


Joomla! 1.6 First Look电子书

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作       者:Eric Tiggeler

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:153.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book looks at the main functional areas of Joomla! that have significant new features. All features are explained with the help of illustrative screenshots and step-by-step instructions on how to use them.This book is for existing Joomla! users, developers, and designers who want to know about everything that's new in Joomla! 1.6.

Joomla! 1.6 First Look

Table of Contents

Joomla! 1.6 First Look


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1. Stepping Up to Joomla! 1.6

Upgrading from 1.5

Joomla! 1.5 extension compatibility

Changes for templates

When should you move to 1.6?

Migrating content from Joomla! 1.5

What's new? A quick overview

1 - Usability enhancements

A friendlier interface

The great new time-saving toolbar

2 - Working with content

The endless joy of unlimited categories

No more fiddling with menus

3 - New ways to manage user access

Do you want it simple? Keep it simple

4 - Working with extensions and templates

Updating extensions? Just lean back

Templating to your taste

SEO improvements


2. Exploring your Enhanced Workspace

Before you start: choosing a safe root user's name

Changing the root user's name after installation

Logging in to the backend

What's changed in the backend?

What's gone: no more sections

What's been added: the Users menu

What's been moved: some tools and odds and ends

User Settings and Media Settings have been moved

Five great new time-saving features

Timesaver # 1: going home in one click

Timesaver # 2: adding new items in one click

Timesaver # 3: Save & New

Using the new Save & New button

Timesaver # 4: Save as Copy

Creating dummy content using Save as Copy

Timesaver # 5: tabbed screens

One great life-saver: two-step deletion

Deleting an item

Exploring and restoring thrashed content

Permanently deleting items

Customizing the looks of the backend

Selecting another backend template

Setting the backend template to suit your taste


3. Organizing and Managing Content

Organizing content using nested categories

Improvement #1: categories can now be one level deep

Improvement #2: creating multiple category levels

Creating a set of 'nested' categories

Using nested categories in the sample data

Exploring the sample data

How can different categories look like different sites?

New category settings: notes and metadata

Adding category metadata

Fresh ways to display category contents on the frontend

New category view # 1: List All Categories

Creating a link to a site map

Tweaking the site map display

New Category View # 2: Articles Categories Module

Creating an Articles Categories module

Adding some more category listings

New Category View # 3: Articles (in) Category Module

Using the new Articles Category Module

Working with the updated article editor

Creating a link to an article

Inserting an article title as a hyperlink

Using the updated Media Manager

Enabling the Flash image uploader

Archiving articles


4. Managing Menus and Menu Modules

Goodbye to a spartan Menu Manager

The all-new tabbed Menu Manager screen

Exploring the new Menu Manager

New ways to manage and edit menus

A new shortcut to jump straight to selected menu items

A new shortcut to jump to menu module settings

Changing the menu module settings in the Menu Manager

New ways to manage and edit menu items

Filtering the list of menu items

Menu selection filter (About Joomla!)

Select Max Levels filter

Select State, Access, or Language filter

Changes in the way you assign a menu item to the homepage

New buttons to copy and move menu items

Trashing menu items

Creating or editing individual Menu Items

Choosing from new Menu Item Types

New Menu Link Item type # 1: List All Categories

New Menu Link Item type # 2: List All Contact Categories

Exploring the use of Contact Categories in the sample site

Creating a database overview using the List All Contact Categories Menu Item Type

Setting the template for an individual menu item

An overview of Menu Item Options

Layout Options

Article Options

Integration Options

Page Display Options

Metadata Options

Module Assignment for this Menu Item

Changing the module settings from the menu item


5. Managing Site Users with Access Control

What's new about the Access Control Levels system?

What are the default user groups and permissions?

The default site-wide settings

Default user groups

Public—the guest group

Registered—the user group that can log in

Author, Editor, Publisher—the frontend content team

Manager, Administrator, Super User—the backend administrators

Shop Suppliers and Customers—two sample user groups

Are there also sample users available?

Action Permissions: what users can do

Permissions are inherited

What do the available action permissions mean?

Level 1—site-wide permissions in Global Configuration

Level 2—permissions for components

Level 3—permissions for categories

Level 4—permissions for articles

Viewing Access Levels: what users can see

Wrapping up: the ingredients of ACL

ACL at work: how to control user permissions

ACL example 1: allow specific users to manage contacts

Step 1: create a user group

Step 2: tell Joomla! what the group can see and do

Step 3: add users to the group

Check if it works

ACL example 2: allow users to edit one specific article

Step 1: create a user group

Step 2: tell Joomla! what the group can see and do

Step 3: add users to the group

Check if it works

More on Access Control


6. New Flexibility in Using Templates

What's new? Finally, table-less templates

What does that clean output look like?

Why clean code is good for everybody

Introducing the tabbed Template Manager

The Styles tab: selecting templates and settings

Selecting a template

Template Styles

The Templates tab: exploring templates and editing code

Customizing templates using Template Styles

Changing the site color and layout options

Customizing the site logo

Using a text logo

Changing the header image file

Creating Template Styles to style individual pages

Creating and using a Template Style

Assigning templates from the menu item itself

Choosing a template from a menu item

Exploring and editing installed templates

What templates are available?






Previewing templates

Exploring available module positions

Editing template code

Removing the "Powered by Joomla!" text

Installing and assigning a new template


7. Unleashing the New Power of Extensions

Changes in the extensions that come with Joomla!

The new Redirect Manager

New modules to display category contents

Switching languages

No more polls

Exploring pre-installed extensions

The new Extension Manager screen

Tab 1: Install

Tab 2: Update

Tab 3: Manage

Tab 4: Discover

Tab 5: Warnings

New module features

Setting a time span for publishing modules

Creating a scheduled module

Making use of the new Note field

Assigning a module to specific menu items

Assigning a module to all pages except a few

Assigning modules from the menu item settings

Changing module settings via the Edit Menu Item screen

Displaying available module positions

Finding and downloading extensions for Joomla! 1.6


8. SEO Improvements

The SEO bonus of well structured layouts

Proper use of HTML heading elements

Adding H3 through H6 headings

Adding an alternative H1 page heading

Page Heading and Page Title—what's the difference?

Configuring HTML page titles

Setting the HTML page title

Adding the Site Name to the page title

Entering site metadata

Entering metadata for menu items, categories, and articles

Choosing what metadata to set

Using search engine friendly URLs

Adding a site map

Using the Xmap site map extension

Using the new Redirect Manager

Creating page redirects

Redirecting multiple old URLs in one go

More on SEO



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