


Scribus 1.3.5 Beginners Guide电子书

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作       者:Cedric Gemy

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:105.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a step by step guide packed with interesting examples and screenshots that cover lot of support options to help you achieve the superior quality documents. This books is divided into 11 chapters, each chapter dealing with a precise aspect of the software to help you have the best overview and make the best design choices for your document. This book is for people who want to create professional-looking documents with Scribus. If you want a great looking brochure, newsletter, or poster, this is the book for you. No experience of desktop publishing software is required – only creativity and enthusiasm for creating great documents!

Scribus 1.3.5

Table of Contents

Scribus 1.3.5 Beginner's Guide


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What this book covers

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Who this book is for


Time for action - heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz - heading

Have a go hero - heading

Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Getting Started with Scribus

Desktop publishing software versus text processors

The graphic workflow

Understanding the workspace

Time for action - using the main status bar options

What just happened?

The toolbar

Properties Palette: The main place

Layout and story editor

Software and per-document preferences

Time for action - how Scribus applies changes

What just happened?

Working comfortably in Scribus



Changing values in fields

Customizing Scribus a bit

Changing the toolbars

Document handling

Default document setting

Default tool settings / zoom factor

External tools

To InDesign and Xpress users


2. Creating a First Layout

Creating a new layout

Time for action - setting page size and paper size and margins

What just happened?

Choosing a layout

Save the document as often as possible

Basic frames for text and images

Time for action - adding the logo

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the text

What just happened?

Time for action - adding and setting the color of a shape

What just happened?

Changing the stack of objects

Moving objects and exact positioning

Placing with snapping options

Setting the coordinates

Time for action - use X and Y properties

What just happened?

Basic text properties

Time for action - formatting text

What just happened?

Resizing objects

Resizing with the mouse

Resizing with the Properties Palette

Resizing with the keyboard

Have a go hero - vector circle style

Scaling objects

Time for action - scaling the name of our company

What just happened?

Rotating objects

Time for action - the quick method for rotating an object

What just happened?

Have a go hero - Eco power of rotation

Aligning objects

Time for action - aligning an object on another

What just happened?

Locking objects to prevent errors

Grouping objects

Mirroring objects

Pop quiz


3. Mastering Pages

Navigating in the document

Time for action - let's surf into the document

What just happened?

The Arrange Pages window

Adding and deleting pages

Adding pages one by one

Time for action - a new page after the cover

What just happened?

Adding several pages at once

Time for action - adding several pages

What just happened?

Have a go hero - where is London?

Deleting pages

Arranging pages

Customizing page properties

Have a go hero - add a larger page

Creating and deleting master pages

The default master pages

Time for action - using default master pages

What just happened?

Managing custom master pages with the Edit Master Pages window

Creating master pages

Time for action - hands on master page

What just happened?

Applying master pages

Applying master, page after page

Applying masters to several pages

Have a go hero - be the master of master pages!

Sharing pages and master pages between documents

Time for action - reusing pages

What just happened?

Numbering pages

Time for action - page numbering

What just happened?

Adding sections


Time for action - a simple three-folded document

What just happened?


Pop quiz


4. Using Text in Scribus

Creating Text Frames

Setting Text Frame options

Size and position


Frame margins

Importing simple text

Time for action - import it from Shakespeare land!

What just happened?

Linking and unlinking Text Frames

Time for action - import it from Shakespeare Land, going on!

What just happened?

Have a go hero - laying out a Shakespeare biography

Flowing text

Time for action - let's jump into the flow!

What just happened?

Editing text in the layout and hyphenation

Time for action - automatic hyphenation

What just happened?

Story Editor

Find and change some words

Time for action - replacing a text format overall in the document

What just happened?

Have a go hero - emphasize the character names

Short Words

Time for action - automatic replacement with Short Words

What just happened?

Dealing with special characters

Time for action - adding glyphs on your page

What just happened?

Reusing a glyph in a document

Reusing a glyph between documents

Manual TOC using tabs

Time for action - creating a Table of Content

What just happened?

Exporting text

Pop quiz


5. Formatting Your Text

The three ways of changing a property

Character formatting

Changing font

Changing the font size

About the size of a font

Time for action - the font sizes

What just happened?

About the ability of a frame to change the size

About scaling and extensions

What's the best font size?

Apply kerning

Text colors and effects

Regular letter color

Adding stroke and shadow color

Time for action - stroking letters

What just happened?

