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GlassFish Administration
Table of Contents
GlassFish Administration
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1. Getting Started
Introducing GlassFish
A brief history of GlassFish
Understanding essential features of GlassFish
Strong and active community
Developer friendliness
High quality implementation
Sophisticated administration capability
Configuration flexibility
High performance
Installing GlassFish
Preparing for the GlassFish installation
Understanding system requirements for GlassFish
Installing the JAR file distribution
Installing the installer-based distribution
Using the silent installation feature
Verifying the GlassFish installation
2. Understanding the GlassFish Server Architecture
Understanding the architecture of GlassFish
GlassFish architecture with the developer profile
Server instances
Administrative domains
The architecture of the developer profile
GlassFish architecture with the clustering profile
Domain Administration Server (DAS)
Node agents
Using the clustering profile
Using the enterprise profile
Understanding the GlassFish deployment structure
The directory structure of GlassFish
Understanding Glassfish administrative domains
The structure of the default domain
Exploring essential domain configuration files
Getting familiar with domain.xml
Understanding the administration infrastructure of GlassFish
Performing administrative tasks
Using the GlassFish Admin Console
Using the administration Command Line Utility (CLI) — asadmin
The syntax of the asadmin utility
Examples of running the asadmin utility
3. Managing Applications on GlassFish
Application management on GlassFish
Java EE applications
Non-Java EE based Java applications
Non-Java applications
Ruby, JRuby, and Rails
Groovy and Grails
Application deployment in GlassFish
Application deployment features of GlassFish
Automatic deployment
Dynamic reload
Directory based deployment
Enable application clients through Java Web Start
Support Plain Old Java Object (POJO) web service
Configuring application libraries
Application deployment tools in GlassFish
Using the asadmin CLI utility
Using the Admin Console
Application deployment tutorial
Updating the GlassFish installation
Working with Java EE web applications and web services
Working with POJO Web Services
Working with enterprise applications and clients
Working with JRuby and Rails applications
Deploying JRuby on Rails application to GlassFish
Configuring Rails thread pools
Working with Grails applications
Deploying Grails applications to GlassFish
4. Configuring Containers and Essential Services
Understanding the GlassFish container architecture
Configuring the web container and HTTP service
Configuring the web container
Configuring HTTP services
Configuring the HTTP service
HTTP service properties
Configuring virtual servers
Configuring HTTP listeners
Configurable properties of the HTTP listener
Request processing process
Configuring the EJB containers and ORB
Configuring the EJB container
Configurable properties of the EJB container
Configuring the Object Request Broker (ORB)
Configuring the IIOP listener
Configuring the Application Client Container (ACC)
5. Configuring GlassFish Resources
Working with the naming service
Naming references and binding information
JDBC connection pools and data sources
Installing the JDBC driver
Creating and configuring JDBC connection pools
Working with connection pool settings
Creating JDBC resources
Connector resources
Creating a connector connection pool
Configuring JavaMail resources
Configuring the mail session
Custom and external JNDI resources
Working with custom resources
Working with external JNDI resources
6. Configuring JMS Resources
JMS support on GlassFish
Message-based systems and JMS
GlassFish support for JMS
Getting started with Open MQ
The architecture of Open MQ
The directory structure of Open MQ
Configuring Open MQ
Configuring Open MQ within GlassFish
Configuring the Open MQ Runtime
Configuring the JMS Resources
Configuring Open MQ using standalone tools
Starting and stopping the Open MQ broker
Administering the Open MQ Broker using imqcmd
Using the imqadmin administration console
Configuring ActiveMQ for GlassFish
Installing and configuring ActiveMQ
Working with GlassFish generic resource adapter
Configuring the GlassFish server classpath
Deploying the generic resource adapter
Creating the connector resources
7. Securing GlassFish
Reviewing essential security concepts
Data integrity and confidentiality
Understanding security features in GlassFish
Configuring user authentication
Security realms supported in GlassFish
The file realm
The certificate realm
JDBC realm
LDAP realm
Solaris realm
Configuring authentication realms
Configuring a JDBC realm
Configuring an LDAP realm
Configuring authentication methods for applications
Using Programmatic login
Single sign-on
Configuring authorization for GlassFish
Using default principals and role mappings
Configuring certificates and secure communication protocols
Working with the keytool utility
SSL and TLS support
Configuring SSL and TLS
Additional security concerns in GlassFish
Administering passwords
Working with administration related passwords
Encrypting application resources related passwords
Java ACC support
8. Monitoring GlassFish
Monitoring features of GlassFish
Understanding the GlassFish monitoring service
Configuring monitoring
Using built-in monitoring tools
Viewing monitoring data
Monitoring web services
Viewing web service statistics
Using the Call Flow analysis
Using self management rules
Self management rules
Configuring management rules
Monitoring GlassFish with other utilities
Monitoring GlassFish using JConsole
Using the VisualVM tool
Using GlassFish Enterprise Manager for monitoring
9. Configuring Clusters and High Availability
Configuring clusters for GlassFish
Understanding GlassFish clusters
Configuring clusters
Obtaining cluster support
Creating node agents
Creating clusters
Administering clusters
Creating server instances for the cluster
Configuring load balancers
Configuring the load balancer plug-in for Apache web server
Configuring GlassFish for load balancing
Disabling (Quiescing) targets and applications
Configuring high availability
Working with in-memory replication
Configuring in-memory replication
Configuring the Group Member Service (GMS)
HADB-based session failover
10. Troubleshooting and Tuning GlassFish
Troubleshooting the GlassFish environment
Using the diagnostic service
Working with thread dumps
Generating thread dumps
Analyzing thread dumps using TDA
Tuning GlassFish Server for performance
The NetBeans profiler
Using the NetBeans profiler
Using the GlassFish Performance Advisor
Installing the Performance Advisor
Using Performance Advisor management rules
Using the Performance Advisor tuner
11. Working with GlassFish 3
Introducing GlassFish 3
New features of GlassFish 3
Supporting Java EE 6 profiles
Modular design
Support for dynamic and scripting languages
Installing GlassFish 3
More on the installer-based distribution
Verifying the GlassFish installation
Working with the GlassFish update tool
Introducing IPS
Using the update tool utilities
About the standalone update tool
Exploring the GlassFish directory structure
The structure of the default domain: domain1
Getting familiar with domain.xml
Administering GlassFish 3
Using the Admin Console
Using the asadmin CLI utility
Using the the HTTP interface of the asadmin utility
Working with GlassFish containers
Embedded GlassFish
Deploying applications to GlassFish 3
Application deployment features
Directory based deployment
Dynamic reload and automatic deployment support
Configuring application libraries
Application deployment tools on GlassFish
Using the asadmin CLI utility
Using the Admin Console
Application deployment tutorial
Working with Java EE web applications and web services
Working with JRuby and Rails applications
JRuby on Rails and GlassFish 3
Deploying JRuby on Rails application to GlassFish
Configuring Rails thread pools
Running Rails application with embedded GlassFish
Working with Grails applications
Running Grails application with embedded GlassFish
Deploying Grails applications to GlassFish