


IBM Cognos 10 Framework Manager电子书

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7人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Terry Curran

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:80.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Presented in a hands-on style, this guide presents you with real world examples to guide you through every process step by step.This book will be useful for any developer, novice or expert, who uses Framework Manager to build packages, but wants to expand their knowledge even further.

IBM Cognos 10 Framework Manager

Table of Contents

IBM Cognos 10 Framework Manager


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1. Getting Started

Configuring Framework Manager

Starting Framework Manager

User interface

The Project Viewer pane

The Explorer tab

The Diagram tab

The Dimension Map tab

The Properties pane

The Tools pane

The Summary tab

The Search tab

The Dependencies tab



2. Proven Practice

Modeling layers

Data layer

Logical layer

Presentation layer

Dimensional layer

How to create namespaces

How to create folders

Using the Model Advisor

How to use the Model Advisor

Facts identified by cardinality

Query subjects that can behave as facts or dimensions

Query subjects with multiple relationships

Query subjects that join to themselves

Determinants that conflict with relationships

Factors that will override the Minimized SQL setting

Embedded calculations that use the calculated aggregation type

Query subjects that can cause a metadata caching conflict


3. Importing Data Sources

Importing relational data

Importing from an existing data source

Importing from a new data source

Importing stored procedures

Using prompts with a stored procedure

Importing additional database objects

Importing from the same data source

Importing from additional data sources

Importing OLAP data sources

Combining OLAP and relational data sources

After importing your data sources


4. Modeling Relational Data


Detecting cardinality during import

Creating relationships and cardinality


How to add determinants

Special purpose joins

Role playing dimensions

Reflexive and recursive joins

Where to model the relationships


5. Modeling Dimensional Data

Regular dimensions

Creating a regular dimension

Dimensions with multiple hierarchies

Creating a multiple hierarchy dimension

Measure dimensions

Creating a measure dimension

Creating aggregation rules for measures

Scope relationships

Creating a scope relationship


6. Creating the Business and Presentation Layers

Creating the business layer

Renaming columns

Hiding columns

Specifying attribute types

Adding filters

Embedded filters

Creating an embedded filter

Standalone filters

Creating a standalone filter

Adding calculations

Embedded calculations

Creating embedded calculations

Standalone calculations

Creating standalone calculations

Adding prompts

Creating prompts with Macros

Adding formatting

Data formatting properties

Using formatting patterns

Adding formatting

Creating the presentation layer

Grouping data items

Using folders and namespaces

Using shortcuts

Creating shortcuts


7. Creating and Publishing Packages

Creating a package

Making changes to a package

Publishing a package

Using package versioning

Using externalized query subjects

Creating externalized queries

Using the Dynamic Query Mode

Using package security


8. Maintaining Projects

Analyzing the impact of changes made to packages

Analyzing publish impact

Showing report dependencies

Showing item dependencies

Remapping an item to a new source

How to remap an item

Reusing a project

Model portability

Moving a model by using the log file

How to play back actions from a log file

Running action logs in batch mode

BmtScriptPlayer syntax

Multiuser modeling in Framework Manager

Merge projects

Segmenting and linking projects

Creating a segment

Creating links


9. Model Design Accelerator

Model Design Accelerator user interface

Starting Model Design Accelerator

Adding tables to your workspace

Adding joins to your workspace

Generating a Framework Manager model


10. Parameter Maps

Session parameters

Creating a session parameter

Modifying session parameters

Using session parameters

Parameter maps

How to create parameter maps

Creating a parameter map manually

Basing a parameter map on existing query items

Using parameter maps


A. Data Warehouse Schema Map

Table definitions

Cognos resources

Installed Cognos manuals

Resources on the Internet


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