


Django 1.0 Website Development电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Ayman Hourieh

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:159.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The simple and clear approach is ideal for beginners to Django. Packed with examples and screenshots, this book will help you learn the features of Django 1.0 and help you build a dynamic website using those features. This book is for web developers who want to learn to build a complete site with Web 2.0 features, using the power of a proven and popular development system, Django, but do not necessarily want to learn how the complete framework functions in order to do this. Basic knowledge of Python development is required for this book, but no knowledge of Django is expected.

Django 1.0 Web Site Development

Django 1.0 Web Site Development


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1. Introduction to Django

MVC pattern in web development

Why Python?

Why Django?

Tight integration between components

Object-Relational Mapper

Clean URL design

Automatic administration interface

Advanced development environment

Multilingual support

History of Django


2. Getting Started

Installing the required software

Installing Python

Installing Python on Windows

Installing Python on UNIX/Linux

Installing Python on Mac OS X

Installing Django

Installing Django on Windows

Installing Django on UNIX/Linux and Mac OS X

Installing a database system

Creating your first project

Creating an empty project

Setting up the database

Launching the development server


3. Building a Social Bookmarking Application

A word about Django terminology

URLs and views: creating the main page

Creating the main page view

Creating the main page URL

Models: designing an initial database schema

The link data model

The user data model

The bookmark data model

Templates: creating a template for the main page

Putting it all together: generating user pages

Creating the URL

Writing the view

Designing the template

Populating the model with data


4. User Registration and Management

Session authentication

Creating the login page

Enabling logout functionality

Improving template structure

User registration

Django forms

Designing the user registration form

Account management


5. Introducing Tags

The tag data model

Creating the bookmark submission form

Restricting access to logged-in users

Methods for browsing bookmarks

Improving the user page

Creating a tag page

Building a tag cloud

A word on security

SQL injection

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


6. Enhancing the User Interface with AJAX

AJAX and its advantages

Using an AJAX framework in Django

Downloading and installing jQuery

The jQuery JavaScript framework

Element selectors

jQuery methods

Hiding and showing elements

Accessing CSS properties and HTML attributes

Manipulating HTML documents

Traversing the document tree

Handling events

Sending AJAX requests

What next?

Implementing live searching of bookmarks

Implementing basic searching

Implementing live searching

Editing bookmarks in place

Implementing basic bookmark editing

Implementing in-place editing of bookmarks

Auto-completion of tags


7. Voting and Commenting

Sharing bookmarks on the main page

The SharedBookmark data model

Modifying the bookmark submission form

Browsing and voting for shared bookmarks

The popular bookmarks page

Commenting on bookmarks

Enabling the comments application

Creating a view for comments

Displaying comments and a comment form

Creating comment templates


8. Creating an Administration Interface

Activating the administration interface

Customizing the administration interface

Customizing listing pages

Overriding administration templates

Users, groups, and permissions

User permissions

Group permissions

Using permissions in views


9. Advanced Browsing and Searching

Adding RSS feeds

Creating the recent bookmarks feed

Customizing item fields

Creating the user bookmarks feed

Linking feeds to HTML pages

Advanced searching

Retrieving objects with the database API

Advanced queries with Q objects

Improving the search feature

Organizing content into pages (pagination)


10. Building User Networks

Building friend networks

Creating the friendship data model

Writing views to manage friends

The friends list view

Creating the add friend view

Inviting friends via email

The invitation data model

The Invite A Friend form and view

Handling activation links

Improving the interface with messages


11. Extending and Deploying

Internationalization (i18n)

Marking strings as translatable

Creating translation files

Enabling and configuring the i18n system

Improving performance with caching

Enabling caching

Local memory caching

Database caching

File system caching


Configuring caching

Caching the whole site

Caching specific views

Unit testing

The test client

Testing the registration view

Deploying Django

The production web server

The production database

Turning off debug mode

Changing configuration variables

Setting error pages


12. What Next?

Custom template tags and filters

Model managers and custom SQL

Generic views

Contributed sub-frameworks



Markup filters



Cross-Site Request Forgery protection (CSRF)

Message system

Subscription system

User scores


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