


openFrameworks Essentials电子书

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5人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Denis Perevalov

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:94.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a programmer, visual artist, or designer with experience in creative coding, and want to use openFrameworks to create fun, stunning, and interactive applications, this is the book for you. Basic knowledge of programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python, or JavaScript, will be enough to proceed with the book.

openFrameworks Essentials

Table of Contents

openFrameworks Essentials



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1. Getting Started with openFrameworks

What is openFrameworks?

Installing openFrameworks

The openFrameworks folder structure

Running your first example

The video synthesizer application

Three reasons to create your own video synthesizer with openFrameworks


2. Creating Your First openFrameworks Project

Creating and running a new project

Creating a project

Running a project

Discovering the project's code structure

Setting up the screen

Centering the coordinate system

A simple drawing

Setting drawing color

Drawing primitives

Geometric patterns

The stripe pattern

A stripe pattern made from parallel lines

Inserting the function declaration

Inserting the function definition

Inserting the function calling

A stripe pattern made from rotating lines

A stripe pattern made from rotating triangles


3. Adding a GUI and Handling Keyboard Events

Creating a GUI using the ofxGui addon

Implementing a simple GUI panel with sliders

Using the sliders' values

Implementing the autosave feature

Creating groups of controls

Using the sliders' values

Implementing a checkbox, a color selector, and a 2D slider

Using the controls' values

Experimenting with the project

Handling keyboard events

Hiding the GUI

Saving a screenshot

Saving a preset using the system save dialog

Loading a preset using the system load dialog

Implementing the matrix pattern generator

Using the sliders' values

Experimenting with the matrix pattern generator


4. Working with Raster Graphics – Images, Videos, and Shaders

Raster images in openFrameworks

Drawing an image file

Playing a video file

Grabbing a live video from a camera

Mixing layers using additive blending

Creating the mixer's GUI

Implementing the mixer's functionality

Creating the video effect with a shader

Redirecting drawing to the offscreen buffer

Drawing the offscreen buffer contents and enabling smoothing

Implementing the kaleidoscope effect

Creating the fragment shader

How it works

Creating the vertex shader

Using created shaders in the project


5. Creating 3D Graphics

Introduction to 3D graphics with openFrameworks

openFrameworks classes for surface representation

Drawing a wireframe sphere

Creating a camera

Controlling the camera with a mouse

Disabling mouse control for the camera when the GUI is visible

Camera automation

Drawing a solid sphere

The things needed for shading the surface

Drawing a solid sphere with shading

Texturing the sphere

Preparing a texture

Setting texture coordinates

Activating texturing

Mixing 2D and 3D with the GUI

Deforming a sphere

Deforming by formulas

Extruding the sphere


6. Animating Parameters

Using time values for a parameter's automation

Implementing a simple LFO

Implementing a pseudorandom LFO with Perlin noise

Using the level of sound for a parameter's automation

Playing and analyzing an audio file

Getting the level of a sound signal

Capturing sound from a sound card's input and measuring its level

Reading data from a text file

Controlling automation


7. Distributed and Physical Computing with Networking and Arduino

Distributed computing with networking

Networking in openFrameworks

The ofxNetwork addon

The ofxOsc addon

Implementing the OSC messages receiver

Creating an OSC sender with openFrameworks

Sending OSC messages between two separate computers

Connection troubleshooting

Creating OSC senders with TouchOSC, Python, and Max/MSP

Creating an OSC sender for a mobile device using the TouchOSC app

Creating an OSC sender with Python

Creating an OSC sender with Max/MSP

Physical computing with Arduino

Programming an Arduino board

Receiving data from Arduino in the openFrameworks project

Connection troubleshooting

Connecting more devices


8. Deploying the Project on iOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi

Running the project on an iOS device

Implementing video synthesizer for iOS

Building a project for iPad

Deploying the project on an iOS device

Using accelerometer

Running the project on an Android device

Installing software for Android development

Implementing video synthesizer for Android

Creating an empty project

Implementing the video synthesizer

Increasing the size of the GUI panel


Implementing reaction on stopping and double-tapping

Using the accelerometer on an Android device

Renaming the project

Running the project on Raspberry Pi

Required equipment

Setting up the device

Installing openFrameworks

Running the first example

Implementing a video synthesizer for Raspberry Pi


9. Further Resources

Enhancing the video synthesizer project

Speeding up the rendering

Drawing curves and text

Using fragment shaders for image generation

Using vertex shaders for an object deformation

Using the Firmata protocol for Arduino connection

Multidisplay setup and sharing images between separate programs

Getting more information on openFrameworks

openFrameworks books

Debugging and speeding up your code


Speeding up the code


A. Video Synthesizer Reference

The desktop version

The openFrameworks project and source files

Data files

Control keys

The GUI controls

Basic sliders

Global group

Primitive group

Mixer group

iOS and Android versions

The openFrameworks project and source files

Data files




Raspberry Pi version


B. openFrameworks Quick Reference


2D drawing


Multimedia and other classes

Mathematical, timer, and conversion functions



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