


3D Printing Blueprints电子书

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作       者:Joe Larson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:51.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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MakerBot Projects Blueprints is a project-based book, with each chapter taking you through the creation of an awesome stand-alone project. MakerBot Project Blueprints is for anyone with an interest in the 3D printing revolution and the slightest bit of computer skills. Whether you own a 3D printer or not you can design for them. All it takes is Blender, a free 3D modeling tool, this book and a little creativity and someday you’ll be able to hold something you designed in the computer in your hands.

3D Printing Blueprints

Table of Contents

3D Printing Blueprints


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1. Design Tools and Basics

Design basics

The working of 3D printing

Building for supportless prints

Designing for dual extruders

Designing supportless – overhangs and bridges

Branching out with overhangs

Building bridges

Choosing a modeling tool

Installing Blender

Getting acquainted with Blender

The 3D View panel

The Outliner panel

The Properties panel

The Info panel

The Timeline panel

Proper stance

Blender customization

Setting up for Mac OSX

General Blender tips

Suggested shortcuts

The blueprints


2. Mini Mug

Getting started

Creating the first shape

Creating a save point

Adjusting the view

Adding a handle

Shaping the handle

Smoothing the rough edges

Shaping the body of the mug

Joining the shapes

Flattening the bottom

Exporting for print

Extra credit


3. Face Illusion Vase

Getting a profile

Tracing the silhouette

Creating a vase from the lines

Using Solidify to make walls

Making a solid base

Printing the vase

Extra credit


4. SD Card Holder Ring

Taking measurements

Modeling the finger

Putting the ring on the floor

Making a test ring

Resizing the test ring

Adding an SD card holder

Adding the SD holder to the ring

Extra credit


5. Modular Robot Toy

Making the connector

Splitting the connector

Building a printable peg

Putting a hole in our pocket

Constructing a robot

Engineering the body

Creating the torso

Making an arm

Shaping the leg

Forming the head

Assembling the parts to print

Printing and assembly

Extra credit


6. D6 Spinner

Extracting the spring

Starting the project

Modeling the spring

Defining the boundaries

Building the spinner

Extending Blender with gears

Adding a gear to the spinner

Spinning on a peg

Adding the numbers

Building a rack

Adding the trigger

Docking the spring

Modeling the case – lid

Modeling the case – bottom

Preparing for print

Printing and assembly

Extra credit


7. Teddy Bear Figurine

Making a stick figure

Putting the skin on the bones

Smoothing the skin

Adjusting for the third dimension

Making an armature

Drawing the details

Simplifying the model

Fixing the armature weights

Posing the bear

Inspecting before print

Extra credit


8. Repairing Bad Models

Downloading a 3D scanned file

Trimming the fat

Orienting the scan

Trimming more fat

Making a flat base

Detail work on the back

Cleaning up bad geometry

Deleting an extra edge

Merging the problem away

Finding hidden points

Uncrossing the lines

Repeat until clean

Final cleanup

Making it a book end


9. Stretchy Bracelet

Modeling the bracelet

Refining the shape

Printing the bracelet

Editing the settings in ReplicatorG

Editing the settings in MakerWare


10. Measuring – Tips and Tricks

Using a caliper

Grid paper method

Using the grid paper method with Blender



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