


Unity Multiplayer Games电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Alan R. Stagner

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:92.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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An easy-to-follow, tutorial manner that uses the learning-by-example approach.If you are a developer who wants to start making multiplayer games with the Unity game engine, this book is for you. This book assumes you have some basic experience with programming. No prior knowledge of the Unity IDE is required.

Unity Multiplayer Games

Table of Contents

Unity Multiplayer Games


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1. Unity Networking – The Pong Game

Introducing multiplayer games

Introducing UDP communication

Setting up the Master Server

NetworkViews and state serialization

Writing a custom state serializer

Using RPCs

Initializing a server

Connecting to a server

Connecting to the Master Server

Registering a server with the Master Server

Browsing available servers

Setting up a dedicated server model

Servers in Unity

Compiler directives

Setting up a server console without Pro

Loading networked levels

Creating a multiplayer Pong game

Preparing the Field

The Ball script

The Paddle script

Keeping score

Displaying the score to the player

Networking the game

Spawning paddles

The networked ball

Networked scorekeeping

The Connect screen


2. Photon Unity Networking – The Chat Client

Differences between PUN and Unity Networking

Setting up PUN with Photon Cloud

Using PhotonViews

Connecting to Photon and getting a list of rooms

Creating and joining rooms

Creating rooms

Joining rooms

Filtering results by user preference

Filtering arrays

Filtering and caching a room list

Automatic matchmaking

Finding friends

Syncing a level between players

Creating a chat client

The Connect screen

The Lobby screen

The chat room

Adding friends lists


3. Photon Server – Star Collector

Dedicated servers

Getting the Photon Server

Creating a server application

Creating a class library

Responding to operation requests

Deploying the server code

Connecting from Unity and passing messages

Creating a game logic class

Assigning player IDs

Building a star collector game

Preparing the class library

The Actor class

Sending an ID to a player

Keeping track of the game state

Spawning and picking up stars

Broadcasting events

Connecting from Unity

Creating/destroying actors

Controlling the player


4. Player.IO – Bot Wars

Player.IO versus the Photon Server

Getting and setting up a development server

Setting up the Unity client SDK

Connecting to Player.IO

Getting a list of rooms

Connecting to rooms

Creating rooms

Random matchmaking

Sending/receiving messages

Server-side code

Working with BigDB

Creating a simple RTS prototype

The server-side code

The client-side code


5. PubNub – The Global Chatbox

Overview of PubNub

Getting started

How PubNub works

Parsing JSON from PubNub

Building a PubNub interface

Creating a global chatbox application

Publishing chat messages

Displaying chat logs


6. Entity Interpolation and Prediction

Entity interpolation

The client-side prediction

Rigidbody simulation

Creating a networked object

Adding naive interpolation

Improving interpolation

Preparing for server authoritative movement

Implementing server authoritative movement

Notes on hacking


7. Server-side Hit Detection

Client-side versus server-side hit detection

Creating a testbed

Moving hit detection to the server

Entity rewinding



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