


Core Data iOS Essentials电子书

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8人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:B.M.Harwani

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:235.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The book follows an unfolding example app, exploring the features and principles of Core Data as they are added to the app. The book is full of step-by-step instructions, clear explanations, and useful quick reference material. If you've already explored iOS development and maybe even dabbled with Core Data, this book will set your data-driven application development on a firm footing.

Core Data iOS Essentials

Table of Contents

Core Data iOS Essentials


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1. Overview


A brief history

Enterprise Object Framework (EOF)

Core Data

Why use Xcode?

Source code

Shall we begin?

2. Understanding Core Data

Core Data

Core Data features

Data Model





Inverse relationship

Model View Controller (MVC)

Core Data API

Persistent Store

Persistent Store Coordinator



Overview of the application: Sales Record System for a Departmental Store

Entity Relationship Diagram

An application output sample

Entering Master Product Information

Modifying the Master Product

Deleting the Master Product

Entering customer information and order details

Deleting customer information

Searching for specific customers

Searching and modifying customer information

Entering Customer Sales Information

Automatic Master Product Update


3. Understanding Objective-C Protocol and Table View


Implementing the Strategy pattern

Defining the protocol

Creating a delegate property

Declaring protocol methods

Creating a sample application using a protocol and a delegate

Adding the ViewController class for entering numerical values

Defining the protocol, outlets, and action methods in the SecondViewController.h header file

Defining the SecondViewController class and connecting controls

Invoking delegate methods from the SecondViewController.m implementation file

Declaring the delegate, outlet, and action methods in the demodelegateViewController.h header file

Defining the demodelegateViewController and connecting controls

Implementing the protocol methods in the demodelegateViewController.m file

Running the project

Introduction to Table View

Creating an application to display Table View cells

Declaring an array in the header file

Implementing UITableViewDataSource protocol methods

Adding names to the Table View

Adding the AddNameController View controller

Defining protocols, outlets, and action methods in the AddNameController.h header file

Defining the AddNameController class View and connecting controls

Invoking Delegate methods in the AddNameController.m implementation file

Invoking the AddNameController View and implementing the protocol methods

Placing and connecting the Bar Button Item control in the RootViewController


4. Designing a Data Model and Building Data Objects for Customers

Creating a new project

Designing the data model

Data Model Editor

Adding an entity

Adding an attribute property

Types of attributes

Fields applying constraints

Building data objects for the Customer entity

Understanding code of autogenerated files

Header file of Application Delegate

Implementation file of Application Delegate

applicationWillTerminate method

managedObjectContext method

managedObjectModel method

persistentStoreCoordinator method

applicationDocumentsDirectory method


5. Creating, Listing, and Deleting Names of Customers

Splitting the task into two modules

Creating a module to save and delete a customer's name

Using the ViewController class for adding the name of the customer

Defining protocol, outlets, and action methods in the header file

Defining the View of the AddNameController class and connecting controls

Invoking delegate methods from the implementation file

Declaring delegate and implementing methods for storing the name of the customers

Key value coding (KVC)

Key value methods

The -valueForKey: method

The -setValue:forKey: method


Implementing the methods of the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate protocol

The controllerWillChangeContent method

The controllerDidChangeContent method

The controller:didChangeObject method

The controller:didChangeSection method

Running the project


6. Creating, Listing, Displaying, and Deleting Records of Customers

Understanding multiple managed object context


Applying the concept of multiple managed object context in our application

Enhancing our application to save, list, display, and delete customer information

Adding the ViewController class

Defining a View for entering the customer's information and connecting controls

Coding in the implementation file for accepting the customer's information and invoking delegate methods

Adding the View Controller class for displaying the customer's information

Defining the View and writing the code in the implementation file for displaying the customer's information

Implementing the methods in the RootViewController class for storing the customer's information

viewDidLoad method

cell AtIndexPath method

didSelectRowAtIndexPath method

addCustomer method

addcustomerController method

Viewing the project


7. Updating and Searching Records of Customers

Applying the update feature

Defining a protocol in the DisplayCustomerController class

Adding Edit button to enable modifications in the View of DisplayCustomerController class

