


Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Arvind Maheshwari

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:234.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a hands-on tutorial detailing Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control's management of Middleware. It is a 'how-to', and provides best practices, tips, and troubleshooting guidelines for managing middleware with Oracle Enterprise Manager. This book is targeted at Middleware Administrators, IT Architects, and System Administrators who want to monitor, diagnose, and maximize the system performance of Oracle [if gte mso 9] Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ![endif]--[if gte mso 9] ![endif] Fusion Middleware solutions. The book assumes basic knowledge of middleware/application server management. It can also be used by Database Administrators who want to become Middleware Administrators.

Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5

Table of Contents

Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5



About the Authors

About the Reviewers


Complexities in modern applications

Middleware administrator — a man with several hats

Key challenges faced by administrators

What this book covers

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Enterprise Manager Grid Control

Key features of Enterprise Manager Grid Control

Comprehensive view of the data center

Performance data

Configuration data

Status of scheduled operations


Unmanned monitoring

Historical data analysis

Configuration management

Managing multiple entities as one

Service level management


Automating provisioning

Information publishing

Synthetic transaction

Manage from anywhere

Enterprise Manager product family

Products managed by Enterprise Manager

Enterprise Manager Architecture


Oracle Management Service (OMS)

Oracle Management Agent (OMA)

Oracle Management Repository (OMR)

Enterprise Manager Console

Enterprise Manager High Availability


2. Installing Enterprise Manager Grid Control

Installation procedure


Operating system requirements

Downloading the software

Installing OMS and repository

Installing Grid Control 10gR1 or 10gR2

Upgrading to Grid Control 10gR5

Installing Management Agent

Starting and stopping Grid Control

Starting and stopping OMS

Starting and stopping the repository database

Starting and stopping the Agent


3. Enterprise Manager Key Concepts and Subsystems


Target definition

Target lifecycle

Discovery of a target

Configuration for monitoring

Updates to a target

Stopping monitoring of a target



Metrics definition

Metric collection and aggregation

Metric alerts

Monitoring templates

Configuration management


Configuration snapshot


Notification system


Deployment procedures

Software library

Service Level Management

Information publishing

Report definition

Report element


4. Managing Oracle WebLogic Server

Introducing WebLogic Server

Supported versions

Discovering WebLogic Server

Adding a new WebLogic Server Domain

Monitoring WebLogic Server

Availability and state

Performance monitoring

Event notifications and setting metric thresholds

Setting up notification methods

Setting up e-mail preferences for admin user

Setting the notification rules

Jobs and corrective action

Corrective action job

Configuration management

Asset tracking

Policy management

Enforcing a custom policy

Service level management

Creating a system

Creating a service

Role based access control

Creating an EM user and assign targets


5. Managing Oracle Application Server

Discovery and Target Model

Tasks for Oracle Applications Server Administrator


How to use this feature


Monitoring availability

How to use this feature

Monitoring performance

How to use this feature

Applications performance monitoring

Monitoring of Application Infrastructure

How to use this feature

Monitoring end-user experience

How to use this feature

Thresholds and notifications for metrics

How to use this feature

Configuration management

Configuration change tracking

How to use this feature

Configuration compliance

How to use this feature

Configuration comparison

How to use this feature


How to use the feature


6. Managing Forms and Reports Services and Applications

Architecture of Oracle Forms and Reports Services

Monitoring of Oracle Forms and Reports Services

Discovery of Oracle Forms and Reports Server

Managing Forms Server

Setting the metric thresholds

Managing Reports Server

Setting the metric thresholds

Monitoring Forms applications

Configure your Windows client

Configure SSL certificate

Creating a Forms System

Creating Forms application

Forms and Reports provisioning


7. SOA Management — BPEL Management

Introducing BPEL Process Manager

Supported versions

Discovery of BPEL Process Manager

BPEL Process Manager running on OC4J

Monitoring configuration

Agent configuration

BPEL Process Manager running on WebLogic

Monitoring Configuration

BPEL Process Manager running on WebSphere

Monitoring BPEL PM and BPEL processes

Monitoring BPEL PM

Monitoring BPEL Processes

BPEL process metrics

Monitoring model for BPEL processes

Configuration management

Lifecycle Management for BPEL PM

BPEL suitcase deployment

Provisioning and patching of BPEL PM

Best practices for BPEL PM management and monitoring


8. SOA Management — OSB (aka ALSB) Management

Introducing Oracle Service Bus (OSB)

