


Getting Started with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Developer’s Guide电子书

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作       者:Fabio Mazanatti Nunes

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:209.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Getting Started with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c is a fast-paced and feature-packed book, designed to get you working with Java EE 6, JDK 7 and Oracle WebLogic Server 12c straight away, so start developing your own applications.Getting Started with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Developer's Guide is written for developers who are just getting started, or who have some experience, with Java EE who want to learn how to develop for and use Oracle WebLogic Server. Getting Started with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Developer's Guide also provides a great overview of the updated features of the 12c release, and how it integrates Java EE 6 and JDK 7 to remove boilerplate code.

Getting Started with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Developer's Guide

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Developer's Guide


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1. Overview of WebLogic Server 12c and Related Technologies

Introducing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

WebLogic Server @ Oracle

Most relevant features

Overview of JDK 7

The Project Coin

The diamond operator

The try-with-resources statement

Strings in switch statements

Manipulating binary integral literals

Exception handling with multicatch statements

Delving into Java EE 6

Other technologies in the book

Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

Oracle Coherence



The Cloud Application Foundation (CAF)

Oracle Traffic Director

Oracle Tuxedo

Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder

Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c

Web resources

Java and Java EE 6

WebLogic 12c


Other tools


2. Setting Up the Environment

About the directory structure

Installing JDK 1.7

Installing Oracle WebLogic Server

Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE)

Installing MySQL

Installing on Linux using a package manager

Downloading and installing manually

Disabling case sensitivity for tables on Unix/Linux

Some Windows specifics

Configuring MySQL databases

Preparing PrimeFaces

Downloading the binaries

Creating a shared library

Setting up a WebLogic domain

Configuring Eclipse and OEPE

Linking WebLogic's runtime environment

Adding a reference to the PrimeFaces' shared library

Linking WebLogic Server's instance

Referencing MySQL databases

Creating WebLogic data sources

Adding database connections to Eclipse

Using OpenLDAP

Installing OpenLDAP

Configuring an OpenLDAP server

Loading sample entries and testing

Web resources


3. Java EE Basics – Persistence, Query, and Presentation

The business scenario – movie ticket system

Business entities of the system

Organizing projects in Eclipse

Creating the StoreBO project

Generating classes from database tables

Creating named queries

Tweaking the persistence.xml file

Packing the project

The Store web project

Adding references to PrimeFaces' shared library

Adding references to StoreBO

Referencing the persistence configuration file

Creating a named bean

Configuring the Web descriptor

Defining the test page

Deploying and testing the application

Web resources


4. Creating RESTful Services with JAX-RS

Creating Theater entities

Customizing the generated entities

Creating named queries

Preventing cyclic references

Formatting exhibitions' date and time

Completing the persistence.xml file

Packaging the library

Creating the Theater web application

Setting up the project

Enabling JAX-RS

Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS

Coding the API

Testing the web service

Creating the REST client

Configuring JAX-RS client libraries and optional package

Creating the web service consumer

Updating the SearchManager bean

Updating the query page

Structuring the web application

Applying templates through Facelets

Creating an entity listing page

Web resources


5. Singleton Bean, Validations, and SOAP Web Services

Using bean validation

About built-in constraints

Combining and grouping validation rules

Creating a custom constraint

Coding a constraint validator

Showing validation messages

Using the message component

PrimeFaces's Growl

Dealing with null and empty strings on JSF components

Singleton session beans

Implementing a singleton session bean

Understanding how to use the startup annotation

Establishing a startup and shutdown sequence

Dealing with concurrency when using singletons

Singleton applied to web services

Persisting an object using JPA

Understanding the available transaction contexts

Using container-managed transactions

Using bean-managed transactions

Acquiring a transaction context manually

A brief intermission

Web services and SOAP

The reservation web service

Testing the service provider

Consuming the service

Web resources


6. Using Events, Interceptors, and Logging Services

Understanding interceptors

Creating a log interceptor

Interceptors and Aspect Oriented Programming

Using asynchronous methods

Understanding WebLogic's logging service

Anatomy of a log message

Redirecting standard output to a log file

Integrating Log4J to WebLogic's logging services

Accessing and reading log files


Defining audit events

Web resources


7. Remote Access with JMS

WebLogic clients

Thin T3 client – wlthint3client.jar

RMI thin client – wlclient.jar

JMS thin client – wljmsclient.jar

JMS SAF client – wlsafclient.jar

JMS T3 SAF client – wlsaft3client.jar

Full client – wlfullclient.jar

JMX client – wljmxclient.jar

Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic

The persistent store

The JMS server

The JMS module

The JMS subdeployment

The JMS queue

The JMS connection factory

Posting messages from a standalone client

Creating the project

Coding the message producer

Queuing messages

Consuming messages with an MDB

Configuring thread limits for MDBs

The Store-and-Forward client feature

Creating the configuration file

Encrypting the connection password

Adjusting the configuration file

Adjusting the code

Testing the SAF client

Web resources


8. Adding Security

Exploring Java SE and Java EE security

WebLogic security

Authentication providers and security realms

Using an external LDAP server

Configuring an OpenLDAP authentication provider

Securing the web application

Modifying the web.xml descriptor file

Modifying the weblogic.xml descriptor file

Creating and mapping a global role

Creating the login form

Testing the login procedure

Protecting WebLogic resources

Signing up a user and OpenLDAP

Creating a user on the database

Publishing a customer to a JMS queue

Security policies for the JMS queue

Updating the login bean

From the JMS queue to the LDAP server

Creating the LDAP client

Creating the MDB

Testing LDAP user provisioning

Completing the application

Web resources


9. Servlets, Composite Components, and WebSockets

Overview of JavaServer Faces

Using composite components

Learning a few Servlet tricks

Deprecated features

Identifying the default name of a servlet

Asynchronous request processing

Creating dynamic components

Using WebSockets

Creating the server component

Testing the component

Using an encrypted connection

Web resources


10. Scaling Up the Application

Introducing the Node Manager

Defining machines

Using Cluster and Managed Servers

Creating a static cluster

Creating a dynamic cluster

Configuring a software load balancer

Creating a new Managed Server for load balancing

Enabling the load balancer

Retargeting applications and resources

Updating web.xml of clustered web applications

Retargeting auxiliary components

Making the application cluster friendly

Changing deployment target from Eclipse

Using a singleton service

Creating a singleton service

Adjusting the service client

Using Oracle Coherence

Replicating sessions with Coherence*Web

Creating a Coherence cluster

Enabling Coherence*Web storage

Adjusting the application to use the cache

Caching JPA objects with TopLink Grid

Web resources


11. Some WebLogic Internals

Understanding deployment structures

Packaging as an archived file

Using an exploded archive directory

Using a virtual application

Configuring the deployment model

Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time

Packaging modules into an application

Creating an application-scoped module

Restricting access to an application-scoped resource

Declaring data sources using annotations

Using the Classloader Analysis Tool (CAT)

Starting CAT

Finding potential conflicts

Using RESTful management services

Enabling the management service

Monitoring resources

Formatting the response

Web resources



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