Implementing the protocol's method for storing modified customer information

Using KVO to know what has been updated

Running the project

Applying search facility

Defining outlet of UISearchBar class in the header file of the RootViewController class

Placing the Search Bar control in the View of RootViewController and specifying its delegate

Implementing delegate method in the RootViewController class to apply searching

Understanding NSPredicate

Removing the keyboard after selecting a customer's name

Using Predicate Builder for creating a search criterion

Fetched properties

Fetch request templates

Building and accessing a fetch request without a variable

Building and accessing a fetch request with a variable


8. Entering, Saving, Listing, and Deleting the Records of the Products Sold to the Customers

Adding the product entity to the Data Model


Types of relationships

One to one relationship

One to many relationship

Many to many relationship

Establishing a relationship between the Customer and the Product entities

Setting a relationship from the Customer entity to the Product entity

Delete rule

Setting a relationship from the Product entity to the Customer entity (inverse relationship)

Building the data object for the Customer and the Product entities

Understanding the role of the auto generated special methods of a relationship

Entering the information of the products sold to the customers

Creating a module to develop an interface to enter the product information

Adding a ViewController class for entering the information of the products sold to the customers

Defining the protocol, outlets, and action methods in the header file

Designing the View of the AddProductController class and connecting the controls

Invoking the delegate methods from the implementation file

Developing a module to create a menu for manipulating the product information

Adding a ViewController class to display the Product's menu to manipulate the product's information

Defining the outlets and action methods in the header file

Designing the View of a ProductInfoController class and connecting the controls

Coding in the implementation file to save, edit, and display the product's information

Creating a module to connect the Product's menu to the rest of the project

Defining the outlets and action methods in the header file

Adding a Toolbar control to the View of the DisplayCustomerController class

Coding in the implementation file to invoke the View of the ProductInfoController class

Running the project


9. Entering, Displaying, and Deleting the Stock

Adding the MasterProduct entity to the Data Model

Storing the image of the MasterProduct

Transformable data type

The Value Transformer Name: field

Creating a value transformer

Building the data object for the MasterProduct entity

Maintaining the MasterProduct information

Image Picker

Adding custom images to the Image Picker

Making an image appear within a given size

Module to develop interface to enter the information of the MasterProduct

Adding the ViewController class for entering information of the master products

Defining protocol, outlets, and action methods in the header file

Designing the View of the MasterProductController class and connecting controls

Invoking the delegate and ImagePicker methods from the implementation file

Module to create a menu for manipulating the MasterProduct information

Adding the View Controller class to display a menu for adding, editing, and displaying the MasterProducts

Defining the outlets and action methods in the header file

Designing the View of the MasterProductInfoController class and connecting controls

Coding in the implementation file to save, edit, and display the master product's information


10. Editing the Stock Information

Module to connect the MasterProduct's menu to the rest of the project

Defining outlets and action methods in the header file

Adding a Toolbar and a Bar Button Item in the RootViewController class

Coding in the implementation file to invoke the View of the MasterProductinfoController class

Making the Toolbar to appear at the bottom of the View

Running the application

Selecting the image of the master product

Deleting the master product

Module to modify the information of the master product

Adding the View Controller class to display the view to modify the selected master product

Defining the outlets and action methods in the header file

Designing the View of EditMasterProductController class

Coding in the implementation file to modify the master product's information

Importing the delegate and the View Controller class in the header file

Coding in the implementation file to invoke the View of the EditMasterProductController class


11. Displaying the Products for Sale and Updating the Stock

Displaying the products available for sale

Adding the SearchProductController class

Designing the view of SearchProductController

Coding in the SearchProductController class

Invoking the SearchProductController from the Product menu

Displaying name, price, and image of the selected product

Updating the stock

Running the project

Automatically updating the quantity of the product in the MasterProduct entity


Creating a new Data Model version


Implementing lightweight migration to our application


A. Appendix


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