


JBoss AS 5 Development电子书

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作       者:Francesco Marchioni

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:395.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book follows a tutorial-based approach starting with simple examples, which are enriched in the following chapters as new topics are introduced. Each chapter provides clear instructions and detailed screenshots, as the user approaches a new facet of the development environment. Most complex topics have been explained using practical examples, which will help you to master JBoss AS development. If you are a Java architect or developer who wants to get the most out of the latest release of the JBoss application server or a JBoss administrator who wants a clear and simple reference for JBoss services, this book is for you. You are not expected to have accumulated experience on the application server though you must know the basic concepts of Java EE.

JBoss AS 5 Development

Table of Contents

JBoss AS 5 Development


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1. Installing Core Components


What you will get in this book

JBoss big bang


Installing the Java environment

Installing JBoss AS 5

Starting up JBoss AS

Stopping JBoss

Stopping JBoss on a remote machine

Installing Eclipse

Plugins: The heart of Eclipse

Installing JBoss Tools plugins

Installing JBoss Tools plugins manually

Connecting Eclipse with JBoss


2. What's New in JBoss AS 5?

Application server features

The core modules of JBoss AS 5

Cutting edge EJB container

The new messaging provider

Rock solid transaction manager

Enhanced web container

JBoss Web Services 3.0

Improved clustering support

The application server structure

The next generation application server

From JMX to the Microcontainer

The new library configuration

JBoss AS 5 server configurations

The "standard" configuration

The "web" configuration

The former server configurations

Creating a custom server configuration

The starting point: JBoss AS service map

Custom configuration sample: Adding JMS to the web configuration

JBoss virtual file system


3. Customizing JBoss AS Services

How to monitor JBoss AS services

The JMX console

An example: Using the JMX console to display the JNDI tree

The admin console

The twiddle utility

JBoss AS thread pool

Application server thread pool anatomy

How many threads for your applications?

