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EVE Online: ISK Strategy Guide
Table of Contents
EVE Online: ISK Strategy Guide
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1. I Want to Play EVE for Free!
What is ISK?
I'm the richest capsuleer in EVE; now what?
How to play EVE for free!
Creating your persona
Choosing one of the four
The Amarr Empire
The Caldari State
The Gallente Federation
The Minmatar Republic
Planning your character
The portrait studio
Choosing your ancestry and education
The first days
What skills to focus on
The certification planner
Neural remapping
2. When I Grow Up I Want to be a (Wealthy) Miner
Why mining?
Getting started
What to mine
A word about system security status
Ore types
Where should you mine?
Scouting your new home
Basic skills of a miner
Your first mining ship
How to equip your first ship
Mining techniques
Cargohold mining
Jetcan mining
The Industrial ships
Selling your stock
Your next mining ship
The Arbitrator
The Osprey
The Vexor
The Scythe
Taking mining to the next level
Here comes the math
Cycles and mining yield
Picking your next ship
The Procurer
The Retriever
The Covetor
Advanced skills of a miner
Calculating your refine yield
The ultimate miner
Tech II strip miners and mining crystals
The Skiff
The Mackinaw
The Hulk
Perfecting your skills
Mining Ice and Mercoxit
3. Mission Running
Why mission running?
Mission types
Courier missions
Kill missions
Agents and how they work
Understanding your foe
What ship to use to maximize earnings
How should I fit my ship?
Basic tactics
Mining missions
Trade missions
Special mission types
Storyline missions
Epic Arc missions
Cosmos missions
Faction ship agents
Data Center agents
Picking an agent
Agent level
Agent faction
Corporation and agent type
Factional Warfare agents
R&D agents
Storyline agents
Region, Solar System, and Security Status
Agent standing
Corporation standing
Faction standing
Skills for mission running
Rewards for mission running
Time bonus and bounties
Loyalty points
Loot and salvage
4. Making ISK with Manufacturing
Why manufacturing?
Getting started
Common mistakes when starting out
Buy your minerals
Study before you build
What to build when starting out
Skills for manufacturing
The industry skills
The trade skills
BPOs, BPCs, research, and invention
Researching blueprints
Material efficiency research
Production efficiency research
Skills for research
Copying blueprints
Skills for invention
Data interfaces
Improving your invention results
Expanding your manufacturing empire
Planetary Interaction
Skills for PI
What to produce with PI
Command Centers and planet types
5. Getting Rich Fighting Incursions
What are Incursions?
Why fight Incursions?
Incursion attack sites
How to find Incursion sites
What ships to use
Reward for fighting Incursions
6. Playing the Market
Why trading?
It takes ISK to make ISK
Tools of the trade
A trader's skills
Ships of a trader
Frigates and cruisers
Industrial ships
Transport ships
Blockade Runners
Deep Space Transports
The Market
The contracts system
Buy, sell, and auction contracts
Courier contracts
Types of trading
Inter-regional trading
Intra-regional trading
Other trading methods
Secrets of trading
Time equals ISK
Smaller is better
Be multi-regional
Don't be a one-way trader
Think outside the box
7. I Can Has Friends
Why join a player corporation?
What to look for
How to find a corp
Career benefits of a corporation
Mining foreman links
The Orca
Mining capital, the Rorqual
Mission Running and Incursions
8. The Geek Stuff
Industrial ships
Mining skills
Mission running skills
Manufacturing skills
Industry skills
Trade skills
Research skills
Planetary interaction skills
Contracting skills
Mining lasers
Standard lasers
Deep Core Mercoxit lasers
Strip miners
Ice miners
Gas cloud harvesters
Ore types and mineral yields
Ore types
Ore variants
Refining mineral yield
NPC damage types
Mission agents locations
Epic arc mission agents
Faction ship agents
Data center agents
Data interfaces
Planetary Command Center upgrade levels
Web resources