


ADempiere 3.4 ERP Solutions电子书

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作       者:Bayu Cahya Pamungkas

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:541.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is an easy-to-follow tutorial that will show you how to install and implement ADempiere. You will be shown how to set-up and use the features of ADempiere through plenty of step-by-step instructions with lots of examples and screenshots, and you will have a feature-rich, working version of ADempiere by the end of the book. If you want to easily implement ADempiere in your organization, this book is for you. This book will also be beneficial to system users and administrators who wish to implement an ERP system. No previous knowledge of ADempiere is required. A basic knowledge of accounting and the standard business workflow would be beneficial.

ADempiere 3.4 ERP Solutions

Table of Contents

ADempiere 3.4 ERP Solutions


About the Author

About the Reviewers


About this book

What this book covers

Getting involved with the ADempiere project


Reader feedback

Customer support




1. ADempiere Installation

ADempiere hardware and operating system requirements

Installing the Sun Java Development Kit (JDK)

Obtaining JDK/JRE

Installing JDK/JRE

JDK installation on the ADempiere server computer

JRE installation on the ADempiere client computer

Configuring Java system variables and the Windows path

Verifying system variables and the Windows path

Installing databases

Obtaining PostgreSQL databases

Installing PostgreSQL databases

Adding the PostgreSQL path

Verifying the additional PostgreSQL path

Configuring PostgreSQL

Modifying the client authentication configuration file

Verifying the PostgreSQL configuration file

Configuring the firewall to allow database connections

Installing ADempiere on the server side

Downloading the ADempiere core installation files

Downloading the latest ADempiere patch files

Obtaining the ADempiere application patch files

Obtaining the ADempiere database migration script

Verifying the ADempiere binary files

Extracting the ADempiere core installation files

Applying the ADempiere application patch files

Creating an ADempiere PostgreSQL database

Creating a PostgreSQL new login role

Creating an ADempiere database

Configuring the ADempiere server

Importing the initial ADempiere database

Applying the database migration script

ADempiere server memory management

Starting up the ADempiere application server

Installing ADempiere on the client side

Web Start client installation

Verifying the ADempiere client installation

Reading the ADempiere 3.4.2s release notes


2. Exploring the ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks

The Connection aspect of ADempiere

Checking the ADempiere client version

The predefined user ID and password

Understanding the Client and System users

Changing our ADempiere server connection

Which ADempiere server are we working on?

