


Moodle 2 for Teaching 7-14 Year Olds Beginner’s Guide电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Mary Cooch

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:60.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series. Written in a friendly tone, the book starts at the very beginning with a blank Moodle page and you are taken step by step through the most useful features of Moodle, helped with many illustrative screenshots. This book is for regular, non-technical teachers of pre-teen or early teenage children. It assumes no prior knowledge of Moodle and no particular expertise on the web. Classroom assistants may also find this book a very useful resource. We will assume that you have an installation of Moodle managed by somebody else, so you are responsible only for creating and delivering course content.

Moodle 2 for Teaching 7-14 Year Olds

Table of Contents

Moodle 2 for Teaching 7-14 Year Olds


About the Author

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What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action — heading

What just happened?

Have a go hero — heading

Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Getting Started

First impressions

Time for action — customizing our course page

What just happened?

Making changes on the course page

Getting the best out of the side blocks

Time for action — moving, adding, and deleting blocks

What just happened?

Useful and less useful blocks

Have a go hero — get the right choice of blocks for your course!

Making our own side blocks in Moodle

Time for action — configuring an HTML block

What just happened?

Customizing the middle section

Using the text editor

Have a go hero — give titles to each section of your course

What just happened?

Brightening up the course page with images

Time for action — uploading images to our Moodle page

What just happened?

What if you don't have any good images on your computer?

Have a go hero — add an image to your HTML block

Adding links to other websites in Moodle

Time for action — making a click here link to a website

What just happened?


2. Adding Worksheets and Resources

Putting a worksheet on Moodle

Time for action — uploading a factsheet on to Moodle

What just happened?

Have a go hero — putting a slideshow onto Moodle

What can you pick from the File picker?

Putting a week's worth of slideshows into Moodle

Time for action — getting a whole folder of work into Moodle in one go

What just happened?

Making a 'click here' type link to the River Thames website

Have a go hero — linking to a website

Recap—where do we stand now?

Making a multimedia worksheet about flooding, directly in Moodle

Time for action — typing our flooding worksheet straight into Moodle

What just happened?

Online worksheets—some ideas to consider

Making our page look prettier

Time for action — improving the look of our course page

What just happened?

Have a go hero — move the label!


3. Getting Interactive

How do we do all this?

Getting our class to reflect and discuss

Time for action — setting up a discussion forum on Moodle

What just happened?

How do we moderate the forum?

Why use a forum?

Carrying on the conversation in real time—outside of school

Time for action — setting up a chat room in Moodle

What just happened?

Why use chat? (and why not?)

Making our own class Glossary

Time for action — getting students to create their own Glossary

What just happened?

Showcasing the plans in a database

Time for action — setting up a database

What just happened?

How far have we come?

Giving our class a chance to vote

Time for action — giving students a chance to choose a winner

What just happened?

Have a go hero — getting the class to give us feedback

Why use Choice?

Announcing the winner

Writing creatively in Moodle

Time for action — setting up an online creative writing exercise

What just happened?

Time for action — marking students' work on Moodle

What just happened?

Other ways to set and mark work in Moodle

Have a go hero — mark their campsite design

Collaborative story-telling

Time for action — getting our class to work together on an online story

What just happened?


4. Self-marking Quizzes

Forget the paper

Hot potatoes—cool learning

Time for action — getting a program to create our self-marking activities

What just happened?

Time for action — matching rivers to continents with the JMatch Hot Potato

What just happened?

Have a go hero — make the rivers and continents into a drag-and-drop activity

Time for action — getting our matching activity into Moodle

What just happened?

Consolidating knowledge with Hot Potatoes activities

Time for action — creating a self-marking gap-fill exercise

What just happened?

Have a go hero — make differentiated exercises for students with mixed abilities

Time for action — making a self-marking crossword exercise

What just happened?

Time for action — making a self-marking mixed up words exercise

What just happened?

Time for action — making a self-marking multiple-choice quiz

What just happened?

How can we save the scores in Moodle

Words of warning

Adding pictures, sound, or video to our self-marking exercises

Making an assessment test with a Moodle quiz

Time for action — setting up a Moodle quiz as test on rivers and continents

What just happened?

The quiz question screen

Time for action — making a multiple-choice question

Have a go hero — Jazz up the question with an image!

What just happened?

Have a go hero — making a true/false question

Time for action — adding a video to a Matching question

What just happened?

Have a go hero — Add a sound file to a quiz question

Previewing and using our Moodle assessment test

Other types of questions


5. Games

Making an Alien Abduction (hangman) game

Time for action — finding and making the Alien Abduction game

What just happened?

Have a go hero — adding a link to our game in Moodle

Time for action — showing just the game without the web page

What just happened?

Garbage in the bins—making a sorting exercise

Time for action — finding and making the bin game

What just happened?

Have a go hero(1) — adding a link to a file (our game) in Moodle

Have a go hero(2) — embedding the game into a Moodle page

Bish Bash Bosh—a differentiation game with a hammer!

