


Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2电子书

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作       者:Anghel Leonard

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:539.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A homogenous guide integrating the features of JSF 2.x (2.0, 2.1 and 2.2), following a “learning through examples” paradigm with its main focus on the advanced concepts of JSF. If you are a web developer who uses JSF, this is the book for you. Catering to an intermediate-advanced audience, the book assumes you have fundamental knowledge of JSF. It is intended for the developer who wants to improve their skills with the combined power of JSF 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2.

Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2

Table of Contents

Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2


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1. Dynamic Access to JSF Application Data through Expression Language (EL 3.0)

EL syntax

EL operators

EL precedence of operators

EL reserved words

EL immediate and deferred evaluation

EL value expressions

Referencing a managed bean

Referencing a managed bean's properties

Referencing a managed bean's nested properties

Referencing Java SE enumerated types

Referencing collections

EL implicit objects

EL method expressions

The conditional text in JSF

Writing a custom EL resolver

EL 3.0 overview

Working with the assignment operator

Working with the string concatenation operator

Working with the semicolon operator

Exploring lambda expressions

Working with collection objects


2. Communication in JSF

Passing and getting parameters

Using context parameters

Passing request parameters with the <f:param> tag

Working with view parameters

Calling actions on GET requests

Passing attributes with the <f:attribute> tag

Setting property values via action listeners

Passing parameters using the Flash scope

Replacing the <f:param> tag with the JSTL <c:set> tag

Sending data through cookies

Working with hidden fields

Sending passwords

Accessing UI component attributes programmatically

Passing parameters via method expressions

Communicating via the binding attribute

Managed bean communication

Injecting a managed bean into another bean

Communication between managed beans using the application/session map

Accessing other managed beans programmatically


3. JSF Scopes – Lifespan and Use in Managed Beans Communication

JSF scopes versus CDI scopes

The request scope

The session scope

The view scope

The application scope

The conversation scope

The flow scope

The simple flow

Flows with beans

Nested flows

Configuring flows programmatically

Flows and navigation cases

Inspecting flow navigation cases

Using the initializer and finalizer

Using the flow switch

Packaging flows

Programmatic flow scope

Dependent pseudo-scope

The none scope

The custom scope

Writing the custom scope class

Resolving a custom scope EL expression

Controlling the custom scope lifespan with action listeners

Controlling the custom scope lifespan with the navigation handler

Managed bean instantiation

Beans injection


4. JSF Configurations Using XML Files and Annotations – Part 1

JSF 2.2 new namespaces

JSF 2.2 programmatic configuration

Configuring managed beans in XML

Working with multiple configuration files

Configuring locales and resource bundles

Configuring validators and converters

Configuring navigation

Implicit navigation

Conditional navigation

Preemptive navigation

Programmatic Navigation

Configuring action listeners

Application action listeners

Configuring system event listeners

Using <f:event>

Implementing SystemEventListener

Configuring phase listeners

Working with @ListenerFor and @ListenersFor


5. JSF Configurations Using XML Files and Annotations – Part 2

Configuring resource handlers

Adding CSS and JS resources programmatically

Configuring the view handler

Overriding JSF renders

Working with client behavior functionality

JSF factories

Configuring the global exception handler

Configuring RenderKit factory

Configuring PartialViewContext

Configuring visitContext

Configuring ExternalContext

Configuring Flash

JSF 2.2 Window ID API

Configuring lifecycle

Configuring the application

Configuring VDL

Combined power of multiple factories


6. Working with Tabular Data

Creating a simple JSF table

The CollectionDataModel class of JSF 2.2

Sorting tables

Sorting and DataModel – CollectionDataModel

Deleting a table row

Editing/updating a table row

Adding a new row

Displaying row numbers

Selecting a single row

Selecting multiple rows

Nesting tables

Paginating tables

Generating tables with the JSF API

Filtering tables

Styling tables

Alternate row colors with the rowclasses attribute

Highlighting rows on mouse hover

Highlighting rows on mouse click


7. JSF and AJAX

A brief overview of the JSF-AJAX lifecycle

A simple JSF-AJAX example to get started

The JSF-AJAX attributes

The execute and render attributes

The listener attribute

The event attribute

The onevent attribute – monitoring AJAX state on client

The onerror attribute – monitoring AJAX errors on client

Grouping components under <f:ajax> tag

Updating input fields with AJAX after validation error

The Cancel and Clear buttons

Value submitted to a view scoped managed bean

Value submitted to a request scoped managed bean

Mixing AJAX and flow scope

Postback and AJAX

Postback request's conditional rendering/executing

Is it a non-AJAX request?

AJAX and <f:param>

Queue control for AJAX requests

Explicit loading of jsf.js

Depicting the params value

Non-UICommand components and jsf.ajax.request

Customizing jsf.js

AJAX and the progress bar/indicator


8. JSF 2.2 – HTML5 and Upload

Working with HTML5 and JSF 2.2

Pass-through attributes

Pass-through elements

JSF 2.2 – HTML5 and Bean Validation 1.1 (Java EE 7)

JSF 2.2 upload feature

A simple JSF 2.2 upload example

Using multiple <h:inputFile> elements

Extracting info about a file to be uploaded

Writing uploaded data to a disk

Upload validator

Ajaxify the upload

Uploading images with preview

Uploading multiple files

Upload and the indeterminate progress bar

Upload and the determinate progress bar


9. JSF State Management

JSF saving the view state

JSF partial saving view state

Partial state saving and tree visiting

JSF saving view state on the server or client

JSF logical and physical views

Saving the state in a database – an experimental application

Writing the custom ResponseStateManager class

Adding MongoDB in equation

Handling ViewExpiredException

Server-state serialization in a session

JSF 2.2 is stateless

The view scoped beans and the stateless feature

Detecting stateless views programmatically

JSF security notes

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

SQL injection


10. JSF Custom Components

Building noncomposite custom components

Writing a custom tag handler

Dissecting a custom component

Custom component implementation

Building composite components

Developing the Temperature composite component

Transforming a jQuery component into composite component

Writing the HTML5 date picker as a composite component

Decorating an image with actions

Working with composite facets

Validating/converting inputs inside composite components

Checking the presence of an attribute

Composite components' pitfalls

Null values within a composite component's attributes

Hiding pass-through attributes in composite components

Counting the children of a composite component

Top-level component's pitfall

Distributing composite components as JARs in JSF 2.2

Adding composite components programmatically


11. JSF 2.2 Resource Library Contracts – Themes

Working with contracts

Styling tables with contracts

Styling UI components with contracts

Styling contracts across different devices

Writing contracts for composite components

Writing a theme switcher

Configuring contracts in XML

Packaging contracts in JARs


12. Facelets Templating

A brief overview of the Facelets tags

Creating a simple template – PageLayout

Passing parameters via <ui:param>

Passing bean properties and action methods via <ui:param>

Exploiting the <ui:decorate> and <ui:fragment> tags

Iterating with <ui:repeat>

Working with <ui:include> and <f:viewParam>

Working with <ui:include> and <ui:param>

Debugging with <ui:debug>

Removing the content with <ui:remove>

Using the jsfc attribute

Extending the PageLayout template

Facelets' programmatic aspects

FaceletFactory considerations

Working with FaceletCache

ResourceResolver swallowed by ResourceHandler

Include Facelets programmatically

Creating a TagHandler class

Writing custom Facelets taglib functions

Facelets pitfalls

AJAX and <ui:repeat>

Exemplifying <c:if> versus <ui:fragment>

Exemplifying <c:forEach> versus <ui:repeat>


A. The JSF Life Cycle


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