


Learn Clip Studio Paint电子书

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作       者:Liz Staley

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:36.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Take your comics and illustrations to the next level with the powerful art tools in Clip Studio Paint 1.8 Key Features *Overcome “interface overwhelm” with a practical breakdown of the Clip Studio interface *Comprehensive guide on the Clip Studio Paint with detailed coverage of all the tools and concepts of designing comics *Streamline your workflow to create faster and easier using Clip Studio’s features Book Description Clip Studio Paint, the successor to Manga Studio, is used by over four million illustrators and comic creators around the world. This book will guide you through every step of learning this software, from system requirements and installation, all the way through to exporting your work for print or the web. Learn how to create new documents, customize tools to fit your working style, use ruler tools to create anything from straight lines to intricate backgrounds, add 3D elements, create comic panels using the specialized panel tools, utilize screentones and materials, add text and word balloons to your comics, create sound effects, easily flat and color your comics using reference layers, and bring your drawings to life using the animation features. By the end of this book, you will be able to navigate the Clip Studio Interface and program preferences, customize the various tools, and be able to create your own black-and-white and color illustrations and comics from start to finish. What you will learn *Understand the differences between Clip Studio Paint Pro and EX *Discover how to navigate and customize the user interface *Creating custom tools that fit your unique style of illustration *Using the ruler tools to create intricate perspective shots and complex symmetry *Discover how to use 3D elements in your work *Learn how to create lettering and word balloons to bring your comic stories to life *Understand the process of digital art creation from pencils to inks to color *Understand how to use the animation tools available in Clip Studio Paint Who this book is for If you are a beginning digital artist or are switching to Clip Studio from another graphics software, this book is for you. This book is excellent for those with no knowledge of digital art up to intermediate users looking to explore the unique features of Clip Studio Paint.

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Learn Clip Studio Paint Second Edition


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Installing Clip Studio Paint, Recommended Systems, and Interface Basics

System specs, installation, and your serial number

System requirements

Windows system requirements

Mac OS requirements

Installing the program

Downloading the trial version

Purchasing Clip Studio Paint

Installing on a Windows computer

Installing on a Mac computer

Starting the program for the first time

Registering for a trial version of Clip Studio Paint

Registering for a licensed version of Clip Studio Paint

Changing a license

Downloading additional materials

About graphics tablets

What is a graphics tablet?

What type of tablet should I buy?

How large of a tablet should I buy?

What tablet brand should I buy?

Any other considerations?

Where can I purchase a graphics tablet?

Taking a look at the default interface

Moving, collapsing, and closing palettes

Moving a palette

Closing a palette

Collapsing and expanding palettes

The tool palette and Command Bar

The tool palette

Customizing the tool palette

Reordering tools

Renaming tools

Deleting tools

The Command Bars

The primary Command Bar

The selection Command Bar


Preferences, Shortcuts, and Other Commands

Program preferences

Tool category

Tablet category

Touch gesture category

Interface category

Performance category

Cursor category

Layer/Frame category

Light Table category

Ruler/Unit category

Canvas category

File category

Color Conversion

Edit Text category

3D settings category

Using keyboard shortcuts

Different categories of shortcut settings

Viewing an existing keyboard shortcut

Editing, adding, and deleting shortcuts

Adding a shortcut

Editing a shortcut and assigning a shortcut to a function without an existing one

Deleting a shortcut

Customizing the Command Bar

Adding items to the Command Bar

Editing icon settings

Deleting icons from the Command Bar

Making and saving workspaces

Saving a workspace

Switching between workspaces

Managing and deleting workspaces

New files and templates

The New file window – explained

Creating a custom sized page and saving a preset

Adding templates to a new file


Clip Studio Paint Brushes: an Introduction

Navigating the brushes

The brush engine

Accessing the brush options

Brush size




Starting and Ending

Playing with brush settings

Exporting and loading brushes

Exporting a tool

Importing a tool


Pencilling: Layer Properties

What is a layer?

