


IBM InfoSphere Replication Server and Data Event Publisher电子书

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作       者:Pav Kumar-Chatterjee

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:376.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This is a developer's guide and is written in a style suitable to professionals. The initial chapters cover the basic theory and principles of Q replication and WebSphere MQ. As the book advances, numerous real-world scenarios and examples are covered with easy-to-understand code. The knowledge gained in these chapters culminate in the Appendix, which contains step-by-step instructions to set up various Q replication scenarios. If you are a professional who needs to set up and administer a Q replication or Event Publishing environment, then this is the book you need. The book will give you a clear idea of how to implement Q replication on z/OS whether you work on Linux, Unix, or Windows operating system.

IBM InfoSphere Replication Server and Data Event Publisher

Table of Contents

IBM InfoSphere Replication Server and Data Event Publisher


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1. Q Replication Overview

Why do we want to replicate data

Overview of what is available today

The different replication options

Replication toolset

The Replication Center GUI

The ASNCLP command interface

Q replication constituent components

The different types of Q replication

Unidirectional replication

Replicating to a stored procedure

Bidirectional replication

Peer-to-peer replication

Tree replication

Replicating to a Consistent Change Data table

Event Publishing

DB2 replication sources

Replicating XML data types

Replicating compressed tables

Replicating large objects

Other DB2 objects

Q replication filtering and transformations

Filtering rows/columns

Before and After SQL—alternatives

Stored procedure processing

Q replication conflict detection

What is conflict detection?

When do conflicts occur?

Q replication and HADR

Q replication in a DPF environment

Tables with referential integrity

Table load and insert considerations


2. Q Replication Components

The DB2 database layer

Database/table/column name compatibility

The WebSphere MQ layer

The Q replication layer

What is a logical table?

What is a Replication/Publication Queue Map?

What is a Q subscription?

What is a subscription group?

Q subscription activation

The relationship between the components

The Q Capture and Q Apply programs

Q Capture internals

Q Apply internals

How do Q Capture and Q Apply communicate?


3. The DB2 Database Layer

Database creation

The control tables

The Q Capture control tables

The Q Apply control tables

The Replication Alert Monitor control tables

Where do the control tables go

DB2 to DB2 replication

DB2 to non-DB2 replication

Non-DB2 to DB2 replication

How are the Q replication control tables populated

Pruning of the control tables

The IBMQREP_SIGNAL control table

Sending signals using the IBMQREP_SIGNAL table

Sending signals using an INSERT statement

Sending signals using ASNCLP

Using a signal to determine where Q Capture is up to

Restricting access to IBMQREP_SIGNAL


4. WebSphere MQ for the DBA

An introduction to MQ

MQ queues

MQ queue naming standards

MQ queues required for different scenarios

WebSphere MQ commands

Create/start/stop a Queue Manager

Starting a Queue Manager

Checking that the Queue Manager is running

Stopping a Queue Manager

Deleting a Queue Manager

The Queue Manager configuration file

MQ logging

Issuing commands to a Queue Manager (runmqsc)

Displaying the attributes of a Queue Manager

Changing the attributes of a Queue Manager

MQ Listener management

Defining/Starting an MQ Listener

Displaying an MQ Listener

Stopping an MQ Listener

MQ Channel management

To define a Channel

To start a Channel

To display a list of Channels

To display the status of a Channel

To stop a Channel

MQ Queue management

To define a Local Queue

To display the attributes of a Local Queue

To alter the attributes of a Queue

To empty a Local Queue

To delete a Local Queue

To define a Remote Queue

To define a Model Queue

To define a Transmission Queue

To list Queues

WebSphere MQ sample programs—server

To put a message onto a Queue (amqsput)

To retrieve a message from a Queue (amqsget)

To browse a message on a Queue

WebSphere MQ sample programs—client

Dead Letter Queue handler (runmqdlq)

