


WordPress Web Application Development电子书

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作       者:Rakhitha Nimesh Ratnayake

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:353.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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An extensive, practical guide that explains how to adapt WordPress features, both conventional and trending, for web applications.This book is intended for WordPress developers and designers who have the desire to go beyond conventional website development to develop quality web applications within a limited time frame and for maximum profit. Experienced web developers who are looking for a framework for rapid application development will also find this to be a useful resource. Prior knowledge with of WordPress is preferable as the main focus will be on explaining methods for adapting WordPress techniques for web application development rather than explaining basic skills with WordPress.

WordPress Web Application Development

Table of Contents

WordPress Web Application Development


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1. WordPress As a Web Application Framework

WordPress as a CMS

WordPress as a web development framework

MVC versus event-driven architecture

Simplifying development with built-in modules

Identifying the components of WordPress

The role of the WordPress theme

The structure of a WordPress page layout

Customizing the application layout

The role of the admin dashboard

Admin dashboard

Posts and pages




The role of plugins

The role of widgets

A development plan for a portfolio management application

Application goals and a target audience

Planning the application

User roles of the application

Planning application features and functions

Understanding limitations and sticking with guidelines

Building a question-answer interface


Creating questions

Changing the status of answers

Saving the status of answers

Generating the question list


2. Implementing Membership Roles, Permissions, and Features

Introduction to user management

Preparing the plugin

Getting started on user roles

Creating user roles for a application

What is the best action for adding user roles?

Knowing the default roles

How to choose between default and custom roles?

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Removing existing user roles

Understanding user capabilities

Creating your first capability

Understanding default capabilities

Registering application users

Implementing the frontend registration

Shortcode implementation

Pros and cons of using shortcodes

Page template implementation

Pros and cons of page templates

Custom template implementation

Building a simple router for user modules

Creating the routing rules

Adding query variables

Flushing the rewriting rules

Controlling access to your functions

What are the advantages of using do_action?

Creating custom templates

Designing the registration form

Planning the registration process

Handling registration form submission

Activating system users

Creating a login on the frontend

Displaying a login form

Time to practice


3. Planning and Customizing the Core Database

Understanding the WordPress database

Exploring the role of existing tables

User-related tables

Post-related tables

Term-related tables

Other tables

Adapting existing tables into web applications

User-related tables

Post-related tables

Scenario 1 – an online shopping cart

Scenario 2 – hotel reservation system

Scenario 3 – project management application

Term-related tables

Other tables

Extending a database with custom tables

Planning the portfolio application tables

Types of tables in web applications

Creating custom tables

Querying the database

Querying the existing tables

Inserting records

Updating records

Deleting records

Selecting records

Querying the custom tables

Working with posts

Extending WP_Query for applications

Limitations and considerations

Transaction support

Post revisions

How to know whether to enable or disable revisions


Using metatables


4. The Building Blocks of Web Applications

Introduction to custom content types

The role of custom post types in web applications

Planning custom post types for the application





Implementing custom post types for a portfolio application

Implementing the custom post type settings

Creating a projects class

Assigning permissions to projects

Creating custom taxonomies for technologies and types

Assigning permissions to project type

Introduction to custom fields with meta boxes

What is a template engine?

Configuring Twig templates

Creating your first Twig template

Persisting custom field data

Customizing custom post type messages

Passing data to Twig templates

Introduction to custom post type relationships

Pods framework for custom content types

Should you choose Pods for web development?

