


Getting Started with Oracle Event Processing 11g电子书

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作       者:Alexandre Alves

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:129.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This getting started book will use practical chapters which follow logical and progressively more complex tasks and examples, which will impart the skills of how to use Oracle Complex Event Processing to the reader. This book is aimed at both those with some knowledge of java and SQL database experience, but it is also written so that if you are completely new to this topic you will understand this new technology domain no matter your background or industry.

Getting Started with Oracle Event Processing 11g

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Oracle Event Processing 11g


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1. An Overview of Complex Event Processing

What is event processing?

Relating this to a business in computing terms

Use case: A solution for customer problems

Key elements of event stream processing

An event

An event stream

An event type

Event Processing Network

Event processing languages and extensibility

Processor event node methodologies

Processor extensibility

Event processor "Intelligence Injection"

Holistic Event-Driven and Service Orientated Architectures

Predicting an event


2. An Overview of Oracle Event Processing

Understanding the heritage of Oracle Event Processing

The Java Event-Driven Server, the bits and bytes of the architecture

The adopted event language

CQL concepts

The philosophy and fundamentals of developing

Creating an Oracle Event Processing application

Some hints and tips

Controlling from the command line

Watching things happen and changing what happens


3. Adapting Events for OEP

Creating and converting events

Event type system

Platform adapters

The JMS adapter

The CSV adapter

HTTP pub-sub adapter

Configuring your own custom adapter

Leveraging OSGi services to create an adapter

Packaging custom adapters


4. Assembling and Configuring OEP Applications

Implementing the component model

Exploring the EPN extensions

Defining a simple Spring bean

Creating the event type repository

Setting up the adapters

Configuring channels

Implementing event-beans

Enabling the power of CQL processors

Defining a database table

Using caching

Understanding the application configuration

Adapter configuration

Channel configuration

Cache configuration

Defining resources in the server configuration

Extending the component type infrastructure


5. Coding with CQL

Introducing CQL

Understanding CQL fundamentals

Establishing your sources and destinations

Processing models

The structure and semantics of event processing

Restricting streams with Windows

Tuple-based windows

Partitioned windows


Controlling output with slides

The unbounded window

The constant value range window

The NOW window and the Last Event window

SQL as a foundation


External sources




Set operations

Typing and expressions

Timing models


6. Managing and Monitoring Applications

Configuring the logging service

Provisioning applications

Changing application configuration

Managing server-wide configuration

Controlling concurrency with work managers

Accessing contextual data with data sources

Browsing metadata with the event type repository

Monitoring progress


7. Using Tables and Caches for Contextual Data

Setting up JDBC data sources

Enriching events using a database table

Setting up caching systems

Enriching events using a cache

Using caches as event sources and sinks

Implementing an event bean to access a cache

Monitoring Coherence in the Visualizer


8. Pattern Matching with CQL

Extending CQL with OEP cartridges

Blending CQL and Java

Class loading in CQL

Handling ambiguities between Java and CQL

Using the JavaBeans conventions in CQL

Processing XML with CQL

Handling XML document sources

Pattern matching

Partitioning events for matching

Patterns as regular expressions

Controlling the number of matches

Working with correlation groups

Expiring patterns


9. Implementing Performance Scaling, Concurrency, and High Availability for Oracle Event Processing

Scalability versus high availability

Understanding performance and ways to influence

Scaling Oracle Event Processing

The threading model

Optimizing threading in channels

The EventPartitioner example

Using concurrency with processors

Partitioned versus pipelined parallelism

Improving performance with batching

General event processing, network performance tuning, and memory sizing observations

High availability in Oracle Event Processing

Failure scenarios

A sample HA Event Processing application

High availability quality of services

Simple failover

Simple failover with buffering

Lightweight queue trimming

Precise recovery with JMS

The HA application

ActiveMQ server

The JMS Message Client

Running the HA solution sample

Studying the Visualizer tooling for HA implementation


10. Introducing Spatial: A Telemetric Use Case

Introduction to Oracle Spatial with Oracle Event Processing

Basic geospatial concepts and use cases



Bus tracking movement event patterns

The Oracle Spatial Data Cartridge

Oracle geospatial features

Tracking vehicles with an Oracle Event Processing application

Key application elements

Bus tracking EPN


Bus tracking visual user interface

How to run this bus tracking sample application


11. Extending CQL with Spatial and JDBC

Creating geometries

Determining if geometries relate to each other

Configuring the spatial context

Retrieving external tables using SQL


12. Looking Ahead: The Future of Oracle Event Processing

Possible technology strategic directions

Evolving developer environments

Service-oriented Architecture integration

Event intelligence on the computing edge with Sensor integration

Event container platform manipulation profiles

The Embedded profile

Fast Data for Big Data

Fast data sample

Looking around the corner with predictive analytics

More on analytics

A Predicting Use Case

Understanding the "Fuzzy" results

Extending insurance solutions and JDBC data cartridge summary

Advancing performance with embedded hardware

The growing event processing standards



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