


XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide – Visual Basic Edition电子书

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作       者:Kurt Jaegers

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:133.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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This book is a step-by-step tutorial that includes complete source code for all of the games covered. It adopts an engaging style to teach all the game development concepts. Each block of code is explained, and game development concepts are diagrammed and covered in detail. Each game begins with a concept de*ion and concludes with suggestions for expanding on the finished game. If you are an aspiring game developer who wants to take a shot at creating games for the Microsoft Windows platform with the XNA Framework, then this book is for you. Using this book, you can get started with creating games without any game development experience. A basic knowledge of Visual Basic would be needed to kickstart your game development.

XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example – Visual Basic Edition Beginner's Guide

Table of Contents

XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example – Visual Basic Edition Beginner's Guide


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What this book covers

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Time for action – heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz – heading

Have a go hero – heading

Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code and colored images




1. Introducing XNA Game Studio

Overview of the games

System requirements

Installing XNA Game Studio

Time for action – installing XNA Game Studio

What just happened?

Building your first game

Time for action – creating a new Windows game project

What just happened?

Anatomy of an XNA game

The declarations area

Time for action – adding variables to the class declaration area

What just happened?

The Game1 class constructor

The Initialize() method

Time for action – customizing the Initialize() method

What just happened?

The LoadContent() method

Time for action – creating the squareTexture

What just happened?

The Update() method

Time for action – coding Update() for SquareChase

What just happened?

The Draw() method

Time for action – draw SquareChase!

What just happened?

Time for action – play SquareChase!

What just happened?

Have a go hero


2. Flood Control – Underwater Puzzling

Designing a puzzle game

Time for action – setting up the Flood Control project

What just happened?

Introducing the Content Pipeline

Time for action – reading textures into memory

What just happened?

Sprites and sprite sheets

Classes used in Flood Control

The GamePiece class

Identifying a GamePiece

Time for action – build a GamePiece class - declarations

What just happened?

Creating a GamePiece

Time for action – building a GamePiece class – constructors

What just happened?

Updating a GamePiece

Time for action – GamePiece class methods – part 1 – updating

Rotating pieces

Time for action – GamePiece class methods – part 2 – rotation

What just happened?

Pipe connectors

Time for action – GamePiece class methods – part 3 – connection methods

What just happened?

Sprite sheet coordinates

Time for action – GamePiece class methods – part 4 – GetSourceRect

What just happened?

The GameBoard class

Time for action – creating the GameBoard.cs class

What just happened?

Creating the game board

Time for action – initializing the game board

What just happened?

Updating GamePieces

Time for action – manipulating the GameBoard

What just happened?

Filling in the gaps

Time for action – filling in the gaps

What just happened?

Generating new pieces

Time for action – generating new pieces

What just happened?

Water-filled pipes

Time for action – water in the pipes

What just happened?

Propagating water

Time for action – making the connection

What just happened?

Building the game


Time for action – Game1 declarations

What just happened?


Time for action – updating the Initialize() method

What just happened?

The Draw() method – the title screen

Time for action – drawing the screen – the title screen

What just happened?

The Draw() method – the play screen

Time for action – drawing the screen – the play screen

What just happened?

Keeping score

Time for action – scores and scoring chains

What just happened?

Input handling

Time for action – handling mouse input

What just happened?

Letting the player play!

Time for action – letting the player play

What just happened?

Play the game


3. Flood Control – Smoothing Out the Rough Edges

Animated pieces

Classes for animated pieces

Time for action – rotating pieces

What just happened?

Time for action – falling pieces

What just happened?

Time for action – fading pieces

What just happened?

Managing animated pieces

Time for action – updating GameBoard to support animated pieces

What just happened?

Fading pieces

Time for action – generating fading pieces

What just happened?

Falling pieces

Time for action – generating falling pieces

What just happened?

Rotating pieces

Time for action – modify Game1 to generate rotating pieces

What just happened?

Calling UpdateAnimatedPieces()

Time for action – updating Game1 to update animated pieces

What just happened?

Drawing animated pieces

Time for action – update Game1 to draw animated pieces

What just happened?

SpriteBatch overloads


Time for action – add SpriteFonts to Game1

What just happened?