Time for action — finding and creating the Bish Bash Bosh game

What just happened?

Time for action — uploading and displaying our game on Moodle

What just happened?

Have a go hero — make a wheel of fortune game

Making a Monster memory game from Languages Online

Time for action — downloading Memory Game Maker

What just happened?

Time for action — creating our memory game

What just happened?

Have a go hero(1) — upload the game to Moodle

Have a go hero(2) — create a different type of game

I know what you're thinking!

Fling the Teacher—making a Moodle-marked homework

Time for action — finding and setting up Fling the Teacher

What just happened?

Time for action — creating a Fling the Teacher game

What just happened?

Time for action — getting our game to work in Moodle's gradebook

Have a go hero — playing the game


6. Multimedia

Making a sound recording to put into Moodle

Time for action — getting Audacity

What just happened?

Time for action — setting up to record

What just happened?

Have a go hero — recording audio

Improving the recording and involving our class

Time for action — getting rid of the coughs and giggles

What just happened?

Time for action — adding background music

What just happened?

Time for action — saving our recording

What just happened?

Have a go hero — displaying our MP3 file on Moodle

Time for action — displaying the audio file in a player on the page

What just happened?

Making a film to put into Moodle

What can we use to make our movie?

Getting Windows Movie Maker

Time for action — creating our movie

Have a go hero — adding photos to the movie and testing it out

What just happened?

Improving our movie with effects and sound

Time for action — adding special effects to our movie

Have a go hero — make your movie zoom in and change color!

Time for action — adding sound to our movie

What just happened?

Getting the sound to match our images

Adding the finishing touches to make our movie ready for Moodle

Time for action — adding our opening credits

What just happened?

Have a go hero — adding our closing credits

Time for action — saving and uploading the movie into Moodle

Have a go hero — displaying our movie in Moodle


7. Wonderful Web 2.0

Web 2.0 words of warning

Getting the pupils to blog!

Time for action — adding the blog menu block so we can blog inside our course

What just happened?

Time for action — introducing our project with a blog entry

What just happened?

Words of warning

Have a go hero — commenting on our pupils' blogs

Putting a map onto Moodle

Time for action — how to display a Google Map on our course page

What just happened?

Words of warning

Introducing the project with a cartoon character

Time for action — creating a moving and a talking teacher

What just happened?

Have a go hero — put your Voki onto Moodle!

Words of warning

Telling our story through an online picture book

Time for action — signing up and making our picture book

What just happened?

Have a go hero — add our online picture book to Moodle

Have a go hero — setting up our Moodle Storybird forum

Summarizing our project in a word cloud

Time for action — making a Wordle word cloud

What just happened?

Have a go hero — getting our students to send us their Wordle word clouds

Words of warning


8. Practicalities

Miss, I can't do the homework because I haven't got Word at home!

Time for action — getting a free alternative to Microsoft Office

What just happened?

Have a go hero — giving our students an alternative to Microsoft Office

Choosing the best file type for Moodle

Time for action — saving a Rivers homework as a .pdf file for ease of access on Moodle

What just happened?

Have a go hero — convert a PowerPoint to a PDF and upload it to Moodle

Making it easier for our students to view our slideshows

Time for action — getting a program that displays our interactive presentations

What just happened?

Time for action — saving our slideshow so that everyone can see it

What just happened?

Have a go hero — uploading and displaying our new slideshow in Moodle

Making sure that all of our images look correct on Moodle

Time for action — getting a program to help us edit images for Moodle

What just happened?

Time for action — resizing a single photo to display on Moodle

What just happened?

Have a go hero — proving the importance of resizing images!

Time for action — re-sizing several photos, all in one go

What just happened?

Showing YouTube videos on Moodle when YouTube is banned

Time for action — how to download a YouTube video to use on Moodle

What just happened?

Using Moodle on your i-devices

What's good

What's not so good


9. Advanced Tips and Tricks

Using Moodle to get our students to make decisions

Time for action — creating a decision-making exercise (DME)

What just happened?

Have a go hero — carry on decision making!

Time for action — finishing and viewing our DME

Getting feedback from our students

Time for action — setting up a feedback activity at the end of our course

What just happened?

Controlling the learning path with Conditional Activities

Time for action — scheduling conditional activities (1)

What just happened?

Time for action — scheduling conditional activities (2)

What just happened?

Time for action — scheduling conditional activities (3)

What just happened?

Time for action — finalizing conditional activities

What just happened?

Have a go hero — set this up in your course?

Finishing off—what else can Moodle do for me?

Making our course home page look more like a web page

Have a go hero — source and resize suitable images for each topic section

Time for action — adding image links to our topic sections

What just happened?

Time for action — putting our activities into web pages

What just happened?

Time for action — link the topic page to its image

Have a go hero — link the other topics to their images

Concealing our activities to make our course page neater

Time for action — making our course page look more like a web page

What just happened?



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