typography

Design – large and small screen views

Setting up a basic HTML template

Using CSS reset to normalize display

Adding the e-mail content

Creating a 100 percent wide wrapping table

Creating the 600px inner table

Adding the header image

Creating the content wrapping table and all its content

Adding the Outlook 2007/2010/2013 Conditional Comments hacks

Conditional Comments for the background image in the footer

Conditional Comments for the CTA buttons

Adding media queries

Outlook web font fallback style

Screenshot of various e-mail clients

Third-party services

Litmus's PutsMail

CSS inliners

Advanced e-mail frameworks

Responsive e-mail template services

See how an e-mail was built



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