


Microsoft Silverlight 5 and Windows Azure Enterprise Integration电子书

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作       者:David Burela

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:134.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a step-by-step tutorial that shows you how to obtain the necessary toolset to create and run Silverlight Enterprise Applications on Azure. The book also covers techniques, practical tips, hints, and tricks for Silverlight interactions with Azure. Each topic is written in an easy-to-read style, with a detailed explanation given and then practical step-by-step exercises with a strong emphasis on real-world relevance. If you are an application developer who wants to build and run Silverlight Enterprise applications using Azure storage, WCF Services, and ASP providers, then this book is for you. You should have a working knowledge of Silverlight and Expression Blend. However, knowledge of Azure is not required since the book covers how to integrate the two technologies in detail.

Microsoft Silverlight 5 and Windows Azure Enterprise Integration

Table of Contents

Microsoft Silverlight 5 and Windows Azure Enterprise Integration


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1. Getting Started


Visual Studio 2010

Web platform installer

Useful tools

Official Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio

Azure Storage Explorer

Expression Blend

Silverlight Toolkit

Telerik Silverlight controls

Silverlight Spy


Creating a Windows Azure account

Deploying to Windows Azure from Visual Studio 2010

Creating the hosting service

Creating the storage account

Deploying applications onto Azure servers

Creating certificates to authenticate deployment


2. Introduction to Windows Azure

Windows Azure

Main components of Windows Azure

Windows Azure compute services

Role types

Example usage of roles

Compute fabric

Things to be aware of when working with role instances

Compute instance sizes

Windows Azure storage services

SQL Azure

Windows Azure AppFabric

Developing applications locally


3. Hosting Silverlight Applications in Azure

Combining Silverlight and Windows Azure projects

Creating a Silverlight or Azure solution

Running an Azure application on the Azure compute emulator

Consuming an Azure-hosted WCF service within a Silverlight application

Configuring the number of web roles


4. Using Azure Queues with Silverlight

Fundamentals of Azure storage services

Accessing storage services through REST APIs

Accessing storage services with storage client library

Using shared keys to access storage services

Collocation of storage and computer services

Local storage emulator

Azure Storage Queue service

Queue service operations

Using queues for application scalability

Message durability

Queuing work from a Silverlight application

Handling poison messages


5. Accessing Azure Blob Storage from Silverlight

Azure Blob storage

Available commands

Behind the scenes

Creating, listing, and displaying files with Silverlight

Generating files with a web role and displaying in Silverlight

Retrieving and displaying the files from Azure Blob storage in Silverlight

Using the shared access signatures to upload from Silverlight

The Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Benefits of using CDN with Silverlight

Enabling the CDN on an Azure storage account

Location of CDN edge nodes


6. Storing Data in Azure Table Storage from Silverlight

Azure Table storage

Accessing Azure Table storage

Querying Azure Table storage

Under the covers


Flexible schema

Concurrency and transactions

Azure Table storage versus SQL Azure


So which one should you choose

Using Azure Table storage from Silverlight

Interacting with Table storage and creating a WCF service

Creating the Silverlight application


7. Relational Data with SQL Azure and Entity Framework

SQL Azure

SQL Azure versus Table storage

Underlying architecture

Sharding data with SQL Azure Federations

What Entity Framework is

Development options

Using SQL Azure in Silverlight

Configuring SQL Azure

Creating the Entity Framework model

Creating the WCF service

Creating the Silverlight application


8. RIA Services and SQL Azure

RIA Services


Querying a domain service

Tracking changes

RIA Services toolkit

Using Silverlight with RIA Services, SQL Azure, and Entity Framework

Configuring SQL Azure


Domain service

Creating the first Silverlight screen

Using a Domain Data Source to access data

Paging, sorting, filtering, and child objects

Under the covers of RIA services


9. Exposing OData to Silverlight Applications


Value for the enterprise

Accessing data

URI construction

OData versus RIA Services

Consuming OData services

Using Internet Explorer

OData Explorer

Using Silverlight

Consuming OData on other platforms

Sharing data by using OData

Creating your own OData services

RIA Services domain service with Entity Framework and SQL Azure

WCF Data Services with SQL Azure


10. Web-scale Considerations

Asynchronous processing and componentization

Naive website example

Asynchronous website example

CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)

Additional resources

Implementing CQRS with Azure

Globalizing your applications


11. Application Authentication

Windows Identity Foundation and Azure Access Control Service

ASP.NET providers

Using the SQL Azure provider

Using the Azure Storage provider

Windows authentication


12. Using Azure AppFabric Caching to Improve Performance

Data caching

Caching lifecycle

Caching issues

Azure AppFabric caching

Caching raw data in AppFabric

Provisioning the AppFabric cache service

Creating the RIA Services application

Implementing caching

ASP.NET session caching



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