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Highcharts Essentials
Table of Contents
Highcharts Essentials
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1. Getting Started with Highcharts
Why choose Highcharts?
Plenty of chart types
Deep browser support
Data preprocessing
Custom theming support
Installing Highcharts
A simple Highcharts example
2. Column and Bar Charts
Introducing column charts
Using the official documentation of Highcharts
Including multiple data series
Stacking column charts
Column charts with normal stacking
Column charts with percentage stacking
Excluding a series from stacking
Drilling down the chart
Adjusting ticks and other chart elements
Introducing bar charts
Negatively stacked bar charts
Creating 3D column charts
Modifying the viewing frame
3. Line and Spline Charts
Introducing line charts
Creating line charts with regular time intervals
Formatting date/time and data labels
Formatting the tooltip
Creating line charts with irregular time intervals
Creating line charts with multiple series
Loading data from an HTML table
Creating spline charts
Creating spline charts with plot bands
Combining line and column charts
4. Area, Scatter, and Bubble Charts
Introducing area charts
Adjusting the placement of tick marks
Creating area charts with multiple series
Series with missing values
Sharing a tooltip between multiple series
Stacking charts with multiple series
Polishing the area chart
Area charts with percentage values
Area-spline charts
Introducing scatter charts
Formatting a tooltip with pointFormat
Scatter charts with multiple series
Creating bubble charts
5. Pie, Polar, and Spider Web Charts
Introducing pie charts
Slicing off a pie chart
Enabling slicing by point selection
Drilling down the pie chart
Modifying the back button
Creating a 3D pie chart
Creating pie charts with multiple series
Creating a donut chart
Configuring a semicircle donut
Combining pie charts with line and column charts
Introducing a polar chart
Polar charts with different series types
Converting other chart types to the polar chart
Introducing the spider web chart
Creating a wind rose chart
6. Other Chart Types
Creating an angular gauge chart
An angular gauge with dual axes
Styling the angular gauge
Creating a VU meter
Creating a solid gauge
Plotting a waterfall chart
Plotting a pyramid chart
Drawing a funnel chart
Creating a heat map
Fine-tuning the appearance
Formatting the tooltip
7. Theming with Highcharts
Basic theming concepts
Formatting the tooltip with HTML
Altering borders, shadows, and backgrounds
Gradient fill types
Linear gradients
Gradient background for columns and tooltips
Linear gradients with multiple color stops
Radial gradients
Applying radial gradient to pie chart
Using Google Fonts with Highcharts
Using jQuery UI easing for series animation
Creating a global theme for our charts
Configuring our charts for internationalization
8. Exploring Highcharts APIs and Events
An overview of Highcharts APIs and class model
Disabling the chart animation
Getting values with the Chart.get() method
Adding series and points
Adding a point dynamically
Adding a series dynamically
Adding drilldowns to series
Drilling up to the parent series
Accomplishing various tasks programmatically
Setting extreme values on an axis
Setting the chart title programmatically
Reflowing a chart
Destroying a chart
Hiding and showing a series programmatically
Highcharts events
Extending Highcharts
Adding custom event handlers
Wrapping prototype functions
9. Going Further with Highcharts
Preprocessing data from different file types
Preprocessing data from a CSV file
Preprocessing data from an XML file
Preprocessing data from a JSON file
Preprocessing data from a database using PHP's PDO class
Fetching data and plotting the chart
Updating charts using Ajax
Exporting Highcharts into other formats
Exporting charts programmatically