


Microsoft Office Live Small Business: Beginner’s Guide电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Rahul Pitre

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:92.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A tutorial in the Beginner’s Guide series, offering the reader step-by-step instructions on building and customizing their MOLSB web site from scratch. This book is also packed with tips, tricks, and best practices. Small-business owners who want to build and customize their business web sites on Microsoft’s free-to-use platform. No technical knowledge is required.

Microsoft Office Live Small Business Beginner's Guide

Table of Contents

Microsoft Office Live Small Business


About the Author


About the Reviewers


About Office Live Small Business

Is Office Live Small Business right for you?

About this book

How to use this book

What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action — uploading a document

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero

Reader feedback

Customer support

Companion Website




1. Getting Started

Important preliminary points

Signing in

Time for action — sign in to your Office Live Small Business account

What just happened?

Signing out

Time for action — sign out of your Office Live Small Business account

What just happened?

Exploring the website section

Time for action — exploring the website section of your account

Page Manager: the site-management tool

The starter website

Time for action — viewing the starter website

What just happened?

More about Page Manager

Time for action — viewing page properties

What just happened?

Have a go hero — explore page properties

Site Designer and Page Editor: the design tools

Time for action — exploring Site Designer

Have a go hero — explore Site Designer's ribbon

Time for action — exploring Page Editor

What just happened?

Have a go hero — explore Page Editor's ribbon

Pop quiz 1.1

The rest of the tools: the galleries

Have a go hero — explore the galleries


2. Customizing Headers and Footers

Choosing a title for your website

Time for action — setting the site title

What just happened?

Choosing a slogan for your website

Time for action — setting the site slogan

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with the site title and site slogan

Pop quiz 2.1

Setting the footer

Time for action — customizing the footer

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with the footers


3. Setting Design Options

Choosing a theme for your website

Time for action — choosing a theme

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with different themes

Choosing a style for your website

Time for action — choosing a style

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with different styles

Choosing a navigation layout

Time for action choosing a style

What just happened?

Choosing a color scheme for your website

Time for action — choosing a color scheme

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with different color schemes

Choosing a site font for your website

Pop quiz 3.1

Time for action — choosing the site font

What just happened?

Have a go hero — choose another font if you wish


4. Setting Page Display Options

Setting site options

Time for action — opening the Site options dialog

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with different page options

Introducing Advanced design features

Time for action — activating Advanced design features

What just happened?

Have a go hero — preview your site's stylesheet

Pop quiz 4.1

Using Advanced design features

Time for action — overriding the site width setting

What just happened?


5. Building Your Website's Skeleton

Editing the home page

Time for action — opening the Home page in Page Editor

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with Page Editor commands

Choosing a page layout

Time for action — changing the Layout

What just happened?

Customizing the page layout

Time for action — customizing a layout

What just happened?

Creating a template for future use

Time for action — creating and saving a page template

What just happened?

Have a go hero — view template properties

Creating content for the home page

Have a go hero — write copy for your home page

Building the Home page

Time for action — add copy to the Home page

What just happened?

Re-creating the About Us page

Time for action — creating a new page from a template

What just happened?

Have a go hero — write copy for your about us page

Re-creating the Contact Us page

Time for action — re-creating the Contact Us page

What just happened?

Creating the Privacy Policy page

Time for action — creating a new page from a template

What just happened?

Have a go hero — write copy for your Privacy Policy page

Building the Privacy Policy page

Time for action — add copy to the Privacy Policy page

What just happened?

Deleting a page

Time for action — deleting a web page

What just happened?


6. Building the Information Pages

Selecting and organizing information for your site's information pages

This book's companion site: a case study

Step 1: Decide the purpose of the website

Step 2: Specify potential visitors and classify them into groups

Step 3: Wear the visitors' hats and think of questions they'd ask

Step 4: Select questions that are worth answering

Step 5: Classify questions into topics

Step 6: Reword the section and topic names with phrases suitable for the website

Step 7: Eliminate redundant information and finalize the page hierarchy

A few more examples

A website for children's art classes

A website for an appliance repair service

Have a go hero — selecting and organizing information for your website's information pages

Creating section pages

Time for action — creating a section page

What just happened?

