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Getting Started with tmux
Table of Contents
Getting Started with tmux
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1. Jump Right In
Running tmux
Naming the session
The window string
Creating another window
The prefix key
Help on key bindings
Searching for text
Detaching and attaching
Explaining tmux commands
Tab completion
Renaming windows
Killing windows
2. Configuring tmux
Using the set-option command
Creating a tmux configuration file
Emacs or vi mode
Enabling mouse modes
Changing the status bar
Modifying the background color of the status bar
Reloading the configuration
Changing the foreground color of the status bar
Highlighting the active window
Binding keys
Viewing current bindings
Chaining multiple commands to a single key
Comments in the configuration file
Binding a new prefix key
Binding keys without the prefix key
Unbinding keys
Status bar revisited
Option types
Handy configuration tips
Binding the double tapping of the prefix key to last-window
Changing the escape time
Lengthening the history limit
Lengthening the display time
Starting the base index at 1
Accessing the man page
Show options
3. Sessions, Windows, and Panes
Playing around with sessions, windows, and panes
Multiple sessions
Multiple panes
Working with more panes
Zooming panes
Resizing panes
Switching between panes by number
Cycling through pane layouts
Other pane operations
4. Manipulating Text
Explaining the Window history
Explaining the different tmux modes
A sample workflow with Copy mode workflow
Entering Copy mode
Moving the cursor around
Scrolling through the Window history
Jump by search or line
Leaving Copy mode
Copying text into the paste buffer
Interacting with the paste buffer
Pasting text from the paste buffer
Choosing items from the paste buffer
Working with the paste buffer
5. Diving Deeper
Understanding tmux commands and Command mode
Advanced paste buffer usage
Saving a paste buffer to a file
Loading a paste buffer from a file
Setting a paste buffer directly
Capturing pane contents in a paste buffer
Deleting copied text from a paste buffer
Clearing the paste buffer history
An advanced session and window usage
Jumping from one window in a session to another window in another session
Moving windows
Linking a window between sessions
Breaking panes
Joining panes
Launching with defaults
6. tmux for SSH, Pair Programming, and More
Using tmux over SSH for long lived sessions
Benefits of using Vagrant
Creating a virtual machine with Vagrant
Walking through a sample workflow with tmux over SSH
Launching tmux on SSH connect automatically
Using tmux for pair programming
Connecting to the same session locally
Vagrant Cloud for better security pair programming
Using grouped sessions for pairing
7. Using Other Tools with tmux
Using tmux with the OS X Pasteboard
tmux configuration from the maximum-awesome project, by Square
Using tmuxinator to make session management easier
Installing tmuxinator
Understanding the tmuxinator configuration
Revisiting the commented lines
Summarizing tmuxinator
Using wemux to ease multiuser experience
Explaining the wemux modes
Explaining other wemux additions to tmux
Listing other tools to be used with tmux
A. Appendix
Why tmux?
The configuration reference
Key binding and command reference
Chapter 1 – Jump Right In
Chapter 2 – Configuring tmux
Chapter 3 – Sessions, Windows, and Panes
Chapter 4 – Manipulating Text
Chapter 5 – Diving Deeper