


Instant Windows Powershell 3.0 WMI Starter电子书

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5人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Brenton J.W. Blawat

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:141.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. If you're a keen administrator who wishes to learn more about Windows Management Instrumentation and the use of Cmdlets, then this book is the perfect Starter guide for experienced professionals. This book combines an easy-to-learn approach with practical examples using the powerful Powershell 3.0 in Windows. This book is great for system administrators who would like to learn how to remotely manage systems utilizing PowerShell 3.0. It is assumed that you already have experience with previous versions of PowerShell but the book will provide easy-to-learn, practical examples of how to use the new features included in PowerShell 3.0.

Instant Windows PowerShell 3.0 Windows Management Instrumentation Starter

Instant Windows PowerShell 3.0 Windows Management Instrumentation Starter


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Instant Windows PowerShell 3.0 Windows Management Instrumentation Starter

So, what is PowerShell 3.0 WMI?

WMI integration with PowerShell 3.0

Using PowerShell in your environment


Step 1 – prerequisite software - .NET Framework 4.0

Step 2 – installing the Windows Management Framework 3.0

Step 3 – preparing to use the new CIM cmdlets

Quick configuration

Manual configuration of system

And that's it! But how do I know it's installed?

Method 1 – Get-Host cmdlet

Method 2 – looking at version table

Method 3 – the Host Version property

Quick start – PowerShell 3.0 WMI basics

Using the basic CIM cmdlets

Creating, verifying, and terminating new sessions

Top features you'll want to know about

New CIM instance and class cmdlets

Get-CimClass cmdlets

New-CimInstance cmdlets

Set-CimInstance cmdlet

Part 1 – pre-staging for Set-CimInstance

Part 2 – using the Set-CimInstance cmdlet

Remove-CimInstance cmdlets

Get-CimAssociatedInstance cmdlet

Invoke-CimMethod cmdlet

Scenario 1 – using WMI in software deployment

Checking the operating system version

For Windows 8

Windows Server 2012

Checking disk space

Checking the hardware model number

Checking for running processes

Checking for running services

Viewing the installed software

Checking file version numbers

Scenario 2 – dynamically provisioning the systems

Sequencing the scripts after a restart

Renaming the computer with a random name and a prefix

Waiting for service states

Setting the computer description

Scenario 3 – system maintenance

Looking up the BIOS information

Looking at disk fragmentation

System uptime

Reading error logs

Putting it all together

People and places you should get to know

Official sites

Articles and tutorials




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