


Alfresco 3 Records Management电子书

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作       者:Dick Weisinger

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:713.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is structured in a sequential way that walks you through the steps necessary to set up your Alfresco Records Management system. Chapters follow a logical progression with each chapter building on the knowledge and implementation details learned in earlier chapters. If you are a records manager, business analyst, or a software developer, and want to implement the Alfresco Records Management program for your organization, then this book is for you. You don't require any prior knowledge of Alfresco Share software to follow this book.

Alfresco 3 Records Management

Table of Contents

Alfresco 3 Records Management


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1. Records Management

What is a record?

What is Records Management?

Electronic Records Management

Record lifecycles

Benefits of Records Management

Records Management is about complying with legal requirements

Regulatory compliance

Authority Documents and compliance


Records Management is about ensuring accountability

Records Management is about preserving assets

Records Management is about efficiency

Records Management is about being prepared

Records Management is about coming to grips with data volumes

Records Management is about security

Records Management is about good business


2. Getting Started with the Alfresco Records Management Module

The Alfresco stack

Alfresco software

Make sure the software versions are compatible

Downloading the Alfresco software

Alfresco Community

Building from source code

Download a Community version snapshot build

Alfresco Enterprise

Installing the base Alfresco software

Running the installer

Installing Alfresco Records Management modules manually

Starting the Alfresco Repository and Share application

Starting Alfresco Share

Share dashlets

Enabling the Records Management dashlet

Adding the Records Management site

Designating the Records Management administrator

How does it work?

The Records Management AMP Files

The Records Management Console dashlet

The flow of Alfresco webscripts

The flow of the Records Management webscript dashlet

The Records Management dashlet files

The Records Management dashlet files in the MVC Pattern

The Records Management descriptor file

The Records Management dashlet controller

The Records Management dashlet view

The Records Management dashlet URL

The Records Management console client-side JavaScript

Creation of the Records Management site

Web development within Share


3. Introduction to the Alfresco Share Records Management Site

The Share environment

A brief history of Alfresco Share

Alfresco Share as a social platform

Alfresco Share and the Alfresco 3 Labs release

Alfresco Share 3.X Post-Labs release

Use cases for Alfresco Share

Team project sites

Publishing sites

Personal sites

Alfresco Share and collaboration

Share dashboards

Changing the dashboard layout

Changing the placement of dashboard dashlets

Changing site dashboards

Site pages

Configuring site page navigation

Share themes

Share collaboration

Collaboration tools

Project-based collaboration data

The Records Management site

The site dashboard

The File Plan

The File Plan toolbar

Left navigation panel

Records search

Site members

Administration of site members

How does it work?

Share configuration files

Repository property files

Customizing bean files

Share bean configuration

Client debug settings

Available aspects list

Available content types

Access to the complete Alfresco repository from Share

Records Management configuration

Server log configuration file


Preset dashboard configurations

Preset dashboard layout

Preset dashboard dashlets

Modifying the preset dashboard configurations

Persistence of dashboard configurations

Using the Node Browser to find persisted dashboard data

AVM Store Share component nodes

AVM Store Share page nodes

Modifying existing user dashboards

Programmatically accessing persisted dashboard data

Creating a new Share theme

Share site top navigation toolbar

Share Site secondary navigation header bar


4. Metadata and the Alfresco Content Model

The Alfresco Content Model

The model namespace

Alfresco namespaces




Types of constraints

REGEX constraint

LENGTH constraint

LIST constraint

MINMAX constraint


Peer associations

Child associations


Creating a new model

Designing the model

Implementing the model file

The model file header

Model import files

The model namespace

The model constraints

The model types

The model aspects

Installing the model

Bootstrap deployment of the model

Dynamic deployment of the content model

Exposing a new content model from the Share user interface

Adding Types to the site upload form

Adding Types to the Change Type action

Seeing the new Type applied to a content node

Customizing the forms for viewing and editing the new model's metadata

The Records Management Content Model

The Records Model

The Records Model header

The Records Model imports

The Records Model namespace

The DoD 5015 Records Management Content Model

Extending the Alfresco Content Model


5. Creating the File Plan

The File Plan — a definition

Components of the File Plan

Benefits of the File Plan

Looking at the Alfresco example File Plan

Best practice for creating the File Plan

File Plans based on organizational hierarchy

File Plans based on business processes and activities

Best practice for File Plan design

Creating the File Plan

Adding containers to the File Plan

Creating a Series

Creating a Category

Creating a Folder

File Plan container metadata

Copy and move of File Plan containers

How does it work?

How the File Plan page is set by the preset

The File Plan, as extended from the Document Library

The Document Library JavaScript controller file

Getting the Location Type

Getting the File Plan root node via a service call

Setting doclibType in the model data

Setting the root node in the model data

Reading XML configuration data

The Document Library FreeMarker presentation

FreeMarker page layout for the File Plan

Alfresco page components

Components on the File Plan page

The File Plan Document List

The Document List controller file

User preferences


The Document List Data Table

Defining and rendering the Data Table

Retrieving Content Object with an Alfresco Repository webscript


6. Creating Disposition Schedules

What is the disposition schedule?