Managing ADempiere client

Working with the Menu

Menu Icon

Accessing menus

Menu Lookup and creating shortcuts

User preferences

More on the Cache Window option

Parts of the ADempiere window

More on Record Info

OK or Cancel button in the window

Maintaining a log of data changes

Standard window fields

Client and Organization fields

Active checkbox fields

Performing tasks

Data management

Data navigation

Other tasks

More on Lookup records

Setting additional search criteria

More examples on the use of Zoom Across

Field context menu



Value preference


3. Exploring Company Structures and the Initial Client Setup

Sample apparel company structure

ADempiere company structures

Managing the Chart of accounts template

Exploring the accounting format template files

Account editor tools

Creating a new ADempiere client

Reviewing your new ADempiere client creation

Setting additional organizations

Creating the organization type

Creating an additional organization

Updating organization information

Setting up an additional warehouse

Altering the existing default warehouse and locators

Adding extra warehouses and locators

Re-importing the chart of accounts

Import File Loader

Import Account

Taking a look at the other configuration parts

Accounting schema

Calendar Year and Period

Creating a new year and periods

Opening document types

Period Closed error message

Accounting processor

Automatically posting documents

Common errors during manual posting


4. Setting up Master Data and Knowing its Accounting Configuration

Introduction to master data accounting configuration

Example of a Product's accounting configuration

The meaning of HQ-14120-_-_-_-_

Account combination

Common rules when creating an account combination

Creating a new account combination

Changing the account combination of the ADempiere default account

Account alias

Altering the Product Asset default account

Managing a Business Partner

Business Partner Group

Grouping criteria

Accounting configuration

Creating a new business partner group

Business Partner

Registering a new Vendor

Vendor accounting configuration

Registering a new Customer

Customer accounting configuration

Company financial management

Managing your bank information

Registering your bank information

Registering a bank account document

Bank account configuration

Managing a Cash Book

Configuring your own cash book

Cash book accounting configuration

Introduction to Charge

Preparing new account combinations for Charge

Creating a new type of Charge

Using multiple currencies


Deactivating unneeded currencies

Currency conversion rate types

Creating a new currency type

Currency rates

Entering new currency rates

Entering reciprocal rates

Price management

Managing Price List Schema

Registering a new price list schema

Creating a Price List

Registering a new Price List

Creating a Price List version

Product management

Product Type

Product configuration

Creating a Product Category

Product Category accounting configuration

Creating a new Product

Preparing a new unit of measurement

The Product tab

The Purchasing tab

The Price tab


5. Procurement Activities

Introduction to the ADempiere Document

Working on a Purchase Requisition

Creating a Purchase Requisition manually

Working with Replenish Reports

Setting up replenish information

Setting up the default Price List

Completing the replenish information

Accounting facts

Working with Purchase Orders

Creating a Purchase Order manually

Creating a Purchase Order from a Purchase Requisition

Accounting facts

Receiving material

Receiving materials with a Purchase Order reference

Accounting facts

Receiving material without a Purchase Order reference

Posting error

Matching a Purchase Order to a Receipt

Accounting facts

Matched Purchase Orders

Accounting facts

Managing vendor invoices

Invoicing with a Material Receipt reference

Accounting facts

Invoicing without a Material Receipt reference

Accounting facts

Matching an Invoice to Material Receipt documents

Evaluating Matched Invoices

Accounting facts

Summary of Material Receipt and Invoice (Vendor) accounting facts

Making a payment to the vendor

Outstanding liabilities

Payment Selection

Creating a list of unpaid invoices

Creating a payment proposal

Payment Print/Export

Account Payable payments

Accounting facts

Viewing payment allocation

Accounting facts

Bank Statement

Entering Bank Statement information

Entering a Bank Statement Line

Accounting facts

Summary of Payment, Allocation, and Bank Statement accounting facts

Cash payment

Cash Type

Invoice cash payment

Accounting facts

Cash Payment Allocation

Accounting facts

Summary of Cash Payment and Cash Allocation accounting facts


6. Landed Costs, Production, and Sales Activities

Activating the accounting processor

Landed costs

Prerequisite configuration

Entering an additional business partner

Creating a new account combination

Setting transportation charges

Setting a new cost element

Altering the product cost adjustment default account

Creating additional Price Lists

Registering for the transportation charges

Cost distribution type

Expected distribution value

Entering our transportation cost

Accounting facts

Manufacturing finished goods—shirts

Bill of material (BOM)

Entering the bill of material information

Expense type of product as a part of bill of material

Creating an overhead product category

Creating labor and electricity products

Altering the product's default account

Setting up the product's standard cost

Registering labor and electricity products into the Shirt's BOM


Accounting facts

Proposal or Quotation document

Introduction to Proposal and Quotation

Setting up a product's sales price

Entering a Proposal or Quotation document

Sales Order

Proposal conversion to a Standard Order

Examining the resulting standard order document

Accounting facts


Generating Shipments

Shipment (Customer)

Shipment confirmation

Updating the Shirt Finished Goods standard cost

Accounting facts

Generating customer invoices

Generating invoices using Generate Invoices (manual)

