


BeagleBone for Secret Agents电子书

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作       者:Josh Datko

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:121.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you have some experience with the BeagleBone or similar embedded systems and want to learn more about security and privacy, this book is for you. Alternatively, if you have a security and privacy background and want to learn more about embedded development, this book is for you. You should have some familiarity with Linux systems and with the C and Python programming languages.

BeagleBone for Secret Agents

Table of Contents

BeagleBone for Secret Agents



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1. Creating Your BeagleBone Black Development Environment

Introducing the BBB

Appreciating BBB's commitment to open source hardware

Unboxing the BBB and providing power

Creating an embedded development environment with Emacs

Understanding the complications of embedded development

Installing Emacs 24

Installing the prelude

Learning how to learn about Emacs

Streamlining the SSH connections

Discovering the IP address of your networked BBB

Editing the SSH configuration file

Configuring password-less login

Running an SSH agent to control access to your SSH keys

Connecting to BBB with TRAMP

Running commands from Emacs

Using Emacs dired to copy files to and from BBB

Finding additional background information

Finding additional cryptography resources

Finding additional electronics resources

Finding additional Debian resources


2. Circumventing Censorship with a Tor Bridge

Learning about Tor

Appreciating the various users of Tor

Understanding Tor relays

Understanding Tor bridges

Using obfuscated proxies and pluggable transports

Realizing the limitations of Tor

The impact and benefits of running a Tor bridge

Installing Tor on BBB

Installing Tor from the development repository

Configuring Tor for BBB

Adding contact details to the torrc file

Tuning the bandwidth usage of your bridge

Understanding Tor exit policies

Setting bridge-specific settings

Starting your new Tor bridge

Enabling port forwarding

Adding physical interfaces to the bridge

Gathering the front panel components

Using an LCD to display status information

Controlling the bandwidth with a potentiometer

Designing the BeagleBridge circuit

Wiring the hardware with a proto cape

Developing the software using Python libraries

Controlling the hardware with pyBBIO

Determining your bandwidth with speedtest-cli

Controlling the bridge with the Stem library

Connecting to your obfuscated bridge

Continuing with Tor-related projects


3. Adding Hardware Security with the CryptoCape

Exploring the differences between hardware and software cryptography

Understanding the advantages of hardware-based cryptography

Offloading computation to a separate processor

Protecting keys through physical isolation

Understanding the disadvantages of hardware crypto devices

Lacking cryptographic flexibility

Exposing hardware-specific attack vectors

Obfuscating implementation details

Summarizing the hardware versus software debate

Touring the CryptoCape

Discovering the I2C protocol

Understanding the benefit of cape EEPROMs

Creating a cape EEPROM

Creating the cape DTS file

Creating an eLinux wiki site

Keeping time with a real-time clock

Trusting computing devices with a Trusted Platform Module

Providing hardware authentication with ATSHA204 and ATECC108

Encrypting EEPROM data with the ATAES132

Combining the BBB with an ATmega328p

Building a two-factor biometric system

The fingerprint sensor overview

Appreciating the limitations of fingerprint biometrics

Preparing the CryptoCape

Preparing the connections

Connecting the Scanner to the CryptoCape

Preparing the fingerprint sensor

Uploading the biometric detection sketch

Security analysis of the biometric system


4. Protecting GPG Keys with a Trusted Platform Module

History of PGP

Reflecting on the Crypto Wars

Developing a threat model

Outlining the key protection system

Identifying the assets we need to protect

Threat identification

Identifying the risks

Mitigating the identified risks

Summarizing our threat model

Generating GPG keys

Generating entropy

Creating a good gpg.conf file

Generating the key

Postgeneration maintenance

Using GPG

Protecting your GPG key with a TPM

Introducing trusted computing

Encrypting data to a PCR state

Adding the keypad

Taking ownership of the TPM

Extending a PCR

Unlocking your key at startup

Iterating on the threat model


5. Chatting Off-the-Record

Communicating Off-the-Record – a background

Introducing Off-the-Record communication

On the usability of OTR

Using the BeagleBone to protect your online chats

Installing BitlBee on the BeagleBone

Creating a BitlBee account

Adding a Google Talk account to BitlBee

Adding a Jabber account to BitlBee

Adding OTR to your BitlBee server

Managing contacts in BitlBee

Chatting with BitlBee

Chatting with OTR in BitlBee

Understanding the Socialist Millionaire Problem

Marshalling your IRC connections with a Bouncer

The modern uses of IRC

Downloading and installing the IRC bouncer ZNC

Configure ZNC to manage your IRC connections

Adding OTR to your ZNC server

Adding your networks to ZNC

Connecting to ZNC from your IRC client

Establishing OTR connections through ZNC

Extending the project


A. Selected Bibliography

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


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