


Microsoft SQL Azure: Enterprise Application Development电子书

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作       者:Jayaram Krishnaswamy

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:263.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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Each chapter starts with a general overview reviewing the software architecture related information or the underpinning programming concepts followed by an example of working with specific examples. This is then followed by a de*ion of the specific software used in the chapter. The topics that require you to write code are fully explained using annotations and the code is presented in both VB and C# (in most cases). If you are a .Net developer, an architect, or a DBA who wants to develop enterprise applications and projects and extend your on-site skills with SQL Azure, then this book is for you. This book does not assume experience in Windows Azure or SQL Azure, nor is a high level of competency in SQL Server or the .NET Framework and associated technology required. However, a basic understanding of Visual Studio, C#, VB, SQL Servers, XML, web and WCF is required. If you decide to work with SQL Azure, then this book will provide you with the most up to date and practical information.

Microsoft SQL Azure: Enterprise Application Development

Table of Contents

Microsoft SQL Azure: Enterprise Application Development


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1. Cloud Computing and Microsoft Azure Services Platform

What is cloud computing?

Why a business would like to move its business applications and data to the cloud

Types of cloud services

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS)

The hybrid cloud

How cloud computing is implemented with examples of some major cloud computing vendors

Amazon Web Services




Windows Azure

Azure platform details

Platform components

Windows Azure

Compute: Windows Azure Hosting Service

Windows Azure storage

SQL Azure

Azure AppFabric

System requirements

Hardware and software required

Getting started with Azure Platform and accessing services

Exercise 1.1: Purchasing a subscription on Windows Azure Platform

Signing up for a Windows Live ID

Purchasing a subscription

Activating the service

Exercise 1.2: Accessing Windows Azure Portal

Verifying status of account and browsing to Windows Azure Portal

Creating an account and reviewing the portal

Creating a Windows Azure Service


2. SQL Azure Services

Overview of SQL Azure Services

Infrastructure features

How different is SQL Azure from SQL Server?

SQL Azure provisioning

After accessing the portal

Server-level administration

Setting up firewall rules

Administering at the database level

Role of SQL Azure database administrator

SQL Azure databases

User administration and logins

Server-level administration

Managing logins

Connecting to SQL Azure using new login

Logins with server-level permissions

Migrating databases to SQL Azure

Monitoring SQL Azure databases

Data synchronization and SQL Azure

Application access to SQL Azure


T-SQL support in SQL Azure

Accessing SQL Azure Services from the portal

First time access to SQL Azure from the portal

Creating a SQL Azure Server

Setting up a firewall

Creating a user database and setting up a firewall

Creating a user database in the portal

Setting up firewall rules

IP ranges of Microsoft Azure data centers

Connecting to SQL Azure from SQL Server Management Studio

Connecting to SQL Azure from SSMS

Working with SQL Azure from SQL Server Management Studio

Creating queries

General queries

Querying date and time

Create and display firewall rules

Find database usage and bandwidth usage

Basic administration of the database objects

Creating logins, users, and roles

Creating, altering, and dropping databases

Creating tables and indexes

Add, remove columns, and constraints

SQL Azure templates

Basic monitoring of the database


3. Working with SQL Azure Databases from Visual Studio 2008

SQL Azure architecture

Application access to SQL Azure

TDS and SQL Azure

Microsoft data access technologies

Connecting to the database

Data providers

Connection string


Using connection string builders

Accessing SQL Azure data using the Server Management Objects (SMO)

Accessing SQL Azure from Visual Studio 2010 Express

The easy way to connect to SQL Azure using ADO.NET 3.5, ODBC, and OLE DB

Using ADO.NET to connect to the SQL Azure database

Using ODBC to connect to the SQL Azure Database

Using OLE DB to connect to the SQL Azure database

Using ADO.NET to connect to a SQL Azure database in C#

Application using a SqlConnectionStringBuilder to connect to SQL Azure

Testing the effectiveness of SqlConnectionStringBuilder

Demo using an SqlConnectionStringBuilder to connect to SQL Azure in C#

Using SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) to connect to SQL Azure

SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) to connect to SQL Azure in C#