Examining the Invoice (Customer) window

Accounting facts

Account receivable payment

Customer payment

Accounting facts

Payment allocation

View allocation

Accounting facts

Void and Reset allocation

Reset allocation

Void allocation

Bank statement

Accounting facts

Summary of Account receivable payment accounting facts

Managing direct sales

Preparing cash books

Entering a sales order

Unveiling POS Order transaction workflow

Accounting facts


7. Accounting Information and Configuration

Managing ADempiere accounts

Chart of accounts

A journey through the ADempiere list of accounts

Adding more accounts

Summary accounts option

Document Controlled option

Post Actual, Budget, and Statistical options

Introducing accounting dimensions

Re-posting a document

A walkthrough of the Accounting Schema

Exploring the Accounting Schema tab


Commitment Type

Accrual- or cash-based accounting

Costing method and costing level


Periods controlling

Use Account Alias

Post Trade Discount

Post services separately

Explicit Cost Adjustment

Allow Negative Posting

Post if Clearing Equal

The Account Schema Element tab

Adding campaign information

Registering another account schema element

Deactivating the account schema element

Avoiding the Intercompany Due From/To journal entries

The General Ledger and Defaults tabs

Avoiding Product Inventory Clearing journal entries


Testing the configuration

Accounting facts

Practicing commitment accounting


Requisition reservation

Accounting facts

Purchase Order Commitment and Reservation

Accounting facts

Matched Invoices commitment release

Accounting facts

General Ledger distribution

Concept of GL distribution

Distribution tab configuration

Line tab configuration

Sample of GL distribution case

Configuring GL distribution

Sample transactions and accounting facts

Creating a new account combination

Creating a new General Ledger Journal transaction

Product costs information


8. Managing Inventory

Introducing Product Attributes

Attributes for a raw material's product

Registering color attribute configuration

Registering the vendor serial number configuration

Registering additional information (description)

Registering internal number references (lot number)

Binding raw material attributes into an Attribute Set

Registering attributes for a raw material product

Example of using raw material product attributes

Creating a new Purchase Order using a material that uses attributes

Entering attribute information during Material Receipt

Tracking raw material related information using its attribute information

Tracking using the Attribute Set Instance window

Defining additional search criteria

Attributes for Shirt finished goods products

Registering size attribute configuration

Registering a lot number to identify production identity

Registering the internal number for shipment references

Creating an Attribute Set for the Shirt product

Attaching an attribute set to finished goods products

Example of using product attributes on the Shirt finished goods product

Attaching attributes during production activities

Searching for the Shirt product by its attributes

Assigning information during shipment activities

Managing internal use of inventory

Creating advertising and promotion types of charge

Sample usage of Internal Use inventory

Accounting facts

Tracking inventory transactions

Managing Physical Inventory

Stock counting and reconciliation

Accounting facts

Migrating an existing raw material into ADempiere

Creating a migration product category

Creating a migration product

Setting a product's product costs

Performing migration activities

Accounting facts

Moving Inventory

Movement between locations in different warehouses and / or different organizations

