


Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 Expert Guide电子书

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作       者:Edward J. Cody

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:307.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is written in a simple, easy to understand format with screenshots, code samples, and step-by-step explanations that will guide you through the advanced techniques used by the experts. If you are an Oracle Hyperion Interactive reporting user or developer looking to become an expert in the product, then this book is for you. You will require a basic knowledge of Interactive Reporting, as this book starts with a brief overview and then dives into advanced techniques, functions, and best practices. Beginner users should consult The Business Analyst’s Guide to Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 to gain insight on the software product.

Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 Expert Guide

Table of Contents

Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 Expert Guide


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1. Advanced Hyperion Interactive Reporting Techniques

Introduction to the Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 Expert Guide

Review of Interactive Reporting concepts

An Introduction to JavaScript in Interactive Reporting

Building simple to advanced dashboards

Advanced computations

Briefing slides and batch exports

The Central Code Repository

Optimizing and Merging

The EPM Workspace

Interactive Reporting interface and components

Review of Interactive Reporting sections

Leveraging code

Query section Computed Items

Results section Computed Items

Table section Computed Items

Pivot section Computed Items

Pivot Settings: True Totals and Surface Values

Editing Pivot Computed Items

Chart section Computed Items

Report section Computed Items

The Expression line

Document Scripts


The Scripting Interface


2. Introduction to JavaScript and the Interactive Reporting API

Introduction to objects and collections

The Script Editor

Introduction to JavaScript


Variable data types

Boolean variables

String variables

Number variables

Null variables


Associative Arrays


Decision logic

Comparison operators

Conditional statements

Logical operators


Regular expressions


3. Creating a Simple Dashboard

Dashboard planning and preparation

The BMV USA Executive Dashboard Example

Creating data-driven dashboard objects

Creating a Vertical Stack Bar chart

Creating the Chart Query

Aggregated data facts

Creating the Vertical Stack Bar chart

Setting the legend

Customizing a Vertical Stack Chart

Visually stack the bars

Maximizing chart display space

Detail-oriented formatting

Color considerations

Creating a Bar-Line chart

Creating the chart query

Limiting the Query data

Create the Bar-Line chart

Switching bar and line facts

Customizing the Bar-Line Chart

Ignoring Null Values

Turning off right values

Line properties

Customizing the grid

Displaying pivots

Creating a simple pivot

Creating the parent query

Limiting by YTD and country

Renaming Request line items

Ranking and Pivot Drill path configuration

Displaying ranked dimensions

Limiting Drill Anywhere paths

Setting the default pivot formatting

Overriding the default pivot formatting

Creating a simple dashboard

Adding dashboard objects

Adding graphics and controls

Adding custom images

Adding Hyperlinks

Basic interactivity


Configuring gauges

Gauge properties and color ranges

Live Charts

Configuring Live Charts

Live Chart properties


4. Introducing Dashboard Interactivity

Dashboard Section Objects



Creating a Master Dashboard

Placing Objects

Implementing Custom Dashboard Navigation

Scripting Internal Navigation

External Navigation

Creating Supporting Dashboard Sections

Loading Dashboard Section

Home Dashboard Section

Detail Dashboard Sections

Toggling Between Objects

Modifying Element Facts

Dynamic Section Formatting

Document Start-up Scripts

Loading Screen Script

Understanding Toolbars and Menus

Application Toolbars

Application Menus

Section Catalog

Section Title Bar

Prompting the User to Save


5. Building the Dashboard Framework

Understanding the Dashboard Framework

Framework Naming Conventions

Section Names

Variable Names

Function Names

Dashboard Shape Names

Understanding the JavaScript Workflow

Implementing the Dashboard Framework

Global Library Shapes

Global Variables

Framework Start-up Events

Initializing the Loading Screen and Document Properties

Declaring Global Library Shapes

Calling Activation Events

Activation Scripts

Setting the Document Scripts on Start-up

Understanding Document Save Options

Save Query Results With Document

Work Offline in Web Client

Compress Document

Setting Compression by Default

Password Protect Document

Password Protect Design Mode


6. Advanced Dashboard Techniques

Populating Dashboard Controls with Database-Driven Values

Querying Available Values

Appending Queries

Query Request Items

Staging the Results Set for Code

Scripting the Function

Determining the vDataName Variable

Removing All Values from a LOV

Adding a Custom LOV Value

Customizing Results Section Limits

Adding Values to the LOV Property

Scripting a Default LOV Selection

Completing the Function

Calling gfPopulateFilterLOV

Applying User-Selected Filters to Limit Data

Preparation for Dynamic Limits

Modify the Global Variables Shape

Modifying the Query and Results Sections

Applying Local Filters with JavaScript

Applying a Drop Down Control Selection to a Local Filter

Selecting All Values with a Drop Down

Selecting Filters with a Drop Down

Completing the Function

Applying List Box Selections to a Local Filter

Selecting All Values with a List Box

Selecting Filters with a List Box

Finalizing the Function

Calling Functions with a Function

Set the Function to the Dashboard Filter Object

Synchronizing User Selections across Multiple Dashboards

Synchronizing List Box Controls

Unselecting Values

Selecting Values

Synchronizing Selections

Calling the Functions


7. Advanced Data Analysis

Building Queries for Analysis

Computed Items

Building Advanced Computed Items

Building the Definition using JavaScript

Referencing Columns


Function Formatting Arguments

Additional Help


Deleting Computed Items

Report section Computed Items

Built-in Functions and Calculations

Conditional Functions

Date Manipulation

Current Date & Time

Adding Time

Identifying Specific Days

Date Conversion

Leveraging Mathematical Operations with Dates

Mathematical Operations

Numeric Operations

String Manipulation

Statistical and Trending Operations


Using JavaScript

Variables and Functions in Computed Items

Math Functions

Random Number Generation


8. Creating Briefing Slides and Executing Batch Exports

Exporting document sections

Exporting natively

Exporting a single section (code)

Export examples

ExportToStream examples

Exporting multiple sections (JavaScript code)

Briefing slides

Building the report for a briefing slide export

Export code for briefing slides

Executing batches of reports

Batch processing example

Batch processing code

Refining the batch code to remove empty results sections


9. The Central Code Repository

Understanding the Central Code Repository

Preparing the JavaScript code

Table structure

Configuring the CCR code table and query

Querying the Central Code Repository (CCR)

Creating the Query section

Renaming the Query and Results sections

Buidling the code DataModel

Building the code query

Building the Global Code Dashboard

Creating the Global Code Dashboard

Applying the code to objects

Scripting the Document Startup Event

Advanced concepts

Report Type Grouping

Enterprise Object Library

Batch Report Creation


10. Optimizing and Merging

The Dashboard Studio

Dashboard Studio: Merging sections

Merging sections example

Merging two documents into one

Merging many documents into one

Merging documents for users

Merging presentation sections for users

The Dashboard Studio Optimize Utility

Interactive Reporting Studio swap shortcuts

Filtering section types

Editing Interactive Reporting documents

Moving sections

Showing and Cap Hiding

Renaming and Deleting

Locking and Unlocking

Duplicatable and Unduplicatable

Packing section code

Moving objects and sections across Results

Moving sections across Results or Table sections

Modifying Report Dependencies

Moving Filters

Fixing corrupt files



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