


Microsoft Visio 2013 Business Process Diagramming and Validation电子书

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作       者:David J. Parker

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:323.0万

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Microsoft Visio 2013 Business Process Diagramming and Validation provides a comprehensive and practical tutorial including example code and demonstrations for creating validation rules, writing ShapeSheet formulae, and much more.If you are a Microsoft Visio 2013 Professional Edition power user or developer who wants to get to grips with both the essential features of Visio 2013 and the validation rules in this edition, then this book is for you. A working knowledge of Microsoft Visio and optionally .NET for the add-on code is required, though previous knowledge of business process diagramming is not necessary. More experienced Visio users will gain valuable knowledge regarding building add-ons and creating and publishing rules. If you want to achieve results from Visio 2013 beyond the ordinary out-of-the-box features, then this book is ideal for you. Microsoft Visio 2013 Business Process Diagramming and Validation provides a comprehensive and practical tutorial including example code and demonstrations for creating validation rules, writing ShapeSheet formulae, and much more.

Microsoft Visio 2013 Business Process Diagramming and Validation

Table of Contents

Microsoft Visio 2013 Business Process Diagramming and Validation


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1. Overview of Process Management in Microsoft Visio 2013

Exploring the new process management features in Visio 2013

Reviewing Visio Process Management capabilities

Understanding the Visio BMP Maturity Model

Reviewing the foundations of structured diagramming

Reviewing the enhanced process flow templates

Looking at the Flowchart templates

Reviewing the new process flow templates

Understanding a BPMN Diagram

Understanding a Microsoft SharePoint 2013 workflow

Validation of process diagrams

Analyzing the structure of a Visio document

Using the Visio Process Repository

Publishing visual data from Visio

Understanding the Visio 2013 editions

Planning your own solutions


2. Understanding the Microsoft Visio Object Model

Introducing the Visio Type libraries

Going beyond the object model

Classifying the Visio document

Selecting a programming language to use with Visio

Understanding the Drawing Explorer window

Understanding the Visio object model

Examining the Application object

Reviewing the ActiveDocument and ActivePage objects

Reviewing the Addons collection

Reviewing the COMAddIns collection

Reviewing the CurrentEdition property

Reviewing the DataFeaturesEnabled property

Reviewing the Documents collection

Reviewing the TypelibMinorVersion and Version properties

Examining the Document object

Reviewing the Advanced Properties object

Reviewing the DataRecordsets collection

Reviewing the DocumentSheet object

Reviewing the ID and Index properties

Reviewing the FullName and Name properties

Reviewing the Masters collection

Reviewing the Pages collection

Reviewing the ReadOnly property

Reviewing the Type property

Reviewing the Validation object

Examining the Master object

Reviewing the BaseID property

Reviewing the Hidden property

Reviewing the ID, Index, and IndexInStencil properties

Reviewing the Name and NameU properties

Reviewing the PageSheet object

Reviewing the Type property

Examining the Page object

Reviewing the Connects collection

Reviewing the ID and Index properties

Reviewing the Layers collection

Reviewing the PageSheet object

Reviewing the Comments and ShapeComments property

Reviewing the Shapes collection

Reviewing the Type property

Examining the Shape object

Reviewing the Characters and Text properties

Reviewing the Connects and FromConnects collections

Reviewing the Hyperlinks collection

Reviewing the ID, Index, NameID, Name, and NameU properties

Reviewing the IsCallout and IsDataGraphicCallout properties

Reviewing the LayerCount property

Reviewing the Master, MasterShape, and RootShape objects

Reviewing the OneD property

Reviewing the Parent object

Reviewing the Type property

Examining the Section object

Examining the Row object

Examining the Cell object

Reviewing the Column property

Reviewing the Error property

Reviewing the Formula and FormulaU properties

Reviewing the Name and LocalName properties

Reviewing the Result properties

Reviewing the Units property

Iterating through cells

Delving into the Connectivity API

Understanding the Shape.ConnectedShapes method

Understanding the Shape.GluedShapes method

Understanding the Shape.MemberOfContainers property

Understanding the Shape.CalloutsAssociated property

Listing the steps in a process flow


3. Understanding the ShapeSheet™

Finding the ShapeSheet

Understanding sections, rows, and cells

Reading a cell's properties

Printing out the ShapeSheet settings

Understanding the functions

Important sections for rules validation

Looking at the User-defined Cells section

Using the category of a Shape

Using the structure type of a Shape

Checking a Container shape

Checking a List shape

Checking for attached Callout shapes

Looking at the Shape Data section

Using the String type

Using the Fixed List type

Using the Number type

