


Moodle 1.9 for Teaching Special Education Children (5-10): Beginner's Guide电子书

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作       者:Vanesa S. Olsen

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:75.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Written with a step-by-step but friendly and engaging approach, this Packt Beginner's Guide is designed to be placed alongside the computer as your guide and mentor. Step-by-step tutorials are boosted by explanations of the reasoning behind what you are doing. You will quickly pick up the necessary skills, tips, and tricks for creating practical exercises using Moodle 1.9 with practical examples and see how the child with special education needs progresses. If you are an SEN teacher or SEN therapist with minimal knowledge of Moodle who is willing to exploit Web 2.0 possibilities using Moodle 1.9 as the background platform, this book is for you.

Moodle 1.9 for Teaching Special Education Children (5-10 Year Olds)

Table of Contents

Moodle 1.9 for Teaching Special Education Children (5-10 Year Olds)


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What this book covers

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Time for action - heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz - heading

Have a go hero - heading

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1. Matching Pictures

Matching composite pictures

Time for action - installing tools to manipulate 2D scalable clipart

What just happened?

Time for action - searching for 2D scalable clipart to combine inside a box

What just happened?

Time for action - combining pictures with different sizes

What just happened?

Time for action - preparing texts using colors and fonts

What just happened?

Using HTML tags to define colors and fonts

Working with red, green, and blue components to define customized colors

Time for action - organizing composite pictures and texts

What just happened?

Using HTML tags to define background colors

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Uploading multiple files in a ZIP folder

Time for action - running the matching composite pictures activity

What just happened?

Discovering sentences related to 3D scenes

Time for action - searching for 3D models to combine inside a 2D box

What just happened?

Time for action - organizing composite 3D models into a rendered 2D box

What just happened?

Time for action - grouping text blocks and changing colors

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Organizing the exercises' files using folders

Time for action - running the discovering sentences activity

What just happened?

Time for action - using a gamepad to solve the exercise

What just happened?

Understanding the gamepad as an input device

Have a go hero - dragging and dropping with a gamepad

Drawing an illustration according to speech bubbles

Time for action - creating speech bubbles and filling them with text

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - using a digital pen as a mouse to solve the exercise

What just happened?

Tracing a drawing to solve the exercise

Have a go hero - matching 3D scenes with 2D images

Pop quiz - creating attractive content for children


2. Working with Abstraction and Sequencing Disabilities

Making a gap fill activity changing pictures to words

Time for action - getting pictures of animals and nature

What just happened?

Time for action - preparing a cloze using images

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - executing and completing the cloze with images

What just happened?

Painting images according to the instructions

Time for action - drawing the background using a digital pen

What just happened?

Time for action - preparing the instructions with images, colors, and fonts in Moodle

What just happened?

Time for action - executing the activity to paint images in Moodle

What just happened?

Have a go hero - painting silhouettes

Have a go hero - using other tools to paint the image

Solving a yes/no multiple choice

Time for action - preparing several images and Boolean questions

What just happened?

Time for action - creating a YES button and a NO button with associated images

What just happened?

Time for action - executing the activity

What just happened?

Have a go hero - preparing more Boolean questions

Pop quiz - discovering new tools and activities


3. Associating Images with Words

Writing a sentence using two images

Time for action - looking for two images to generate the exercise

What just happened?

Time for action - searching for related sounds

What just happened?

Time for action - activating the MP3 player in Moodle

What just happened?

Time for action - integrating the visual and auditory resources in a Moodle exercise

What just happened?

Time for action - writing the sentence

What just happened?

Putting words inside an image with structure

Time for action - creating a scene

What just happened?

Time for action - adding floating labels to the image

What just happened?

Time for action - uploading the scene to Moodle

What just happened?

Time for action - running the exercise using a netbook's touchpad

What just happened?

Have a go hero - dragging and dropping pictures into the scene

Pop quiz - discovering new tools and activities


4. Developing Sorting Activities, Mixing Shapes and Pictures

Ordering the temporal sequence

Time for action - getting three pictures to represent a temporal sequence

What just happened?

Time for action - creating the mixed temporal sequence using images

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - ordering the sequence by dragging and dropping images

What just happened?

Ordering the images according to their sizes in a pyramid

Time for action - building the pyramid

What just happened?

Time for action - creating the mixed parts of the pyramid using images

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - ordering the sequence by dragging and dropping images with the mouse

What just happened?

Time for action - executing the exercise using a multi touch screen

What just happened?

