


Tapestry 5: Building Web Applications电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Alexander Kolesnikov

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:48.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is for those who want to build sophisticated Java web applications quickly and easily. It assumes that the reader is reasonably comfortable with the Java programming language, but no knowledge of web technologies is needed. For experienced Servlet, JSP, or Struts developers, the book will show an alternative way that will allow them to raise their productivity to an incomparable level. With this book you will see that a contemporary component-based framework can be easy to learn and a pleasure to work with.

Tapestry 5

Table of Contents

Tapestry 5


About the Author

About the Reviewers


What This Book Covers

Who is This Book for


Reader Feedback

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Downloading the Example Code for the Book




1. Introduction to Tapestry

Why is Tapestry Special?

Tapestry HTML Templates are Free from Obtrusive Instrumentation

Custom Components are Very Easy to Create

AJAX and DHTML, but No JavaScript Coding

User Input Validation Works Like Magic

Built-In Internationalization Support

Inversion of Control Made Easy

Is Tapestry the Savior in the World of Java Web Development?

The Journey of Tapestry from 3 to 5


2. Creating Your Working Environment

Install a JDK

Configuring the Environment for Windows

Configuring environment for Mac OS X

Install Maven

Create a Skeleton Tapestry project

Install NetBeans

Debugging in NetBeans

Installing Eclipse

Installing Tomcat

Configuring the Project in Eclipse

Debugging in Eclipse


3. The Foundations of Tapestry

Tapestry Application is a Set of Interactive Pages

Page Template and Page Class

Using Expansions

Using Components

Passing a Value Between Pages

What Can be Returned From an Event Handler

Tapestry Pages are Pooled

Making a Page Field Persistent

Using Page Activation Context

Different Ways of Defining Components

Structuring the Application

Creating and Using an Application State Object

Was an ASO Already Instantiated?


4. Simple Components

Celebrity Collector Project

The Auxiliary Classes

TextField, PasswordField and PageLink

Limiting Access to a Page

Loop, Output and DirectLink

Another Use of PageLink Component

Radio and RadioGroup

Using Enumerations for Radio Component Values

Prefixes: prop and literal

The If and Checkbox Components

Submit Component

More Than One Submit Button

Select Component

Configuring an Application State Object


5. Advanced Components

Grid Component

Tweaking the Grid

Changing the Column Titles

Using GridDataSource

BeanEditForm Component

Tweaking BeanEditForm

DateField Component

Changing the Styles of Grid and BeanEditForm

FCKEditor Component


6. User Input Validation

Adding Validation to Components


Providing Custom Error Messages

Handling Validation-Related Form Events

Cross-Form Validation

BeanEditForm Validation


7. Internationalization and Localization

Internationalization on the Java Platform

Internationalization in Tapestry

Creating and Using Message Catalogs

Providing a German Message Catalog

Switching Locale

Internationalization of Images

Using Localized Templates

Other Examples of Internationalization


8. Creating Custom Components

How to Create a Tapestry 5 Component

Creating the Border Component

Adding a Navigation Menu

Using a Parameter

Unleashing the Power of Select Component

Creating an OptionModel

Creating a SelectModel

Creating a ValueEncoder

Selecting a Celebrity

DateInput Component

Making DateInput a Field

Adding Simple Validation

Creating a Universal Locale Switcher

Creating a Custom Service

Creating a Library of Custom Components


A. The Basics of Java for the Web

The Standard Structure of a Java Web Application

The Basics of the Deployment Descriptor

WAR Files Basics

About Java-Enabled Servers

B. Creating a Real Data Source with db4o

Preparing the Database

The Main Operations

The Final Strokes

C. Where to Go Next


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