Using the Boolean type

Using the Variable List type

Using the Date type

Using the Duration type

Using the Currency type

Looking at the Hyperlinks section

Working with Layer Membership


4. Understanding the Validation API

An overview of Validation objects

Using the Validate method

Validating custom rules written in code

Working with the ValidationRuleSets collection

Adding to or updating a ruleset

Working with the ValidationRules collection

Adding to or updating a rule

Verifying that a rule works

Working with the ValidationIssues collection

Retrieving the selected issue in the Issues window

Toggling the Issues window visibility

Listing the issues caused by a particular shape

Using code to clear issues

Retrieving an existing issue in code

Adding an issue in code


5. Developing a Validation API Interface

Understanding the architecture of the tool

Enhancing the ThisAddin class

Listening for application events

Checking for the Visio Professional edition

Creating the ViewModel class

Creating the BaseViewModel class

Viewing the documents collection

Viewing the ValidationRuleSets collection

Viewing the ValidationRules collection

Viewing the ValidationIssues collection

Modifying the Visio Fluent UI

Creating the Rules Explorer window

Self-describing tree views

Making informative tool tips

Linking detail panels

Editing ruleset properties

Editing rule properties

Handling special key strokes

Adding the Explorer actions

Creating the Add button

Creating the Add Issue button

Creating the Paste button

Creating the Copy button

Creating the Delete button

Displaying the rule for a selected issue

Displaying the issues for the current selection


6. Reviewing Validation Rules and Issues

Extensions to our ribbon

Annotating Visio diagrams with issues

Saving the current user settings

Displaying the issue mark-up page

Adding in the issue comments

Hiding the issue mark-up page

Exporting rulesets to XML

Getting the XDocument object

Getting the VERuleSet XElement

Getting the VEIssue XElement

Importing rulesets from XML

Creating ruleset reports

Getting the XSL stylesheet


7. Creating Validation Rules

Overview of the document validation process

Validating rulesets

Validating rules

Processing a rule

Validation functions

Useful ShapeSheet functions

Filter and Test Expressions

Checking the type of shape

Checking the category of shapes

Checking the layer of a shape

Checking if the page contains relevant shapes

Checking for specific cell values

Checking that connectors are connected

Checking that shapes have correct connections

Checking whether shapes are outside containers

Checking whether a shape has text

Custom validation rules in code


8. Publishing Validation Rules and Diagrams

Overview of Visio categories and templates

Creating a custom template

Adding embellishments

Adding the template description

The simplest method to provide a template

Editing the file paths for templates

Setting the file paths for templates

Creating a template preview image

Enhancing the quality of the preview image

The best method for publishing templates

Creating a setup project

Running the installation

Uninstalling and Repairing


9. A Worked Example for Data Flow Model Diagrams – Part 1

What are Data Flow Diagrams?

Examining the standard template

Enhancing the masters

Editing the Data Flow master

Preparing for AutoConnect

Editing the Data Store master

Adding Shape Data

Enhancing the graphics

Displaying the ID value

Improving the group shape

Editing the Interface master

Editing the Process master

Adding Shape Data

Enhancing the graphics

Displaying the ID value

Displaying the Category value

Improving the group shape

Setting the Subprocess master

Enhancing the page


10. A Worked Example for Data Flow Model Diagrams – Part 2

Writing the ruleset

Rule 1 – all processes must have at least one data flow in and one data flow out

Rule 2 – all processes should modify the incoming data, producing new forms of the outgoing data

Rule 3 – each data store must be involved with at least one data flow

Rule 4 – each external entity must be involved with at least one data flow

Rule 5 – a data flow must be attached to at least one process

Rule 6 – data flows cannot go directly from one external entity to another external entity

Rule 7 – do not allow a single page of a DFD to get too complex

Rule 8 – each component should be labeled

Rule 9 – each data flow should be labeled describing the data that flows through it

Rule 10 – each component and subcomponent should be numbered

Rule 11 – a data flow must be connected between two components

Rule 12 – a flow must not cycle back to itself


11. A Worked Example for Data Flow Model Diagrams – Part 3

Completing the template

Reviewing the template

Creating the installer

Testing the Installer

Using a digital certificate

Thoughts about code in templates


12. Integrating Validated Diagrams with SharePoint 2013 and Office365

Using SharePoint and Visio together

Understanding a Visio Process Repository

Approving and rejecting Process Diagrams

Creating a Visio Process Repository

Adding a Visio template to SharePoint

Adding a template as a Site Content Type

Adding a List and Library Content Type

Creating a diagram from the custom template



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