OSB constructs

Proxy service

Business service

Message flow

Supported versions

Discovery of Oracle Service Bus

Monitoring OSB and OSB services

Monitoring OSB

Monitoring OSB services

Monitoring proxy services

Monitoring business services

Configuration management for Oracle Service Bus

Lifecycle management for Oracle Service Bus

How to use this feature

OSB best practices


9. Managing Identity Manager Suite

Oracle Identity Management targets

Discovery of Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite

Discovery of Access Manager

Access Server

Discovery of Identity Server

Identity Manager Server

Identity Federation Server

Monitoring Identity and Access Management Suite

Service level management

Configuration management


10. Managing Coherence Cluster

Coherence overview

Discovery of the Coherence cluster

Starting Coherence management node using bulk management Mbeans

The Coherence Target Model

Discovering Oracle Coherence

Monitoring of Coherence cluster

Setting up the metric threshold

Monitoring Coherence node

Monitoring Coherence cache

Monitoring connections and connections managers

Comparing and propagating changes

Provisioning the Coherence cluster


11. Managing Non-Oracle Middleware

Non-Oracle middleware support

Managing open source middleware

Managing Apache HTTP Server

Managing Apache Tomcat

Installing the Tomcat plug-in

Discovering Tomcat Server

Managing JBoss Application Server

Managing IBM middleware

Managing IBM WebSphere Application Server

Managing IBM WebSphere MQ

Best practices for managing non-Oracle Java middleware

Managing Microsoft Middleware

Installing Plug-ins

Discovery of Microsoft middleware

Monitoring Microsoft middleware

Service Level Monitoring for third-party targets


12. Java and Composite Applications Monitoring and Diagnostics

Composite Application Monitor and Modeler

Supported products

CAMM architecture

Installation and configuration

Monitoring and diagnosing Composite Applications with CAMM

Application Diagnostics for Java (AD4J)

AD4J Architecture

Installation and configuration

Starting up AD4J Console

Diagnosing Java applications

Diagnosing application hangs

Tracing a thread

Cross-tier diagnostics

Detecting and analyzing memory leaks


13. Building Your Monitoring Plug-in

Introducing Sun Java Web Server

How plug-ins work

Plug-in artefacts

Management Plug-in Archive (MPA)

Plug-in deployment

Monitoring targets using a plug-in

Exercise — monitor Sun Java Web Server


Exercise steps

Setup on agent side

Configuration from Enterprise Manager Console

Exercise summary

Overview of artefacts used for monitoring of Sun Java Web Server

Target definition

Target metrics

Target artefacts

Target metadata

Top section

Metric section

Properties section

Target collection

Collection schedule

Metric thresholds & operators

Packaging and deploying a plug-in



Advance features for plug-ins


Other advanced features


14. Best Practices for Managing Middleware Components Using Enterprise Manager


Creating gold images

Use software library as central repository

Define deployment procedures for all provisioning activities

Routine monitoring

Select monitoring indicators and define acceptable limits

Use monitoring templates

Setup notification rules

Manage many-as-one

Defining Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Define service tests

Configuration management

Save configuration snapshots

Use configuration comparison

Configuration compliance

Lifecycle management

Using the Critical Patch advisory

Using deployment procedures for patching

Use the job system library

Using the multi-tasking jobs

Information publishing

Using reports for information publishing

Use database views for publishing information



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