Score display

Time for action – drawing the score

What just happened?


Time for action – creating the ScoreZoom class

Time for action – updating and displaying ScoreZooms

What just happened?

Adding the GameOver game state

Time for action – game over

What just happened?

The flood

Time for action – tracking the flood

What just happened?

Displaying the flood

Time for action – displaying the flood

What just happened?

Difficulty levels

Time for action – adding difficulty levels

What just happened?

Have a go hero


4. Asteroid Belt Assault – Lost in Space

Creating the project

Time for action – creating the Asteroid Belt Assault project

What just happened?

Another definition for sprite

Building the Sprite class

Time for action – declarations for the Sprite class

What just happened?

Time for action – Sprite constructor

What just happened?

Time for action – basic Sprite properties

What just happened?

Time for action – animation and drawing properties

What just happened?

Collision detection

Time for action – supporting collision detection

What just happened?

Animation and movement

Time for action – adding animation frames

What just happened?

Time for action – updating the Sprite

What just happened?

Time for action – drawing the Sprite

What just happened?

A Sprite-based star field

Time for action – creating the StarField class

What just happened?

Time for action – updating and drawing the StarField

What just happened?

Time for action – viewing the StarField in action

What just happened?

Animated sprites – asteroids

Time for action – building the AsteroidManager class

What just happened?

Positioning the asteroids

Time for action – positioning the asteroids

What just happened?

Time for action – checking the asteroid's position

What just happened?

Time for action – updating and drawing Asteroids

What just happened?

Colliding Asteroids

Time for action – bouncing Asteroids – part 1

What just happened?

Time for action – bouncing Asteroids – part 2

What just happened?

Player and enemy shots

Time for action – adding the ShotManager class

What just happened?

Time for action – firing shots

What just happened?

Time for action – updating and drawing shots

What just happened?

Adding the player

Time for action – creating the PlayerManager class

What just happened?

Handling user input

Time for action – handling user input

What just happened?

Time for action – updating and drawing the player's ship

What just happened?

Enemy ships

Time for action – creating the Enemy class

What just happened?

Time for action – waypoint management

What just happened?

Time for action – enemy update and draw

What just happened?

The EnemyManager class

Time for action – creating the EnemyManager class

What just happened?

Managing waypoints

Time for action – setting up the EnemyManager class

What just happened?

Time for action – spawning enemies

What just happened?

Time for action – updating and drawing the EnemyManager

What just happened?


5. Asteroid Belt Assault – Special Effects

Explosion effects

Expanding on sprites – particles

Time for action – constructing the Particle class

What just happened?

Time for action – updating and drawing particles

What just happened?

Particle explosions

Time for action – the ExplosionManager class

What just happened?

Time for action – creating explosions

What just happened?

Time for action – updating and drawing explosions

What just happened?

The collision manager

Time for action – creating the CollisionManager class

What just happened?

Handling collisions

Time for action – player shot collisions

What just happened?

Time for action – player collisions

What just happened?

Time for action – using the CollisionManager class

What just happened?

Sound effects

Generating and finding sound effects

Sound in XNA

Time for action – building a sound effects manager

What just happened?

Time for action – using the SoundManager class

What just happened?

The game structure

Time for action – structuring the game

What just happened?

Time for action – drawing the game structure

What just happened?

Have a go hero


6. Robot Rampage – Multi-Axis Mayhem

Modules, modules, everywhere

Time for action – creating the Robot Rampage project

What just happened?

A world larger than the screen

Defining a camera

Time for action – creating the Camera class

What just happened?

World-aware sprites

Time for action – building a new Sprite class

What just happened?

Visualizing the view

Time for action – viewing the Sprite and Camera classes in action

What just happened?

The game world – tile-based maps


The tile map

Time for action – creating the TileMap module

What just happened?

Map squares

Time for action – dealing with map squares

What just happened?

Dealing with tiles

Time for action – handling tiles

What just happened?

Drawing the map

Time for action – drawing the tile map

What just happened?

Generating a random map

Time for action – random wall placement

What just happened?

Adding the player

Building the Player module

Time for action – building the Player module

What just happened?

Moving around the world

Time for action – handling input

What just happened?

