


Learning jqPlot电子书

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作       者:Scott Gottreu

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:46.0万

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If you are a developer with a good understanding of JavaScript and jQuery and have been burdened with the task of analyzing and presenting some data, this book will provide you with the start you need to create some very attractive data visualizations.

Learning jqPlot

Table of Contents

Learning jqPlot


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1. Getting Started

Reviewing the components of a chart

Getting a promotion

Creating a jqPlot chart

Passing in both x and y values

Using dates for the x axis

Adding multiple data series

Adding multiple y axes

Adding a legend

Adding line and marker options

Learning questions


2. More Line Charts, Area Charts, and Scatter Plots

Working with remote data sources

Adding to the project's scope

Adding a fill between two lines

Understanding area and stacked area charts

Creating an area chart

Creating a stacked area chart with revenue

Understanding trend lines

Adding trend lines

Increasing the number of data points

Understanding scatterplot charts

Extending the data renderer

Creating a scatterplot chart

Learning questions


3. Bar Charts and Digging into Data

Building bars of data

Adding styles to our bar chart

Creating charts with multiple data series

Adding trend lines to selected product categories

Expanding our datasets with event handlers

Adding an event handler for our stacked area chart

Learning questions


4. Horizontal and Stacked Bar Charts

Turning our chart on its side

Using a stacked bar chart to make our data easier to read

Understanding the limits of data

Making our chart compact

Removing axis labels and adding point labels

Adding a threshold to our chart

Learning questions


5. Pie Charts and Donut Charts

Limitations of pie charts

Making a pie chart with many data points

Styling our chart and adding functionality

Building a pie chart with empty wedges

Creating a pie chart for each division with product category revenue

Defining donut charts

Building a donut chart to show web browser usage

Learning questions


6. Spice Up Your Charts with Animation, Tooltips, and Highlighting

Using the cursor plugin to see the data behind our charts

Making the tooltip follow the mouse and adding cursor lines

Pushing the limits of the cursor plugin

Connecting the cursor with the legend

Using the highlighter plugin

Extending the highlighter plugin to the legend

Animating line charts

Animating bar charts with varying speeds

Learning questions


7. Stock Market Charts – OHLC and Candlestick Charts

Looking at the employee stock option plan

Explaining OHLC charts

Explaining candlestick charts

Building an OHLC chart with last quarter's stock data

Building a candlestick chart with filtered data

Zooming in on a colored candlestick chart

Adding tooltips to canvas overlay lines

Modifying the data array and the tooltip

Learning questions


8. Bubble Charts, Block Plots, and Waterfalls

Creating a waterfall chart with expenses against revenue

Deciding on new chart types

Understanding bubble charts

Building a bubble chart

Building a block plot

Gaining our next set of requirements

Understanding waterfall charts

Creating a waterfall chart showing expenses against revenue

Learning questions


9. Showing Real-time Data with Our Charts

Creating a meter gauge chart with Wi-Fi users

Refreshing our chart from remote data

Using the replot method to change remote datasets

Dynamically building our chart when the page loads

Learning questions


10. Beautifying and Extending Your Charts

Nailing down the charts for our dashboard

Changing the background color of our chart

Canvas versus CSS

Using the second xaxis and smoothing lines

Setting negative colors on a bar chart

Creating reusable plot objects

Using objects to piece together our chart

Reaping the benefits of the DRY code

Learning questions


11. Bringing it All Together

Combining four charts into a dashboard

Creating a divisional dashboard

Digesting our work

Extending the divisional dashboard

Dashboard Version 3

Mixing renderers

Adding extra canvas elements

Modifying an existing plugin

Modifying our chart to use the cursor tooltip

Learning questions


A. Answers

Chapter 1, Getting Started

Chapter 2, More Line Charts, Area Charts, and Scatter Plots

Chapter 3, Bar Charts and Digging into Data

Chapter 4, Horizontal and Stacked Bar Charts

Chapter 5, Pie Charts and Donut Charts

Chapter 6, Spice Up Your Charts with Animation, Tooltips, and Highlighting

Chapter 7, Stock Market Charts – OHLC and Candlestick Charts

Chapter 8, Bubble Charts, Block Plots, and Waterfalls

Chapter 9, Showing Real-time Data with Our Charts

Chapter 10, Beautifying and Extending Your Charts

Chapter 11, Bringing it All Together


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