


WordPress 2.9 E-Commerce电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Brian Bondari

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:149.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book provides an easy to understand, step-by-step approach to installing, configuring, and using WP e-Commerce to run your online store. We will construct an example store in the book with enough information and flexibility to adapt the store to your specific needs. This book is for you, if you are interested in using WordPress as the basis for a store that can sell physical items, downloads, or services. It is ideal for a sole proprietor or small business owner with only basic, in-house technical skills. Some prior knowledge of WordPress will help, but is not required. No knowledge of PHP is expected, but it will also be helpful.

WordPress 2.9 -Commerce

Table of Contents

WordPress 2.9 -Commerce


About the Author

About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Getting Started with WordPress and e-Commerce

Why WordPress

WordPress is free (as in money)

WordPress is free (as in speech)

WordPress is widely used

WordPress is flexible and extensible

About the WP e-Commerce plugin

Site and business possibilities

Photography shop

Music shop with digital downloads

Clothing shop

Accessory shop

WP e-Commerce feature overview

Organization and layout

Shortcodes, tags, and widgets

Easy integration with all WordPress themes

Products and merchandising

Product groups

Product variations

Checkout and payments

Marketing tools


Suggested items

Integration with external sites

Test platform


2. Getting Ready to Sell

Installing the WP e-Commerce plugin

Installing from the WordPress Dashboard

Manual installation

Plugin activation

Installing third-party themes

Installing themes through the WordPress Dashboard

Uploading themes via FTP

Activating third-party themes

Enabling and disabling comments

Disabling comments globally

Disabling comments on individual posts and pages

Removing comment traces from your theme

Setting up a static front page

Using widgets

Creating text widgets

Complementary plugins


All in One SEO Pack

Google XML Sitemaps



Adding a contact form

WordPress SpamFree contact form

Contact Form 7

cforms II

Adding a business blog


3. Configure Your e-Commerce Settings

General Settings

Base Country/Region, Tax Settings, and Language

Default language

Currency Settings

Presentation Settings

Button Settings

Product Settings

Product Page Settings

Shopping Cart Settings

Cart Location

Use Sliding Cart

Display "+ Postage & Tax"

Product Group Settings

Show Product Group Description

Show Product Group Thumbnails

Show Product Count per Product Group

Thumbnail Settings

Pagination settings

Comment Settings

Admin Settings

Digital downloads


E-mail settings

URL Settings

Checkout settings


4. Managing Your Product Catalog

Creating new products

Creating a new physical product

Creating a new digital product

Groups, categories, and tags

Groups and categories

Deleting categories and groups

Product Categories widget


Price and Stock Control


Advanced Options

Custom Meta

Merchant Notes

Personalisation Options


5. User Accounts: Customers and Staff

Enabling user registrations

Understanding WordPress roles






Staff accounts

Creating staff users

Manual registration


Customer accounts

Creating a test customer account

Dealing with the WordPress Dashboard

Redirect customer logins with 'Peter's Login Redirect'

Dominate logins with 'Theme My Login'

Purchase history


6. Checkout and Payment Setup

Planning the checkout process

Payment gateway versus merchant account

Integration and checkout seamlessness

Available payment gateways


Google Checkout

Manual Payment / Test Gateway

PayPal Payments Standard

PayPal Express Checkout

PayPal Payments Pro


Setting up PayPal Standard

Playing in the sandbox

WP e-Commerce Payment settings

Setting up IPN

Set up Auto Return

The test transaction

Setting up Google Checkout

Playing in Google's sandbox

WP e-Commerce Payment settings

Google integration settings

The test transaction


7. Shipping, Taxes, and Processing Orders

Locations and tax setup

Shipping Options and Calculators

General Shipping Settings

Shipping Modules

Flat Rate

Table Rate

Weight Rate

Using an external Shipping Calculator

UPS Calculator

USPS Calculator

Processing a test order

E-mails sent to the customer

E-mails sent to you

Sales log


8. Themes and Design Elements

WP e-Commerce included widgets

Latest Products widget

Price Range widget

Product Donations widget

Product Tags widget

Product Categories widget

Product Specials widget

Shopping Cart widget

Shortcode and PHP tags

Display default products

Display shopping cart

List categories

Display products from a specific group

Add to Cart / Buy Now

WP e-Commerce theme engine

Creating a new e-Commerce theme

Tweaking your WordPress theme

CSS basics

CSS selectors

Class and ID selectors

CSS properties and values

Changing the header image

Replacing the theme fonts

Changing the theme colors

Additional CSS tutorials

Additional WP e-Commerce themes

WP e-Commerce tips

Change the appearance of the shopping cart widget

Use a custom Add to Cart image

Remove the sidebar Google Checkout button


9. Deploy, Secure, and Maintain Your Shop

Getting ready to deploy

Necessary WordPress adjustments

Your WordPress database

Database export via phpMyAdmin

Database export via command line

Hosting and domain names

Uploading your shop

Setting up a new database

Importing your WordPress database

Uploading your WordPress files

Editing your WordPress config file

Man the hatches—essential site security

User passwords

Rename or replace the admin user

WordPress and plugin updates

SSL for Dashboard login

Eliminate directory browsing

Backups—preparing for disasters

Database backup and restoration

Server data backup and restoration


10. Alternative e-Commerce Plugins

YAK (Yet Another Kart)

What YAK offers

Basic YAK setup and usage

Adding a new product with YAK


What eShop offers

Basic eShop setup and usage

Adding a new product with eShop


What Shopp offers

WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart

What WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart offers

Basic WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart setup and usage

Adding a new product with WPSPSC

Market Theme

What the Market Theme offers


11. Marketing Your Shop

Coupons and discounts

Cross sales

'Share This' plugin

Purchasing advertising

Google AdWords

Microsoft adCenter

E-mail, newsletters, and blogging


Option 1: Spreadsheet only

Option 2: Find a plugin for WordPress

Option 3: A third-party service

Business blogging


A. Gold Cart Module Extendibility

Purchasing and installing the Gold Cart module

Installing the Gold Cart files

Grid View

Multiple image upload

Product search option

Additional payment gateways

DropShop and other modules


B. Setting Up a WAMP Testing Platform

Download and install WampServer

Overview and configuration

Enable the rewrite module

Running a test server

Install WordPress



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