Analyze what your threads are doing

Configuring logging services


Console file appender

Changing the configuration at runtime

File appenders

Rolling the file by size

Other appenders

Layout of logs

Logging categories

Configuring your own logger

Managing logs through JMX agents

Configuring the connection to the database

Configuring a datasource in JBoss AS

Additional datasource properties

Setting up a new datasource

Gathering connection pool statistics

Managing datasources from the admin console

Using statistics to tune the connection pool

Deploying datasources at application level

High availability datasources

Clustered RDBMS

Connecting from a remote client

Configuring the transaction service

Preserving data integrity

Global and local transactions

Configuring JBoss transactions

Monitoring transactions


4. Developing EJB 3 Session Beans

Java EE made easier

Developing Enterprise JavaBeans

Developing Session Beans

Stateless Session Beans

Life cycle of a Stateless Session Bean

Setting up a simple example

Deploying your application

Creating a test client

Adding interceptors to your Bean

Stateful Session Beans

Stateful Bean life cycle

Developing a simple Stateful Session Bean

Configuring the EJB container

Configuring Stateless Session Bean pool size

Specializing the configuration

Configuring the Stateful Session Bean cache

How to disable Stateful Bean passivation


5. Developing JPA Entities

Data persistence meets a standard

Working with JPA

Creating a sample application

Setting up the database

Rolling the EJB project

Configuring the database connection

Generating entities

Reverse engineering aftermath

Configuring persistence

Creating a Session Bean client

Creating a test client for our AppStore


6. Creating a Web Application

Developing web layout

Installing JSF on JBoss AS

Setting up navigation rules

Adding a JSF managed bean

Setting up the view

Assembling and deploying the application

Running the store

Configuring JBoss Web Server

Customizing connectors

The new Apache Portable Runtime connector

Installing the APR connector

Configuring contexts

Configuring virtual hosts

Configuring HTTP logs

Tuning advice

Disable DNS lookup

Choose the right HTTP connector

Set the correct size for your thread pool

Monitoring your thread pool


7. Developing Applications with JBoss Messaging Service

Short introduction to JMS

The building blocks of JMS

The new JBoss Messaging system

Configuring connection factories

Configuring JMS destinations

Inspecting destination attributes

Advanced message configuration

Scheduled delivery

Developing JMS applications

Message-driven beans

Configuring message-driven beans

Creating a sample application

Creating MDB singletons

Message-driven POJOs

Advanced JBoss Messaging

JBoss Messaging bridge

Adding a remote JMS provider

Configuring the persistence service

Securing destinations

MDB access control


8. Developing Applications with JBoss and Hibernate

Introducing Hibernate

Creating a Hibernate application

Setting up the database schema

A new Eclipse project

Reversing your schema into Java classes

Adding Hibernate configuration to your project

Adding a web client to your project

Packaging and deploying the application

Using the wizard to generate EJB 3

Hibernate and EJB: Friends or opponents?

Using Hibernate with EJB

Injecting key Hibernate objects


9. Managing JBoss AS

Introducing Java Management Extension

Developing MBeans

A simple MBean

Testing your MBean from the JMX console

Testing your application programmatically

MBeans dependency

Sending MBeans notifications

Receiving heartbeat notifications

Sending your own notifications

Service POJOs

Creating a web test client

Exposing your service as an EJB

Service POJO dependency

JBoss AS Administration Console

Managing applications

Deploying/undeploying applications

Updating an application

Starting/stopping/restarting an application

Administering resources

Adding a new resource

Managing resources



10. Developing Applications with JBoss Web Services

Web Service concepts

Strategies for building up Web Services

JBoss Web Services stack

A brief look at the JAX WS architecture

Coding Web Services with JBossWS

Developing a POJO Web Service

Inspecting the Web Service from the console

Using JBossWS tools

External Web Service clients

Exposing EJB as Web Services

Handling exceptions in Web Services

Generating a test client

Injecting Web Services

Web Service Handler chains


11. Clustering JBoss AS

Cluster basics

Introducing JBoss AS cluster

JBoss AS clustering architecture

Smart proxies

External load balancer

JBoss AS 5 cluster configuration

Starting JBoss AS in cluster mode

Running cluster nodes on separate machines

Running cluster nodes on the same machine

Running multiple clusters on the same network

JBoss AS clustered services

JBoss Cache (JBC)

Cache modes

Cache configuration

Configuring HTTP cache management

Configuring EJB 3.0 Stateful Session Bean cache

Configuring entity caching

JBoss cache and concurrency

The HAPartition service

Exploring HA singletons

The HA-JNDI service

Accessing HA-JNDI

HA-JNDI configuration

Clustering web applications

Configuring HTTP replication

HttpSession passivation/activation

Configuring load balancing

JMS clustering


12. Developing a Clustered Application

Clustering Stateless Session Beans

Clustering Stateful Session Beans

Deploying a clustered SFSB

Testing the clustered SFSB

Programmatic replication of the session

Clustering entities

Revisiting the AppStore example

Inside the second-level cache

Evicting entities from the cache

General guidelines for a good cache

Clustering web applications

Testing HTTP session replication


13. JBoss AS Security

Approaching Java Security API

The JAAS security model

Introducing JBossSX

Securing the JMX console

Dynamic login configuration

Stacked login configuration

Logging and auditing

Securing the transport layer

Enabling the Secure Socket Layer on JBoss AS

Certificate management tools

Securing the HTTP communication with a self-signed certificate

Securing the HTTP communication with a certificate signed by a CA

Securing the RMI transport

Adding a client truststore


14. Securing JBoss AS Applications

Securing the AppStore application

HTTP role authentication

Encrypting passwords

EJB role authorization

Java EE programmatic security

Writing secure Java SE clients

Securing applications at transport level

Running the AppStore with HTTPS

Securing the RMI-IIOP transport: SSL BlackJack

Securing Web Services

Web Services authorization

Web Services encryption

Client and server configuration files

Encrypting the POJOWebService

Securing the Web Service

Securing the client

Running the example

Signing SOAP messages

Debugging SOAP messages



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