


Learning Adobe Connect 9电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Milo? Vu?eti?

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:44.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Written in an engaging, easy-to-follow style, Learning Adobe Connect 9 is a practical guide that will help you master the use of this web conferencing platform and its most important features. This book is ideal for users who would like to start utilizing Adobe Connect for web meetings, e-learning, and webinars. Those who are looking to learn Connect and get up to speed with using all of its features would find this book extremely useful.

Learning Adobe Connect 9

Table of Contents

Learning Adobe Connect 9


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1. Starting with Adobe Connect Application

The basics of Connect meetings

Logging in to the Connect application

The user interface of the Connect application

The Main Menu area

The Shortcut Menu area

The Main area


2. Creating an Adobe Connect Meeting Room

Meeting room roles

The Meeting Management page

Shared Meeting

User Meetings

My Meetings

Meeting Dashboard

The Enter Meeting Information page

The Meeting Information section

The Select Participants page

Example 1 – granting administrators group participant permission

Example 2 – granting presenter permission to a specific user

The Send Invitations page

The user interface of the Send Invitations page


3. Managing Adobe Connect Meeting Room

The Meeting Information page

The Edit Information page

The Edit Participants page

Example 1 – changing roles

Example 2 – removing a user

Example 3 – adding a specific user

The Meeting Invitations page

The Uploaded Content page

The Meeting Recordings page

The Meeting Reports page


4. Customizing the Viewing Experience

Meeting room templates

Information preserved in a template

Creating a meeting room template

Converting a meeting room into a template

Applying a template to a new meeting

Customizing the login page, central page, and meeting appearance

How to customize the central page

How to customize the login page

How to customize the meeting room look


5. The Content Library

Working with library files and folders

The supported file types in the Content library

Uploading content to the Content library

Viewing content in the Content library

Permission settings in the Content library


6. Meeting Room Overview

Meeting room main menu navigation features





Keyboard shortcuts and navigating between pods

Shortcuts for audio and recordings

Shortcuts for attendee management

Shortcuts for dialog boxes

Managing attendees through the Attendees pod

Example 1 – changing user roles

Example 2 – removing participants

Example 3 – editing participant names

Example 4 – granting enhanced participant rights

Example 5 – changing meeting attendee status

Using Presenter Only Area

Using Prepare Mode


7. Sharing Presentations

The Share pod

Presentation toolbar options

Navigation through presentations


8. Using a Whiteboard Feature in the Meeting Room

Create and display a whiteboard

Standalone whiteboard

Adding an overlay whiteboard in a share pod

Whiteboard drawing tools

The Shapes tool

The Selection tool

The Pencil tool

The Text tool

The Delete Selected button

The Undo button

The Redo button


9. Using Screen Sharing

Starting screen sharing

Desktop sharing

Changing control of a shared screen

Applications and window sharing

Systray sharing options

Share pod preferences


10. Customizing Pod Display

The Pods menu description

The pod's Preferences dialog

Managing pods

Organize pods


11. Customizing and Saving Layouts

Creating layouts

Managing layouts

Changing and managing layouts during a meeting

Specifying layout bar options


12. Recording Adobe Connect Meetings

Recording a meeting

Managing meeting recordings

Deleting recordings

Moving recordings

Enabling recordings for public viewing

Editing recording information

Playing back a recorded meeting

Editing recorded meeting

Creating an offline recording


13. Sharing Files, Polls, and Web Links

The file share pod

Uploading a file

Downloading a file

Removing a file

Renaming a file

The poll pod

Creating a poll

Showing voting results

Editing polls

The web links pod

Adding link

Displaying a web page

Renaming a link or changing a link's URL

Removing a link


14. Managing Text Messages and Questions

Chat pod

Notes pod

Q&A pod


15. Using Audio and Video

Using audio conferencing

Using integrated adapters

Creating and using an audio profile

Editing or deleting an audio profile

Associating an audio profile with a meeting

Starting an audio conference

Starting meeting audio

Joining an audio conference

Managing audio within meetings

Adjusting audio quality

Using video pods

Sharing a video


16. Using Breakout Rooms

Defining breakout rooms and assigning members

Beginning a breakout session

Communication within breakout session

Ending a breakout session

Sharing breakout room content in the main room

Reopening breakout rooms



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