Have a go hero - increasing the skill level by creating a more complex pyramid

Pop quiz - developing visually rich sorting activities


5. Creating Exercises to Improve Short-term Memory

Finding pairs of matching animations

Time for action - generating the animated virtual cards

What just happened?

Time for action - organizing the virtual cards

What just happened?

Time for action - installing a module to integrate JClic and Moodle

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - finding the matching pairs by flipping virtual cards

What just happened?

Have a go hero - adding sounds to a finding the matching pairs activity

Working with a list of words organized in rows

Time for action - creating an animation with a list of words

What just happened?

Time for action - exporting a video with animated words

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - writing the memorized words

What just happened?

Have a go hero - adding pictures and using a webcam to record the results

Pop quiz - discovering new tools and activities


6. Reducing Attention Deficit Disorder Using Great Concentration Exercises

Solving a puzzle

Time for action - choosing a high definition picture adequate for a puzzle

What just happened?

Time for action - generating an exchange puzzle

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - solving the puzzle using a gamepad

What just happened?

Time for action - solving the puzzle using a multi-touch device

What just happened?

Have a go hero - creating a puzzle based on a vector graphic

Looking for words in a word search puzzle

Time for action - creating a background picture by combining two images

What just happened?

Time for action - generating a word search puzzle with letters and pictures

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - solving the word search puzzle

What just happened?

Have a go hero - adding helping effects and sounds to the word search puzzle

Pop quiz - working with different kinds of puzzles


7. Playing with Mathematical Operations

Solving a multiple choice with multiple images

Time for action - preparing a scene to count elements

What just happened?

Time for action - creating a visual multiple choice with many animals

What just happened?

Time for action - executing the activity

What just happened?

Have a go hero - preparing more visual multiple choices

Completing a grid of visual mathematical operations

Time for action - combining pictures with mathematical symbols

What just happened?

Time for action - generating a grid with images and mathematical symbols

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - solving the visual mathematical operations

What just happened?

Have a go hero - solving more complex mathematical operations

Pop quiz - working with visual mathematical operations


8. Mental Operations with Language

Completing visual sequences

Time for action - generating the pictures for a visual sequence

What just happened?

Time for action - generating the initial visual sequence

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - arranging the sequence by dragging and dropping images

What just happened?

Arranging the sequence using a netbook's touchpad

Completing the colored sequence

Time for action - preparing many images with different colors using GIMP

What just happened?

Time for action - generating the initial color sequence

What just happened?

Time for action - adding the activity to a Moodle course

What just happened?

Time for action - arranging the sequence with different color tones by dragging and dropping images

What just happened?

Have a go hero - working with basic voice recognition

Pop quiz - working with sequences


9. Writing Guided Sentences and Paragraphs

Creating a sentence using certain words

Time for action - choosing and preparing the words to be used in a sentence

What just happened?

Time for action - writing and recording the sentence

What just happened?

Have a go hero - discussing the results in Moodle forums

Have a go hero - working with images instead of words

Time for action - installing a NanoGong assignment to set speaking homework

What just happened?

Time for action - creating a NanoGong assignment to record a sentence

What just happened?

Time for action - recording the sentence with the NanoGong recorder

What just happened?

Describing spatial relationships between different objects

Time for action - creating a scene with a 2D picture related to a geometric shape

What just happened?

Time for action - uploading the scene to Moodle

What just happened?

Time for action - writing sentences to describe the spatial relationships

What just happened?

Pop quiz - working with audio


10. Running Cognitive Evaluation Tests

Working with simple and complex instructions

Time for action - generating pictures to prepare the instructions

What just happened?

Time for action - using pictures to prepare the instructions

What just happened?

Time for action - using a Webcam to record the results of executing the exercise

What just happened?

Have a go hero - testing the execution of complex instructions

Testing the comprehension of different situations

Time for action - generating a questionnaire related to a situation

What just happened?

Time for action - recording the answers

What just happened?

Pop quiz - uploading files


A. Pop Quiz Answers

Chapter 1—Matching Pictures

Chapter 2 — Working with Abstraction and Sequencing Disabilities.

Chapter 3 — Associating Images with Words.

Chapter 4 — Developing Sorting Activities, Mixing Shapes and Pictures.

Chapter 5 — Creating Exercises for Improving Short-term Memory.

Chapter 6 — Reducing Attention Deficit Disorder Using Great Concentration Exercises.

Chapter 7 — Playing with Mathematical Operations.

Chapter 8 — Mental Operations with Language.

Chapter 9 — Writing Guided Sentences and Paragraphs.

Chapter 10 — Running Cognitive Evaluation Tests


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