Disposition instructions

The record lifecycle






Inheritance of the disposition

Disposition example — application at the Folder level

Disposition example — application at the record level

Creating the disposition schedule

The review

The disposition schedule

General information for the disposition

The disposition steps

Configuring a simple disposition schedule

Time-based triggers

Event-based triggers

Trigger precedence

Making changes to the disposition schedule

Deleting steps of the disposition schedule

Editing steps of the disposition schedule

Importing and exporting File Plan data

Importing a File Plan

Exporting the File Plan

How does it work?

The Category details page

The edit disposition instructions page

The create disposition steps page

Components of the disposition edit webscript

Disposition edit client-side JavaScript


7. Filing Records

Filing — more than one way

Filing an electronic record from Share

Filing a non-electronic record from Share

Filing from another Share site

Filing a record from a CIFS mounted drive

What is CIFS?

Filing with CIFS

Configuring CIFS

Troubleshooting CIFS

Checking to see whether the CIFS server is running

Missing NetBIOS DLL

Problems with ports

CIFS server name is too long

Conflicts with authentication settings

Filing from an e-mail client with IMAP

What is IMAP?

Filing with an IMAP e-mail client

Configuring IMAP

Configuring IMAP to run on the server

Configuring IMAP on e-mail clients

IMAP configuration for Outlook 2007

Filing to Alfresco via FTP

Bulk import

An unsupported add-on

Bulk import and Records Management considerations

Bulk import can't import disposition information

Installing bulk import

Simple interface to access bulk import

Bulk import shadow files

Auto-declaration of records

Metadata and dates

Running the tool

Filing by scanning

Identify which records to scan

Metadata and classification

Filing scanned images

Other ways to file

How does it work?

Internals of electronic file upload

Internals of non-electronic record filing


8. Managing Records

Records Details

Alfresco Flash previewer

Record Metadata

Record actions

Download action

Edit Metadata

Copy record

Move record

File record

Delete record

Audit log




How does it work?

The Details page

The JavaScript controller for the Details page

The FreeMarker template for the Details page

Included files for the Details page

Initialize the RecordsDocumentDetails object

FreeMarker components on the Details page

The web preview component

Web preview include files

The web preview controller JavaScript

The web preview FreeMarker template

Client-side JavaScript

The metadata component

The events component

The references component


9. Following the Lifecycle of a Record

Undeclared records

Specifying mandatory metadata

Declaring the record

Record review

Closing a Folder





Audit log

Hold or freeze

Responding to a hold request

Freezing records

Locating records on hold

Creating an export package of requested records and metadata

Releasing the hold

The File Plan report

How does it work?

The unique record ID

Background jobs

Review notifications

Configuring the notification e-mail bean

Configuring the e-mail notification cron schedule

Configuring the contents of the notification e-mail

Configuring outbound e-mails

Manually checking for records requiring review

Tracking the scheduler

Lifecycle tracking

Configuring the disposition lifecycle bean

Configuring the lifecycle cron schedule

Manually checking for lifecycle records

Logging information for the lifecycle scheduler

The File Plan component

Linking to the transfer and hold pages

Rendering transfer and hold Items

Finding transfer items

Finding hold items

Transfer report


10. Searching Records and Running Audits

Search and Records Management

Authorization and search

Records Search page

Single-field search form

The Search form

Basic search

Property search

Date search

Search filters

Restricted File Plan search

Search result columns

Result list search order

Clearing the search criteria

The Results tab

Syntax errors

FTS-Alfresco query language

Searching for a term

Searching for a phrase

Wildcard search

Conjunctive search

Disjunctive search



Special fields

Escaping QNames

Escaping characters not in a QName





Proximity searches

Mandatory elements

Optional elements

Operator precedence

Example searches

Saved searches

Creating a saved search

Editing a saved search

Deleting a saved search

Records Management audits

Purpose of the records audit

Planning for the audit

Things to look for in the audit

Deliverables from the records audit

The Audit tool

Accessing the Audit tool

Using the Audit tool

Running an Audit report

Filtering the report by event

Filtering the report by property

Filtering the report by user

Filtering the report by date

Audit log viewing options

Viewing the full log

Filing the Audit log report

Export the Audit log report

Stopping, starting, and clearing the Audit log

How does it work?

The Records Search page

DataSource and data webscript

Saved searches

Custom properties

The Audit tool


11. Configuring Security and Permissions

Creating users

Adding a new Share user

New user access to Share

User admin

Groups and Records Management

Browsing groups

Adding a new group

Deleting a group

Editing groups

Adding members to a group

Member access to the Records Management site

Subscribing to the Records Management site

Requesting access to the moderated Records Management site

Access to a private Records Management site

Creating Records Management roles

Roles and permissions

Access controls applied to the File Plan

Viewing and editing the Records Management roles

Browsing role permissions

Editing role permissions

Creating a new role

Deleting a role

Read and file permissions

The User Rights Report

How does it work?

Admin console — users

Users in the repository

Users as usr:users

Users as cm:persons

Access to roles via webscripts



12. Configuring Records Management Parameters

The Records Management Console

List of Values

Supplemental Markings

Transfer Locations

Creating a new List of Values

Deleting the List of Values

Custom Metadata

E-mail Mappings

E-mail metadata

Creating an e-mail mapping



How does it work?

The Management Console page

Rendering of Management Console tools

The Console page layout

The tools navigation region

Custom Records Management metadata

Custom Records Management namespace

Custom aspects for record objects

List of Values


WebScript calls for Management Console information



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