Setting up the In-Transit Material Movement document

Practising Moving Inventory with confirmation

Confirming receipt of full material quantity

Accounting facts

Confirmation of receiving with scrapped material

Confirmation of receiving with partial material

Movement among locations in the same warehouse


9. ADempiere Workflow

Knowing the General workflow—a step-by-step guide

Example of general workflow

Constructing our own general workflow

Attaching general workflow to a menu

Understanding ADempiere workflow

Knowing the workflow for an ADempiere document

Activity/Node flow

Setting up transition among Activities/Nodes

Node's Action

Node's workflow responsible

Responsible Type

Setting up a new workflow responsible

Document process workflow

Setting up User Choice actions

Finding the person with approval rights

Sample of approval workflow implementation

Initiating a requisition document

Approving the requisition document

Monitoring workflow progression

Cancelling a workflow in progress

Setting up E-mail actions

Activating the e-mail feature

Setting up e-mail for end users

Setting up a mail template

Altering workflow configuration

Testing the e-mail notification configuration

Setting up an application process's action

Finding the internal ADempiere process identity name

Identifying a parameter for a certain ADempiere processes

Additional workflow configuration

Testing the application process configuration

Setting up a Variable's action

Configuring the set attribute action

Testing the set variable workflow

Document value workflow

Setting up a new mail template

Defining configuration

Testing the document value workflow

Document value logic format

Document and Evaluation Value


Multiple logic

SQL document value logic format


10. Reporting Management

Introduction to the ADempiere standard printing feature

Accessing the Report button

Working with the Drill down feature

Working with the Drill across feature

Printing a report

Introducing print format templates

Sending e-mail, archiving reports, and exporting

How the ADempiere window finds its print format templates

Purchase Order and Sales Order



Shipment (Customer) and Material Receipt

Customizing Reports

Creating new print format templates

Duplicate Order Line print format

Duplicate Order Header print format

Setting the purchase order default print format

Altering the logo

Altering another header layout

Altering the detailed purchase order layout

Financial Reporting

Working with the Report Line Set window

Working with the Report Column Set window

Creating a Financial Report

Enabling the List Sources option

Reporting Hierarchy

Configuring a specific financial report

Setting up a new summary product

Setting up a Summary of Products Tree

Setting Tree Maintenance

Verifying the Summary of Products Tree

Setting up the Summary of certain products reporting hierarchy

Testing our sample reporting hierarchy reports

More details on the summary financial report

Setting up a new summary business partner

Setting up a Summary of BP Tree

Setting Tree Maintenance

Verifying the Summary of BP Tree

Setting up a more specific reporting hierarchy

Executing a more specific financial report

Info window

Integration with JasperReports


11. Importing Data

ADempiere's import mechanism

Determining the Import Loader Format

Preparing the data source

Loading data with the Import File Loader

Import activities

Import the Business Partner information

Creating the BPartner Import Loader Format

Preparing the Business Partner data files

Loading the Business Partner data

Importing the Business Partner data

Import Error Message sample

Importing Products

Creating the Product Import Loader Format

Preparing Product data files

Loading Product data

Importing Product data

Importing currency rates

Creating the Daily currency rates Import Loader Format

Identifying Search Key information

Preparing Currency rates data files

Loading Currency rates data

Importing Currency rates data

Importing General Ledger journal entries

Creating the GL journal Import Loader Format

Preparing GL journal data files

Loading GL journal data

Importing GL journal data

Import Orders

Creating the Order Import Loader Format

Preparing the Purchase Order data files

Loading the purchase order data

Importing Purchase Order data

Sales Order data import sample

Importing Invoices

Creating the Invoices Import Loader Format

Preparing Invoice Vendor data files

Loading Invoice Vendor data

Importing Invoice Vendor data

Invoice Customer data import sample

Importing Inventory

Creating the Inventory Import Loader Format

Preparing Inventory data files

Loading Inventory data

Importing Inventory data

Importing a Bank Statement

Creating the Bank Statement Import Loader Format

Preparing Bank Statement data files

Loading Bank Statement data

Importing Bank Statement data


12. Implementing Security

Managing ADempiere user IDs

Creating a user ID in the system

Managing user ID access control

Introduction to ADempiere roles

Creating a new ADempiere role

Attaching a user ID to a specific role

Assigning organization access to a user ID

Working with the Access all Orgs option

Working with the Maintain Change Log option

Working with the Show accounting option

Working with the Can Report option

Working with the Can Export option

Accessing Info Window

Assigning Window Access

Identifying Process Access

Registering Process Access

Introduction to Document Action Access

Registering Document Action Access

Managing Form Access

Recording access security rules

Enabling Personal Lock

Blocking access to certain records

Restoring access to certain blocked records

Using Dependent Entities

Working with Role Data Access in detail

Restricting Table access

Restricting Report access

Restricting Export access

Restricting Column Access

Obscuring information

Enabling the encrypted feature

Working with the Obscure feature



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