Staying in bounds

Time for action – staying in bounds

What just happened?

Running into tiles

Time for action – accounting for walls

What just happened?


7. Robot Rampage – Lots and Lots of Bullets

Visual effects

Revisiting particles

Time for action – the Particle class

What just happened?

The EffectsManager class

Time for action – the EffectsManager module

What just happened?

Time for action – building explosions

What just happened?

Time for action – spark effects

What just happened?

Adding weaponry

The WeaponManager

Time for action – beginning the WeaponManager module

What just happened?

Weapon upgrades

Time for action – new weapons

What just happened?

Shot to map collisions

Time for action – shots colliding with tiles

What just happened?


Time for action – power-ups

What just happened?

We still have a problem...


The A* Pathfinding algorithm

Implementing A*

Time for action – the PathNode class

What just happened?

Time for action – beginning the implementation of A*

What just happened?

Time for action – finding the path

What just happened?

Time for action – adjacent squares

What just happened?

Safely placing power-ups

Time for action – updating the WeaponManager class

What just happened?

Player goals

Computer terminals

Time for action – building a computer terminal

What just happened?

Spawning computer terminals

Time for action – the GoalManager module

What just happened?

Enemy robots

Enemy basics

Time for action – building the Enemy class

What just happened?

Moving enemies

Time for action – enemy AI methods

What just happened?

The enemy manager

Time for action – the enemy manager

What just happened?

Updating the WeaponManager

Time for action – destroying enemies

What just happened?

Game structure

Time for action – the GameManager module

What just happened?

Keeping score

Time for action – awarding points

What just happened?

Updating Game1

Time for action – updating the Game1 class

What just happened?

Have a go hero


8. Gemstone Hunter - Put on your Platform Shoes

Borrowing graphics

Time for action – creating projects

What just happened?

A more advanced tile engine

Time for action – the MapSquare class

What just happened?

Rebuilding the camera

Time for action – the Camera module

What just happened?

Constructing the Tile Engine

Time for action – the TileMap module – part 1

What just happened?

Time for action – the TileMap module – part 2

What just happened?

Drawing the Tile Map

Time for action – the TileMap module – part 3

What just happened?

Time for action – adding the tile map to the game project

What just happened?

The map editor project

Creating the map editor project

Time for action – creating the Level Editor project

What just happened?

Adding a form

Time for action – adding a form

What just happened?

Time for action – adding event handlers

What just happened?

Filling out our form

Time for action – creating the menu bar

What just happened?

Time for action – tile selection controls

What just happened?

Time for action – scroll bars

What just happened?

Time for action – final controls

What just happened?

Updating the Game1 class

Time for action – updating Game1

What just happened?

Time for action – the Game1 Update method

What just happened?

Connecting the form to the game

Time for action – completing the editor – part 1

What just happened?

Time for action – fixing the scrolling delay

What just happened?

Loading and saving maps

Time for action – implementing loading and saving

What just happened?


Map codes

One last issue

Time for action – handling the FormClosed event

What just happened?

Have a go hero


9. Gemstone Hunter—Standing on your Own Two Pixels

Animation strips

Time for action – building the AnimationStrip class

What just happened?

Animated game objects

Time for action – building the GameObject class – part 1

What just happened?

Drawing, animation, and movement

Time for action – building the GameObject class – part 2

What just happened?

Map-based collision detection

Time for action – building the GameObject class – part 3

What just happened?

The player

Time for action – creating the Player class

What just happened?


Time for action – overriding the Update() method – part 1

What just happened?

...and jumping

Time for action – overriding the Update() method – part 2

What just happened?

Staying on the screen

Time for action – repositioning the camera

What just happened?

Loading levels

The LevelManager module

Time for action – building the LevelManager module

What just happened?


Time for action – building the Gemstone class

What just happened?


Time for action – implementing score tracking

What just happened?


Time for action – summoning the zombies

What just happened?

Player-enemy interaction

Time for action – interacting with zombies

What just happened?

Level transitions

Time for action – supporting map transitions

What just happened?

Processing other codes

Time for action – handling codes

What just happened?

Game structure

Time for action – implementing game states

What just happened?

Have a go hero



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