Creating database objects using ADO.NET

Using connection string information in application settings

Inserting connection string information to the application settings file

Connect to the database on the server using the settings

Create a test database and drop it

Connect to the master database and get the Session ID

Create a table if it does not exist and populate the table

Creating database objects with SQL Server API


4. SQL Azure Tools

Microsoft tools

Visual Studio related



SQLBulkCopy for Data Transfer

SQL Server Integration Services

SQL Server Reporting Services

Entity Framework Provider

SQL Server related

SQL Server Management Studio

Import/Export Wizard

SyncFramework and SQL Azure

MySQL to SQL Azure Migration

Scripting support for SQL Azure


Connect to SQL Azure from the DOS window

Run queries using SQLCMD in SSMS

BCP Utility

IIS7 Database Manager

OData and SQL Azure

Brand new tools

Third-party tools

SQL Azure Migration Wizard

Installing the SQL Azure Migration Wizard

SQL Azure Explorer

Installing the SQLAzure2010 Add-in

Exploring the SQL Azure in VS2010

Running a query in VS2010

SQL Azure Manager à la community

Installing and running the SQL Azure Manager



Explore SQL Azure with DBArtisan

Red Gate (SQL Compare©)


SQL Azure and OpenOffice


5. Populating SQL Azure Databases

Sample databases used in this chapter

Using SQL Server Management Studio with scripts

Creating a script for the Northwind database

Running the scripted query in SQL Azure

Using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

Populating a table

Using the Import and Export Wizard

Using the SQL Server Migration wizard

Migration from MySQL to SQL Azure using SQL Server Migration Assistant 2008 for MySQL

Using SqlBulkCopy

Create a table in the destination server

Create a console application in VS2010


6. SSIS and SSRS Applications Using SQL Azure

Merging sharded data

Splitting the data and uploading to SQL Azure

Merging data and loading an Access database

Merging columns from SQL Azure and SQL Server

Sorting the outputs of the sources

Porting output data from Merge Join to an MS Access database

Moving a MySQL database to SQL Azure database

Creating the package

Creating the source and destination connections

Creating the package

Creating a report using SQL Azure as data source

Accessing SQL Azure from Report Builder 3.0


7. Working with Windows Azure Hosting

Tools needed to develop and host Cloud Service applications

Create and deploy an ASP.NET application

Create a cloud project in Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Test and debug in the development fabric

Deploy the application to the cloud from the portal

Windows Azure ASP.NET site with forms authentication

Create Windows Azure Cloud Service Project in Visual Studio 2008

Add a Login control to the login.aspx page

Add a control to login.aspx for new users to register

Configure authentication mode

Create Membership database in SQL Azure

Configure the connection string

Modify system.web to access the Membership Provider

Modify the Default.aspx page

Test and verify application authentication

Register users

Test authentication of registered users


8. Database Applications on Windows Azure Platform Accessing SQL Server Databases

Ground-to-Cloud access

Using Linq to retrieve data from SQL Azure

Create an ASP.NET web application project

Creating a data context

Create a new data connection

Linq to SQL mapping

Add a LinqDataSource control

Display data with a GridView control

Swap connection to SQL Azure

Cloud-to-Cloud access

Default template Cloud Service Project

Displaying data from SQL Azure

Deploying the application to the hosting site

Cloud-to-Ground access

Create a console project in Visual Studio

Add an Entity Model Template and bind it to the database

Configure the WCF Data Service

WCF Data Service to use Windows Azure AppFabric

Windows Azure AppFabric

Hosting a ASP.NET application client for the above service


9. Synchronizing SQL Azure

Using SQL Azure Data Sync Tool

Provisioning the database

Running SQL Server Agent in SSMS

Verifying bi-directional synchronization

Conflict resolution

Synchronizing SQL Azure data with SQL Server Compact

Provisioning SQL Azure Data cache

Reviewing SQL Server Compact database

Build and run synchronization

SQL Azure Data Sync Service


10. Recent Developments

SQL Azure updates

SQL Azure security

Using SQL Azure Firewall API

SQL Azure with MS Access 2010

Import a SQL Azure table into MS Access

Creating a table in MS Access linked to SQL Azure

Connecting to SQL Azure from MS Excel 2010

OpenOffice Access to SQL Azure

Accessing SQL Azure with non-.NET Framework languages

Accessing SQL Azure with Java

Accessing SQL Azure with PHP

OData Service for SQL Azure

Consuming SQL Azure data with PowerPivot

SQL Azure with WebMatrix

More third-party tools to SQL Azure

Gem Query for SQL Azure developers

Managing SQL Azure databases with the Houston Project (CTP1)

Data Application Component and SQL Azure

SQL Azure with Microsoft LightSwitch




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