


OpenNebula 3 Cloud Computing电子书

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作       者:Giovanni Toraldo

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:225.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This is a step-by-step practical guide to get you started easily with openNebula. It guides you to build, maintain, and configure your cloud infrastructure, providing real-world examples in a simple and coherent manner. If you are a GNU/Linux system administrator with no experience with virtualization or cloud computing but eager to learn about it, or you are thwarted by your current virtualized infrastructure, this book is for you. You are expected to have some basic knowledge of GNU/Linux, with knowledge of basic package management tools and system configuration.

OpenNebula 3 Cloud Computing

Table of Contents

OpenNebula 3 Cloud Computing



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1. OpenNebula and Why it Matters?

The core features

Standing on the shoulders of the giants







2. Building Up Your Cloud

Typical cloud hardware



Disk and RAID

Network card

Book conventions

Basic OS installation and partitioning

Commonly required configurations

Frontend software requirements

Host software requirements

Image Repository and storage


The oneadmin user

OpenNebula installation through sources

Ruby dependencies

OpenNebula installation through pre-built packages

Basic OpenNebula configuration

SSH public-key authentication

One daemon per oneadmin user

Self-contained installations

First start of oned

OpenNebula frontend configuration

MySQL backend configuration

Virtual network configuration

Image Repository configuration

Information Manager driver configuration

Virtualization Manager driver configuration

Transfer Manager driver configuration

Image Manager driver configuration

Hook system configuration

Managing users and groups

Local and remote user login

Creating custom groups with custom ACLs



3. Hypervisors

Configuring hosts

The oneadmin account and passwordless login

Verifying the SSH host fingerprints

Configuring a simple DNS with dnsmasq

Configuring sudo

Configuring network bridges

Managing hosts in OpenNebula

Networking drivers

Configuring the fw support

Configuring the ebtables support

KVM installation

Enabling kernel samepage merging

Using an updated kernel in Ubuntu Lucid

The Xen installation

Installing on Debian Squeeze through standard repositories

Installing Xen through sources

A suitable kernel with dom0 support – Debian Squeeze

A suitable Kernel with dom0 support – Oneiric backport

Checking if your current kernel has Xen support

Building a custom kernel with dom0 and domU support

Autoloading necessary modules

Onehost create for Xen hosts

Installing VMware ESXi

Required software on the frontend

Installing Libvirt with ESX support

Adding a oneadmin user with privileges


4. Choosing Your Storage Carefully

How a transfer manager works

Non-shared storage through SSH/CP

Non-shared storage scripts

Shared storage through NFS on the frontend

Shared storage through NFS using NAS/SAN

Shared storage scripts

Shared storage through distributed file systems

Shared storage through GlusterFS

GlusterFS hardware requirements

GlusterFS server installation

Setting up a GlusterFS volume

Starting a GlusterFS volume

Accessing GlusterFS data

Tuning volume options

Operations on volume

Self-heal on replicated volumes

Overview of GlusterFS integration with OpenNebula

Shared Storage through MooseFS

MooseFS hardware requirements

MooseFS server installation through sources

MooseFS server installation through PPA

MooseFS master configuration

MooseFS chunkserver configuration

MooseFS metalogger configuration

Master takeover with metalogger data

MooseFS client mounting

NFS fallback mount through unfs3

MooseFS web interface

Setting goals and fault tolerance

Setting trash time and access to the trash bin

Making snapshots

MooseFS OpenNebula integration


5. Being Operational—Everything Starts Here!

Launch a test instance—ttylinux

Managing the virtual networks

Template for ranged networks

Template for fixed networks

Submitting and managing a network template

Managing the disk images

Template for operating system images

Template for datablock images

Template for CDROMs

Specific image handling for VMware

Submitting a new disk image

Changing attributes of submitted templates

Managing virtual machines

Virtual machine life-cycle

Managing the instances

The virtual machine template

The capacity section

The OS and boot options section

The disks section

The network section

The I/O devices section

The placement section

The context section

The RAW section

Simple examples

KVM example

Xen HVM example

Xen pygrub example

VMware example


The basic contextualization

The generic contextualization

The template repository


6. Web Management

Sunstone installation

Deploying Sunstone on a different machine

Configuring an SSL reverse proxy with nginx

Generating a self-signed certificate

Starting the nginx SSL proxy-machine

First log in



Virtual machines

VM Templates

Virtual Networks






7. Health and Monitoring

Checking the status of the available hosts

Host monitoring and failure recovery hooks

VM monitoring and failure recovery hooks

A custom hook: e-mail notification for each failure

Expanding data collected by the IM

Temperature attribute

Load average attribute

What is Ganglia?

Ganglia architecture and deployment on the frontend

Ganglia Monitoring Daemon (gmond)

Multicast configuration

Unicast configuration

Metric modules configuration

How to use a gmetric script

How to use a gmond Python module

Ganglia Meta Daemon (gmetad)

Ganglia PHP web frontend

Deploying gmond on the remaining hosts

Multiple Ganglia cluster configuration (for VMs)

Ganglia PHP web frontend usage

Ganglia integration with OpenNebula IM

Pointing to the local gmond

Setting cron for updating VM information

Adding new hosts using im_ganglia

Web interface glitch fix

Sending alerts when a metric reaches a user limit


8. Hybrid Cloud Computing: Extending OpenNebula

Why use an external Cloud provider?

What is AWS

How EC2 works

EC2 Locations (Regions and Availability Zones)

Instance types by purchasing options

Instance types by size

Available Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

BitNami AMIs

AWS signup and first login

Free usage tier

Requirements for using EC2 in OpenNebula

Setting up an SSH Key Pair

Setting up an X.509 Certificate

Downloading and configuring Amazon EC2 API Tools

OpenNebula configuration

IM_EC2 configuration

VMM_EC2 default template attributes configuration

EC2 API Tools configuration

Adding the first EC2 host

Known Limitations

Launching the first VM instance on EC2

EBS Snapshots

Creating a new AMI from a snapshot

A more complex template example

Using Elastic IP addresses

Multi-region (or provider) support

Windows instances

Retrieving password from the command line

Retrieving password from Management Console

Adding storage to a running instance

Mounting an EBS volume on Linux-based instances

Mounting an EBS volume on Windows-based instances

Moving data around different AZ

A very simple EBS backup script

Monitoring active instances


9. Public Cloud Computing and High Availability with OpenNebula

Setting up the EC2 Query interface

Installing econe-server

Configuring econe-server

Starting and stopping econe-server

Using the EC2 Interface

EC2 example user session

ElasticFox example user session

OCCI Interface

Setting up the OCCI interface

Installing occi-server

Configuring occi-server

Configuring OCCI VM and network templates

Starting and stopping occi-server

Using the OCCI interface

OCCI example user session

Updating the already submitted resources

OpenNebula Zones and VDC

Why Zones?

Why VDC?

Setting up oZones server

Configuring the Apache2 reverse-proxy

Configuring ozones-server

Managing the zones

Adding a new zone

Managing Virtual Data Centers

Adding a new VDC

Sharing hosts between VDCs

Adding or removing hosts in a VDC

Using a VDC

Command line access

Sunstone access

Using the oZones GUI



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