Uppercase and underline

Paragraph formatting

Time for action - improving white spaces and alignment

What just happened?

Managing fonts and Fontbook

Define a default font and deactivate font

Adding new fonts in Scribus

Time for action - setting a custom font directory

What just happened?

Using styles

Creating styles

Applying styles

Deleting styles

Sharing styles

Time for action - working with styles

What just happened?

Have a go hero - creating a book with styles

Importing styled documents

Time for action - import a Writer document

What just happened ?

Importing a structured document

Pop quiz


6. Special Frames for Complex Content Management

Using tables

Time for action - creating a table

What just happened?

Time for action - formatting tables

What just happened?

Have a go hero - create a game grid in a few clicks

Time for action - modifying rows and columns

What just happened?

Changing or importing values

Time for action - linking content through cells

What just happened?

Automatically filling tables with values

Time for action - importing a OOCalc table

What just happened?

Bullets with inline frames

Time for action - using inline frames

What just happened?

Understanding the render frame

First contact with render frames

Time for action - creating your first render frame

What just happened?

Modifying a render frame LaTeX source

Time for action - e=mc2

What just happened?

Getting help for render frames

Time for action - Scribus scrapbooking

What just happened?

Pop quiz


7. Drawing Advanced Frames and Shapes

Frame conversion and text to outlines

Time for action - images in a text shape

What just happened?

Have a go hero - create a magazine cover with frame conversion

Drawing basic shapes

Drawing polygons

Mesh distortion

Time for action - distorting a shape

What just happened?

Have a go hero - import a photo in a flag

Mixing shapes with path operations

Have a go hero - let's create a mix!


Drawing straight lines

Time for action - drawing lines with the Pen tool

What just happened?

Options to customize line aspect with arrows or dots

Time for action - attach text to a line

What just happened?

Have a go hero - make a stamp-like shape with curved text

Point to modify existing lines and shapes

Drawing paths with the Bezier tool

Time for action - creating custom paths with the Bezier tool

What just happened?

Pop quiz


8. Importing Images

Importing and exporting: The concepts

Importing photos

Relinking photos

Time for action - creating a postcard

What just happened?

The Scribus paste special

Placing vector drawings

About graphic file formats








File information

Image resolution and scaling

Graphic display properties

Image layers

Working with clipping paths

Time for action - using clipping path twice

What just happened?

Image effects

Time for action - applying color to an imported graphic

What just happened?

Pop quiz


9. Applying and Managing Color

Applying colors in detail

Time for action - applying colors to a Text Frame's text

What just happened?

Applying shade or transparency

Using shades

Using transparency

Time for action - transparency and layers

What just happened?

Gradients and pattern fill

Applying gradients

Using patterns

Time for action - using patterns and gradients in a layout

What just happened?

Have a go hero - gradients, transparencies, and patterns for creativity

Create and import colors

Time for action - managing new colors

What just happened?

Reusing colors from other files

Time for action - importing from a Scribus document

What just happened?

Spot colors

Time for action - replacing colors

What just happened?

Choosing colors that suit

Color management

Time for action - managing colors in Scribus

What just happened?

Pop quiz


10. Print Your Layout

Printing from Scribus

Preflight Verifier

Time for action - detecting errors before exporting

What just happened?

Previewing before printing

Time for action - previewing color separation

What just happened?

Ink coverage

Printing booklets

Exporting to PDF

PDF versions and general options

PDF 1.3

PDF 1.4

PDF 1.5


Time for action - quick export method

What just happened?

Choosing how to export pages

Fonts and outline documents

Colors handling

Marks and bleed

Collect for output

Pop quiz


11. Customizing the Creation or Viewing Process

PDF option toolbar overview

Time for action - adding hyperlinks

What just happened?


Time for action - adding bookmarks to your PDF documents

What just happened?


Buttons and form tools

Time for action - sell your shoes and help clients choose!

What just happened?

Display and viewing options

Time for action - communicating with the reader application

What just happened?

Page transitions

Light-weight PDFs

Time for action - using a predefined script to reduce file size

What just happened?

PDF interaction

Time for action - calculate the sum of the fields

What just happened?

Scripting basics to extend Scribus

Time for action - adding a script

What just happened?

Time for action - importing from databases with a script

What just happened?

Have a go hero - frame styles

Pop quiz


A. Pop Quiz Answers

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11


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