Have a go hero — creating the rest of the section pages

Pop quiz 6.1

Creating topic pages

Time for action — creating a topic page

What just happened?

Have a go hero — creating the rest of the topic pages

Creating content for the section pages

Have a go hero — writing content for section pages

Creating content for the topic pages

Have a go hero — writing content for topic pages


7. Improving the Presentation

Introducing Page Editor's modules

Setting up a contact form with the Contact Us module

Time for action — creating a contact form

What just happened?

Adding contact information

Time for action — adding contact information

What just happened?

Displaying a map and driving directions

Time for action — creating a map and driving directions page

What just happened?

Have a go hero: customize the Map & directions display

Trying out a couple of other modules

Time for action trying out Weather and Stock modules

What just happened?

Creating hyperlinks

Time for action — creating a hyperlink to the Map page

What just happened?

Have a go hero — working with hyperlinks

Displaying pictures

Time for action — displaying a picture

What just happened?

Have a go hero — working with pictures

Presenting data in tabular format

Time for action — creating a table

What just happened?

Have a go hero — working with tables

Pop quiz 7.1


8. Fine-tuning the Design

Customizing the header

A header with one of the built-in theme pictures

A plain header without a logo or a picture

Time for action — building a header without a logo or a picture

What just happened?

A header with a picture of your choice

Time for action — building a header with a custom picture

What just happened?

A header with a logo and a picture

Time for action — building a header with a logo and a picture

What just happened?

A header with a logo but no picture

Time for action — building a header with a logo but no picture

What just happened?

Have a go hero — experiment with the header

Pop quiz 8.1

Customizing the color scheme

Time for action — customizing the color scheme

What just happened?

Using a custom stylesheet

Tweaking the navigation links

Time for action — manipulating the stylesheet to fix the navigation

What just happened?

Displaying borders around pictures

Time for action — displaying a border around pictures

What just happened?

Have a go hero — play with styles

Styling horizontal rules

Time for action — styling the horizontal rules

What just happened?

Pop quiz 8.2


9. Venturing Beyond the Basics

About HTML modules

Time for action — adding an HTML module to your page

What just happened?

HTML 101

Working with paragraphs

Working with horizontal rules

Working with headings

Working with hyperlinks

Time for action — generating the markup for a hyperlink

What just happened?

Working with pictures

Have a go hero — experiment with a picture's HTML markup

Working with external content

Have a go hero — experiment with a picture's HTML markup

Pop quiz 9.1

Further customization with solutions


10. Optimizing for Search Engines

What is SEO?

What SEO is not

Optimizing your web pages

Do comply with web standards

Do avoid HTML modules

Do avoid Adobe Flash movies when HTML would do just fine

Do follow best practices

Specify a meaningful title for every page

Time for action — specifying meaningful page titles

What just happened?

Specify keyword and description metatags wherever possible

Time for action — specifying metatags

What just happened?

Fix broken links

Write good copy

Check your spelling

Pop quiz 10.1

Don't abuse metatags

Don't add hidden text

Don't link your pages to irrelevant pages

Don't fall prey to dubious SEO advice

Have a go hero — optimize your web pages


A. Signing Up: Opening a New Office Live Small Business Account

Signing up

B. Setting Up E-mail Accounts

Creating an e-mail account

Resetting the password of an e-mail account

Deleting an e-mail account

C. Submitting Your Site to Search Engines

D. Backup and Restore: Recovering From Disasters

Backing Up


E. Reports: Analyzing Visitor Statistics

Accessing Reports

What exactly do these Reports tell you?

What Reports don't tell you

The right way to use Reports

The wrong way to use Reports

Are Reports accurate?

What about Google Analytics?

F. Answers to Pop Quizes

Answers to Pop quiz 1.1

Answer to Pop quiz 2.1

Answer to Pop quiz 3.1

Answer to Pop quiz 4.1

Answer to Pop quiz 6.1

Answers to Pop quiz 7.1

Answer to Pop quiz 8.1

Answers to Pop quiz 9.1

Answers to Pop quiz 10.1


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