WebSphere MQ message format

MQ error messages


5. The ASNCLP Command Interface

The ASNCLP environment

The ASNCLP commands

Setting up the administration environment

Setting the environment session

Comments in an ASNCLP script

Possible header lines in a script

Common Q replication tasks

Creating or dropping Q Capture control tables on DB2A

Creating or dropping Q Apply control tables on DB2B

Creating Q Capture and Q Apply control tables in the same database

Queue Map maintenance

Creating a Replication Queue Map

Creating a Publication Queue Map

Dropping a Queue Map

Altering a Replication Queue Map

Creating Q subscriptions and Publications

Q subscription for unidirectional replication

Q subscription for bidirectional replication

Q subscription for P2P two-way replication

Q subscription for P2P three-way replication

Publication for Event Publishing

Q subscription maintenance

Checking the state of a Q subscription

Stopping a Q subscription

Dropping a Q subscription

Altering a Q subscription

Starting a Q subscription

Sending a signal using ASNCLP

Validating the WebSphere MQ environment

Validating WSMQ for the Capture schema

Validating WSMQ for the Apply schema

Validating a Replication Queue Map

Validating a Publication Queue Map

Validating a Q subscription

Validation error messages


6. Administration Tasks

Defining the MQ queues

Create/drop the Q replication control tables

Create/drop the Q Capture control tables

Create/drop the Q Apply control tables

Registering a table for Q replication

Managing Queue Maps

Creating a Queue Map

Altering a Replication Queue Map

Drop/delete a Queue Map

Listing the RQM for a Receive Queue

Q subscription maintenance

Creating a Q subscription

Altering a Q subscription

Dropping a Q subscription

Reinitializing a Q subscription

Checking the status of a Q subscription

Stopping a Q subscription

Determining when a Q subscription became inactive

Listing the attributes of a Q subscription

Listing all Q subscriptions using a RQM

Specifying a table as the initial load source

Source table maintenance

Adding a column to a Q subscription

Removing a column from a replicated source table

Altering the column attributes of a replicated source table

Performing a reorganization on the source table

Collecting statistics on the source table

Performing a load on the source table

Importing data into the source table

Adding a new source table to Q replication

Stop replicating (remove) a table

Administrative commands/tasks

Viewing messages using asnqmfmt

Retrieving Q Capture Restart Queue information

Q Capture and Q Apply administration

Q Capture administration

Starting Q Capture

Stopping Q Capture

Querying the status of Q Capture

Altering a running Q Capture

Starting Q Capture from a point in the DB2 log

Starting Q Capture without triggering a load

Taking a Q Capture trace (asntrc)

Q Apply administration

Starting Q Apply

Stopping Q Apply

Querying the status of Q Apply

Starting a Receive Queue

The password file

Copying (promoting) Q replication environments

The ASNCLP PROMOTE procedure


7. Monitoring and Reporting

The database layer

The WebSphere MQ layer

Checking that the Queue Managers are running

Checking the state of the Listeners

Checking the state of the Channels

Checking the state of the Receive Queue

Checking that the Q subscription is active

The Q replication layer

Monitoring Q Capture start up

Monitoring Q Apply start up

Checking that Q Capture and Q Apply are active

Checking the Q Capture and Q Apply log files

Checking the APPLYTRACE and CAPTRACE tables

How far is Q Capture behind the DB2 log

How far is Q Apply behind Q Capture

Listing Q subscription status

Listing Receive Queue status

Table synchronization

The different latencies

The base monitor tables

The Q Capture tables

The Q Apply tables

Collection of data for historical analysis

Historical monitoring of Q Capture

Historical monitoring of Q Apply

To determine the row throughput

Manual monitoring

Monitoring using the Replication Alert Monitor

Q Capture alert conditions

Q Apply alert conditions

Creating the RAM control tables

Setting up e-mail notification

Monitoring Q Capture

Monitoring Q Apply

Starting the Replication Alert Monitor

Monitor management

Checking which monitors are active

Changing or reinitializing a monitor

Stopping a monitor

Suspending or resuming a monitor

The ibmsnap_alerts table

Other tools available to monitor Q replication

The database layer

Optim Data Studio

The DB2 Health Center

The WebSphere MQ layer

The WebSphere MQ Explorer

The WebSphere MQSC interface (runmqsc)

The rfhutil utility

The Q replication layer

The Replication Dashboard

Tivoli Monitoring

The asnqanalyze command

Some what happens if ... scenarios

If MQ is stopped on each server

If the Receive Queue is stopped

If Q Apply is not running

If the Q Apply Queue Manager is not running

If the Receive Queue fills up

If the Q Apply Dead Letter Queue fills up

If a Dead Letter Queue has not been defined

What happens if—summary diagram

Q replication performance considerations

The DB2 database layer

The WebSphere MQ layer

Q Capture

Q Apply

Some error messages

Q Capture: ASN0569E on starting

Q Capture: ASN7094E

Q Apply: hangs when starting

How to handle an ASN7551E message

Q Apply: ASN7094E

Q Apply: ASN7505E



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