


Mac Application Development by Example: Beginner's Guide电子书

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6人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Robert Wiebe

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:72.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a beginners guide that teaches the topic using a learn by example method. This book is for people who are programming beginners and have a great idea for a Mac OS X app and need to get started.

Mac Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide

Table of Contents

Mac Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide


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1. Our First Program – SimpleCalc

Locating developer tools

Time for action - Installing the Xcode App

What just happened?

Working with projects

Time for action - creating the SimpleCalc Xcode project

What just happened?

Understanding the Xcode project template

Time for action – examine the items in the project navigator

What just happened?

Configuring an Xcode project

Time for action - configuring the SimpleCalc Xcode project

What just happened?

Have a go hero – make your own icon

Running an App

Time for action – run the SimpleCalc App

What just happened?

Customizing an Xcode template's interface

Time for action – creating the SimpleCalc interface

What just happened?

Customizing an Xcode template's implementation

Time for action – implement the SimpleCalc behavior

What just happened?

Building an App

Time for action – building and installing the SimpleCalc App

What just happened?


2. Debugger – Finding and Fixing Problems

The Debug area in Xcode

Time for action – displaying the Debug area in Xcode

What just happened?

The Debug area appears on its own

Time for action - integer division by zero

What just happened?

Examining variable values in the debugger

Time for action – examining a variable value

What just happened?

Unexpected App behavior – no debugger?

Time for action – index out of range

What just happened?

Using breakpoints to get more information from Xcode

Time for action – set a breakpoint

What just happened?


3. System Preferences – NewDefaults

Understanding preference panes

The transition to 64 bit from 32 bit

Creating an Xcode preference pane project

Time for action – creating the NewDefaults Xcode project

What just happened?

Configuring an Xcode preference pane project

Time for action – customizing the icon and copyright

What just happened?

Have a go hero – making our own icon

Customizing the preference pane template interface

Time for action – creating the NewDefaults interface

What just happened?

Customizing the preference pane Xcode template's .h implementation

Time for action – completing the NewDefaults.h interface definition

What just happened?

Customizing the preference pane Xcode template's .m implementation

Time for action – completing the NewDefaults.m implementation

What just happened?

Implementing the readDefaults:forKey: method

Time for action – writing the readDefaults:forKey: program code

What just happened?

Implementing the didSelect: method

Time for action – writing the didSelect: program code

What just happened?

Implementing themyButtonAction: method

Time for action – writing the myButtonAction: program code

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding some warning text


4. Business Application – Global Currency Converter

Designing the GUI for global currency converter

Time for action – creating our project and GUI

What just happened?

Have a go hero – configuring the Xcode project and icon

Connecting the GUI to program elements

Time for action – connecting the App Delegate to the GUI

What just happened?

What is an XML file?

Format of the XML file we will download

Time for action – downloading an XML file

What just happened?

Parsing an XML document

Time for action – parsing the XML Document

What just happened?

How to invoke a background thread

Time for action – invoking a background thread

What just happened?

Managing a pop-up menu

Time for action – implementing the program code for the pop-up menu

What just happened?

Creating the Table View Interface

Time for action – configuring the table view in Interface Builder

What just happened?

Creating the table view implementation

Time for action – implementing the dataSource and delegate

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding a rate column


5. Personal Information – Numbers in the iCloud

What is iCloud?

Installing an iCloud enabled development profile

Time for action – creating and installing an iCloud enabled development profile

What just happened?

Designing the GUI for numbers in the cloud

Time for action – creating our project and GUI

What just happened?

Connecting the GUI to program elements

Time for action – connecting the App Delegate to the GUI

What just happened?

Using two tables in one window

Time for action – implementing the TableView delegate

What just happened?

Have a go hero – using two dataSource and delegate objects

Implementing the toolbar

Time for action – implementing the Toolbar delegate

What just happened?

Have a go hero – using four different target actions

Accessing iCloud

Time for action – accessing iCloud for key-value storage

What just happened?


6. Painting – Multi-finger Paint

What is multi-touch?

Implementing a custom view

Time for action – creating a GUI with a custom view

What just happened?

How to receive multi-touch events

Time for action – drawing our fingers

What just happened?

How to manage the mouse cursor

Time for action – detaching the mouse cursor from the mouse hardware

What just happened?

Performing 2D drawing in a custom view

Time for action – drawing the active strokes

What just happened?

Saving strokes

Time for action – saving the strokes

What just happened?

Have a go hero – implementing a Pen Down checkbox

How to receive gesture events

Time for action – handling rotate gestures

What just happened?

Have a go hero – implementing swipe to clear


7. Capturing Still Images – iSight iMage cApture App

What is Image Kit?

Adding framework to a project

Time for action – creating a project and adding the Quartz framework

What just happened?

Browsing images

Time for action – implementing the interface for browsing our pictures folder

What just happened?

Time for action – implementing the methods for browsing our Pictures folder

What just happened?

Have a go hero – placing some images in the iSight iMage cApture folder

Capturing and saving images

Time for action – capturing and saving images

What just happened?

Modifying the behavior of the Picture Taker

Time for action – drawing our fingers

What just happened?

Have a go hero – making more changes to the Picture Taker behavior

Deleting images

Time for action – deleting an image

What just happened?


8. Video Recording – iSight Recorder

What is Quicktime Kit Capture?

Previewing the video capture

Time for action – creating a project and adding the program code to preview video and audio

What just happened?

Capturing a single frame as a still image

Time for action – capturing a frame

What just happened?

Have a go hero – skipping the first frame(s)

Previewing audio capture

Time for action – capturing and saving images

What just happened?

Capturing a movie to disk

Time for action – capturing a Quicktime movie

What just happened?

Have a go hero – replacing literals with symbols

Capturing compressed movies to disk

Time for action – saving a compressed movie

What just happened?


9. Video Recording – Full Screen iSight Recorder

What is the full screen mode?

Enabling the full screen mode

Time for action – enabling full screen mode in iSight Recorder

What just happened?

Disabling auto layout

Time for action – using the traditional layout model

What just happened?

Modifying our user interface to take advantage of full screen

Time for action – refining how we enter and exit full screen

What just happened?

Time for action – refining text colors

What just happened?

Time for action – refining controls using fading

What just happened?

Have a go hero – implementing a textColor getter for NSButton

Customizing the full screen window size

Time for action – adding a full screen window that has depth

What just happened?

Have a go hero – playing with the border define

Customizing the full screen animation

Time for action – customizing the full screen animation

What just happened?

Have a go hero – creating your own custom animation


10. Sharing Our App with Others – Becoming a Mac Developer

What is the Mac developer program?

What are the benefits of joining the Mac developer program?

Access to Development Videos, including World Wide Developer Conferences sessions

Access to the Mac OS X Developer Library

Access to the Apple bug reporter system

Access to pre-release (beta) software

The opportunity to join a paid developer program

Access to developer forums

Code level technical support

Access to iCloud services

A developer ID for gatekeeper

The ability to distribute our App through the Mac App store

Step by step developer program sign up

Time for action – joining the Mac developer program

What just happened?

More developer tools

Time for action – accessing the online developer tools

What just happened?

What is code signing?

What is Gatekeeper?

Signing an App with a Developer ID

Time for action – signing an App with our Developer ID

What just happened?



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