Time to practice


5. Developing Pluggable Modules

A brief introduction to WordPress plugins

Understanding the WordPress plugin architecture

WordPress plugins for web development

Create reusable libraries with plugins

How to use AJAX in WordPress

Creating an AJAX request using jQuery

Defining AJAX requests

Drawbacks in a normal process

Planning the AJAX plugin

Creating the plugin

Including plugin scripts for AJAX

Creating reusable AJAX requests

Extensible plugins

Planning the file uploader for portfolio application

Creating the extensible file uploader plugin

Converting file fields with jQuery

Integrating the media uploader to buttons

Extending the file uploader plugin

Customizing the allowed types of images

Saving and loading project screens

Pluggable plugins

Time to practice


6. Customizing the Dashboard for Powerful Backends

Understanding the admin dashboard

Customizing the admin toolbar

Removing the admin toolbar

Managing the admin toolbar items

Customizing the main navigation menu

Creating new menu items

Adding features with custom pages

Building options pages

Automating option pages with SMOF

Customizing the options page to use as a generic settings page

Building the application options panel

Using the WordPress Options API

Using feature-packed admin list tables

Building extended lists

Using an admin list table for following developers

Step 1 – defining the custom class

Step 2 – defining instance variables

Step 3 – creating the initial configurations

Step 4 – implementing custom column handlers

Step 5 – implementing column default handlers

Step 6 – displaying the checkbox for records

Step 7 – listing the available custom columns

Step 8 – defining the sortable columns of the list

Step 9 – creating a list of bulk actions

Step 10 – retrieving list data

Step 11 – adding the custom list as a menu page

Step 12 – displaying the generated list

An awesome visual presentation for the admin dashboard

The responsive nature of the admin dashboard

Time for action


7. Adjusting Themes for Amazing Frontends

Introduction to a WordPress application's frontend

Basic file structure of a WordPress theme

Understanding template execution hierarchy

Template execution process of web application frameworks

Web application layout creation techniques

Shortcodes and page templates

Custom templates with custom routing

Using pure PHP templates

The WordPress way of using templates

Direct template inclusion

Theme versus plugin templates

Are you planning to create an application-specific theme?

Template engines

Building a portfolio application's home page

What is a widget?

Widgetizing application layouts

Creating widgets

Creating a custom template loader

Designing the home page template

Generating an application's frontend menu

Creating a navigation menu

Displaying user-specific menus on the frontend

Creating pluggable and extendable templates

Pluggable or extendable templates

Extendable templates in web applications

Pluggable templates in WordPress

Comparing WordPress templates with Twig templates

Extending the home page template with action hooks

Customize widgets to enable extendable locations

Planning action hooks for layouts

Time for action


8. Enhancing the Power of Open Source Libraries and Plugins

Why choose open source libraries?

Open source libraries inside the WordPress core

Open source JavaScript libraries in the WordPress core

What is Backbone.js?

Understanding the importance of code structuring

Integrating Backbone.js and Underscore.js

Creating a developer profile page with Backbone.js

Structuring with Backbone.js and Underscore.js

Displaying the projects list on page load

Creating new projects from the frontend

Integrating events to the Backbone.js views

Validating and creating new models on the server

Creating new models on the server

Using PHPMailer for custom e-mail sending

Usage of PHPMailer within the WordPress core

Creating a custom version of the pluggable wp_mail function

Loading PHPMailer inside plugins and creating custom functions

Implementing user authentication with Opauth

Configuring login strategies

Building a LinkedIn app

Process of requesting the strategies

Initializing the Opauth library

Authenticating users in our application

Using third-party libraries and plugins

Time for action


9. Listening to Third-party Applications

Introduction to APIs

Advantages of having an API

WordPress XML-RPC API for web applications

Building the API client

Creating a custom API

Integrating API user authentication

Integrating API access tokens

Providing the API documentation

Time for action


10. Integrating and Finalizing the Portfolio Management Application

Integrating and structuring a portfolio application

Step 1 – deactivating all the plugins used in this book

Step 2 – creating a new standalone plugin

Step 3 – moving all the plugins into wpwa-web-application

Step 4 – removing plugin definitions

Step 5 – creating common folders

Step 6 – loading components to the main plugin

Step 7 – creating the template loader

Step 8 – reusing the autoloader

Step 9 – defining main plugin functions

Step 10 – building the template router

Step 11 – building the activation controller

Step 12 – building the script controller

Step 13 – building the admin menu controller

Step 14 – creating class initializations

Step 15 – initializing application controllers

Restructuring the custom post manager

Integrating a template loader into the user manager

Working with a restructured application

Building the developer model

Designing the developer list template

Enabling AJAX-based filtering

Updating a user profile with additional fields

Updating values of profile fields

Scheduling subscriber notifications

Notifying subscribers through an e-mail

Lesser-known WordPress features





Time for action

Final thoughts


A. Configurations, Tools, and Resources

Configure and set up WordPress

Step 1 – downloading WordPress

Step 2 – creating the application folder

Step 3 – configuring the application URL

Creating a virtual host

Using a localhost

Step 4 – installing WordPress

Step 5 – setting up permalinks

Step 6 – downloading the Responsive theme

Step 7 – activating the Responsive theme

Step 8 – activating the plugin

Step 9 – using the application

Open source libraries and plugins

Online resources and tutorials


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