


JBoss AS 7 Development电子书

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作       者:Francesco Marchioni

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:327.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book will kick-start your productivity and help you to master JBoss AS development. The author's experience with JBoss enables him to share insights on JBoss AS development in a clear and friendly way. By the end of the book, you will have the confidence to apply all the newest programming techniques to your JBoss applications.If you are a Java architect or developer who wants to get the most out of the latest release of the JBoss application server, then this book is for you. You are not expected to have accumulated experience on the application server though you must know the basic concepts of Java EE.

JBoss AS 7 Development

Table of Contents

JBoss AS 7 Development


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1. Getting Started with JBoss AS 7

An overview of Java EE and JBoss AS 7

Welcome to Java EE 6

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1

Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0

Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java

Java Servlet API 3.0

Java API for web services (JAX-RS and JAX-WS)

Java API for XML-based web services (JAX-WS)

Java architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2

New features in JBoss AS 7

Installing the server and client components

Installing Java SE

Testing the installation

Installing JBoss AS 7

Starting up JBoss AS

Connecting to the server with the Command Line Interface

Stopping JBoss

Locating the shutdown script

Stopping JBoss on a remote machine

Restarting JBoss

Installing the Eclipse environment

Installing JBoss Tools

Alternative development environments

Installing Maven

Testing the installation


2. What's New in JBoss AS 7

AS 7 core concepts

The AS 7 filesystem

Managing the application server

Managing JBoss AS 7 with the web interface

Launching the web console

Deploying your first application to JBoss AS 7

Advanced Eclipse deployment options

Managing deployments with the web console

Changing the deployment scanner properties

Deploying applications using the CLI

Deploying applications to a domain


3. Beginning Java EE 6 – EJBs

EJB 3.1 – new features

Developing singleton EJBs

Configuring the project object module (pom.xml)

Coding our EJB application

Controlling bean concurrency

Using bean-managed concurrency

Cooking session beans

Adding a stateless bean

Adding a stateful bean

Deploying the EJB application

Creating a remote EJB client

Configuring the client's project object module

Coding the EJB client

Adding EJB client configuration

Running the client application

Adding user authentication

Using the EJB timer service

Programmatic timer creation

Scheduling timer events

Adding asynchronous methods to our EJBs

Using fire-and-forget asynchronous calls

Returning a Future object to the client


4. Learning Context Dependency Injection

Introducing Context and Dependency Injection

Named beans

CDI scopes

JBoss AS CDI implementation

Rethinking your ticketing system

Adding the required dependencies

Coding the beans

Building the view

JSF 2 facet suggestions

Getting ready to run the application

Combining the scheduler into our application

Installing RichFaces

Making your application rich

Running the application

Are EJBs and JSF Managed Beans obsolete?


5. Combining Persistence with CDI

Data persistence meets a standard

Working with JPA

Adding persistence to our application

Setting up the database

Installing the JDBC driver on JBoss AS 7

Using the command-line interface to create a new data source

Creating the Maven project

Adding Maven configuration

Cooking entities

Adding JavaBeans Validation

Configuring persistence

Adding producer classes

Coding queries for your application

Adding services to your application

Adding a controller to drive user requests

Coding the JSF view

Running the example


6. Testing Your Applications

Unit testing and integration testing

Instruments for testing

Getting started with Arquillian

Writing an Arquillian test

Configuring the pom.xml file

Writing your first Arquillian test

Running Arquillian TicketTest

Running Arquillian TicketTest with a managed container

Enhancing your Arquillian test

Additional information


7. Developing Applications with JBoss JMS Provider

A short introduction to JMS

The building blocks of JMS

The JBoss messaging subsystem

Creating and using connection factories

Using JMS destinations

Adding message-driven beans to your application

Cooking message-driven beans

Adding the JMS producer

Compiling and deploying the application

Optimizing JMS connections

Specifying which message to receive using selectors

Using JMS to integrate with external systems

A real-world example – HornetQ and ActiveMQ integration

Installing the ActiveMQ resource adapter

Consuming ActiveMQ messages


8. Adding Web Services to Your Applications

Developing SOAP-based web services

Strategies for building SOAP web services

JBoss SOAP web services stack

A brief look at the JAX WS architecture

Coding SOAP web services with JBoss AS 7

Developing a POJO web service

Inspecting the web service from the console

Testing our simple web service

EJB3 Stateless Session Beans (SLSB) web services

Developing a web service consumer

Compiling the example

Developing REST-based web services

Accessing REST resources

JBoss REST web services

Activating RESTEasy

Adding REST to our Ticket example

Consuming our REST service

Compiling our Ticket example

Choosing between SOAP and REST services


9. Managing the Application Server

Entering the JBoss Command Line Interface (CLI)

Launching the CLI

Connecting from remote hosts

Using the CLI in the graphical mode

Constructing the CLI commands

Determining the resource address

Performing operations on resources

Using the tab completion helper

Deploying applications using the CLI

Deploying applications to a JBoss AS 7 domain

Deploy to all server groups

Deploy to a single server group

Creating CLI scripts

Deploying an application to several JBoss AS 7 nodes

Restarting servers in a domain

Installing a datasource as a module

Adding JMS resources

Using advanced languages to create powerful CLI scripts

Using scripting languages to wrap CLI execution

Using the raw management API to manage the application server

Reading management model descriptions via the raw management API

Creating your resource watches using the detyped API


10. Clustering JBoss AS 7 Applications

Clustering basics

JBoss AS 7 clustering

Starting a cluster of standalone nodes

Starting a cluster of domain nodes

The domain controller configuration

Host configurations

Deploying clustered applications

Clustering EJBs

Creating HA Stateful Session Beans

Clustering the Ticket example

Turning your cache into a distributed cache

Coding the cluster-aware remote client

Deploying and testing high availability

Web application clustering

Load balancing your web applications

Installing mod_cluster

Clustering your web applications

Programming considerations to achieve HA

Achieving HA in JSF applications


11. Securing JBoss AS 7 Applications

Approaching the Java security API

JBoss AS 7 security subsystem

Setting up your first login module

Using the login module in the Ticket web application

Switching to FORM-based security

Creating a Database login module

Encrypting passwords

Using the Database login module in your application

Securing EJBs

Securing web services

Securing the transport layer

Enabling the Secure Socket Layer on JBoss AS

Certificate management tools

Securing the HTTP communication with a self-signed certificate

Securing HTTP communication with a certificate signed by a CA

Securing EJB communication

Generating the server and client certificates

Creating an SSL-aware security realm

Creating an SSL-aware security realm


A. Rapid Development Using JBoss Forge

Installing Forge

Starting Forge

Creating your first Java EE 6 application with JBoss Forge

Building and deploying the application

Your forge-demo application in action


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