Introduction to the Layer Palette

The Layer Property palette

Border effect

Extract line


Layer color

Expression color

Working with Layers


Erasers, Selections, and the Subview Palette

Eraser Tools and Transparent Color

The Eraser Tools

Hard eraser

Soft eraser

Block Eraser

Vector Eraser

Multiple Layers Eraser

Using Transparent "Color"

Lassos and other selection tools

The rectangle and circle marquee tools

Lasso and polyline marquee tools

Tool Property palette when scaling or rotating a selection

Selection pen

Shrink Selection

Clear Selection

The Subview Palette

Loading images into the Subview Palette

Zooming, rotating, and color picking Subview images

Using Layer Color to prepare a sketch for inks


All About Rulers

Using rulers in Clip Studio Paint

Ruler snapping options

Linear ruler

Curve ruler

Using the quadratic Bézier

Using the Cubic Bezier

Figure ruler

Ruler pen

Using the Symmetry ruler

Focus and parallel line rulers

Focus line ruler

Parallel line ruler

Perspective rulers

One-point perspective

Two-point perspective

Three-point perspective

Using shape and line tools with perspective rulers

Making rulers inactive

Turning rulers off and on with the control handle

Grids and guides

Showing and hiding the grid

Adjusting grid settings

Making guides


Using 3D Figures and Objects

The 3D Material Palette

Moving objects in 3D space

Moving an object on the X, Y, and Z axes

Moving parts of a model

Posing hands

Moving the 3D camera

Using preset poses on figure models

Customizing character and figure models

Customizing characters

Customizing figure models

Saving 3D information to the Materials Palette

Saving Pose Information

Saving 3D drawing figure information

Importing 3D models into CSP


Vector Layers and the Material Palette

Vectors in Clip Studio Paint

Creating a vector layer

Creating a vector layer via the File menu

Creating a vector layer via the Layer palette

Drawing on vector layers

Editing vectors

Control Point

Simplify Vector Line

Correct Line Width

Redraw Vector Line

Redraw Vector Line Width

The Vector Eraser

Saving art to the Material Palette

Saving artwork to the Materials Library


Using Text and Balloon Tools

Text tool basics

Advanced text settings

Font settings

Line space/alignment settings

Text settings

Reading settings

Edit settings

Creating custom text tools

Making and editing speech balloons

Ellipse balloon tool

Balloon Tail tool

Curve Balloon tool

Balloon Pen tool

Connecting speech balloons

Using speech balloon materials


Creating Sound Effects

Using fonts for sound effects

Adding outlines and color to text

Adding an outline

Adding gradients to text with Lock Transparent Pixels

Using Clipping Layers to add patterns to text

Using the Mesh Transform tool to warp text


Making Layer Masks and Screentones

What is a Layer Mask?

Using a layer mask

Using selections to make Quick Masks

Adding screentones to large areas

Lines and percentages in screentone names

Using selections to make simple tones


Making Comic Panels

What are frame border layers?

Creating frames

Using the rectangle frame tool

Using the Polyline frame tool

Using the Quadratic Bezier option

Using the Cubic Bezier option

Using the Frame border pen

One layer and many panels, or one layer for each panel?

Dividing and editing panels

Resizing, rotating, and moving panels

Dividing existing frames

Using Framing template materials


Auto Actions and Your Workflow

The Auto Action palette

Using Auto Actions

Creating a custom Auto Action

Auto Action shortcuts

Creating a keyboard shortcut

Creating a command bar shortcut


Inking Tools

Principles of inking

Inking tools

Marker tools

Pen tools

Customizing pressure sensitivity settings

Inking on vector layers

Tips for inking comic panels

Modifying pencil layers to simulate inks


Inking Special Effects

Creating a textured inking brush

Making a broken glass shard brush

Creating a foliage brush

Texture with a cross-hatching brush


Color Palettes

The Color Pickers

The Color Wheel

The Color Slider

Color Sets

Color History, Intermediate and Approximate Palettes

Color History Palette

Intermediate Color Palette

Approximate Color Palette

Importing Palettes from Adobe Photoshop

Creating Color Palettes from the Sub View Palette


Using CSP to Color Your Comics

Using Reference Layers

Creating Flats Using the Bucket Fill and Paint Unfilled Area Tools

Layer Blending Modes

The Multiply Mode

The Screen Mode

The Lighten Mode

Creating colored line art


Exporting and Printing Your Comic

Printing at home

Exporting for print

Adjusting image quality and file size

Resizing an image while exporting

Exporting for web display

Exporting pages as a batch (EX only)


What Is the Clip Studio App and Getting Animated

The Clip Studio App

Creating an account and logging in

Downloading from the App

Locating your downloads in Clip Studio Paint

Creating animation

Exporting animation

Image sequence

Animated GIF

Animated Sticker (APNG)



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