


Elasticsearch Blueprints电子书

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作       者:Vineeth Mohan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:90.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a data enthusiast and would like to explore and specialize on search technologies based on Elasticsearch, this is the right book for you. A compelling case-to-case mapping of features and implementation of Elasticsearch to solve many real-world use cases makes this book the right choice to start and specialize on Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch Blueprints

Table of Contents

Elasticsearch Blueprints


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1. Google-like Web Search

Deploying Elasticsearch

Communicating with the Elasticsearch server

Shards and replicas

Index-type mapping

Setting the analyzer

Types of character filters

Types of tokenizers

Types of token filters

Creating your own analyzer

Readymade analyzers

Using phrase query to search

Using the highlighting feature


The head UI explained


2. Building Your Own E-Commerce Solution

Data modeling in Elasticsearch

Choosing between a query and a filter

Searching your documents

A match query

Multifield match query

Aggregating your results

Terms aggregation

Filter your results based on a date range

Implementing a prize range filter

Implementing a category filter

Implementation of filters in Elasticsearch

Searching with multiple conditions

Sorting results

Using the scroll API for consistent pagination

Autocomplete in Elasticsearch

How does FST help in faster autocompletes?

Hotel suggester using autocomplete


3. Relevancy and Scoring

How scoring works

How to debug scoring

The Ebola outbreak

Boost match in the title field column over description

Most recently published medical journals

The most recent Ebola report on healthy patients

Boosting certain symptoms over others

Random ordering of medical journals for different interns

Medical journals from the closest place to the Ebola outbreak

Medical journals from unhealthy places near the Ebola outbreak

Healthy people from unhealthy locations have Ebola symptoms

Relevancy based on the order in which the symptoms appeared


4. Managing Relational Content

The product-with-tags search problem

Nested types to the rescue

Limitations on a query on nested fields

Using a parent-child approach

The has_parent filter/the has_parent query

The has_child query/the has_child filter

The top_children query

Schema design to store questions and answers

Searching questions based on a criteria of answers

Searching answers based on a criteria of questions

The score of questions based on the score of each answer

Filtering questions with more than four answers

Displaying the best questions and their accepted answers


5. Analytics Using Elasticsearch

A flight ticket analytics scenario

Index creation and mapping

A case study on analytics requirements

Male and female distribution of passengers

Time-based patterns or trends in booking tickets

Hottest arrival and departure points

The correlation of ticket type with time

Distribution of the travel duration

The most preferred or hottest hour for booking tickets

The most preferred or hottest weekday for travel

The pattern between a passenger's purpose of visit, ticket type, and their sex


6. Improving the Search Experience

News search

A case-insensitive search

Effective e-mail or URL link search inside text

Prioritizing a title match over content match

Terms aggregation giving weird results

Setting the field as not_analyzed

Using a lowercased analyzer

Improving the search experience using stemming

A synonym-aware search

The holy box of search

The field search

The number/date range search

The phrase search

The wildcard search

The regexp search

Boolean operations

Words with similar sounds

Substring matching


7. Spicing Up a Search Using Geo

Restaurant search

Data modeling for restaurants

The nearest hotel problem

The maximum distance covered

Inside the city limits

Distance values between the current point and each restaurant

Restaurants out of city limits

Restaurant categorization based on distance

Aggregating restaurants based on their nearness


8. Handling Time-based Data

Overriding default mapping and settings in Elasticsearch

Index template creation

Deleting a template

The GET template

Multiple matching of templates

Overriding default settings for all indices

Overriding mapping of all types under an index

Overriding default field settings

Searching for time-based data

Archiving time-based data

Shard filtering

Running the optimized API on indices where writing is done

Closing older indices

Snapshot creation and restoration of indices

Repository creation

Snapshot creation

Snapshot creation on specific indices

Restoring a snapshot

Restoring multiple indices

The curator

Shard allocation using curator

Opening and closing of indices




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