


Creating eLearning Games with Unity电子书

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作       者:David Horachek

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:123.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is an easytofollow guide that incrementally develops the game framework and missions, stepbystep, with each chapter. Extensive source code is provided and explained in detail to support and explain each of the concepts in the book. This book is intended for novice game programmers with a little experience in Unity3D, who want to learn how to program eLearning games. Educators and trainers who want to use Unity in an eLearning setting will also benefit from the book. It would be helpful to have a basic understanding of the concepts such as Unity *ing and the Finite State Machine (FSM), but no prior experience in game development is required.

Creating E-Learning Games with Unity

Table of Contents

Creating E-Learning Games with Unity


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1. Introduction to E-Learning and the Three Cs of 3D Games

Understanding e-learning

Introducing our game – Geography Quest

Comprehending the three Cs

Creating our first scene

Developing the character system

Building character representation

Developing the camera code

Implementing GameCam.cs

Developing the player controls code

Implementing PlayerControls.cs

Try it out!


2. Interactive Objects and MissionMgr

Understanding the base scripts

Building an interactive object

Implementing the CustomGameObj script

Implementing the InteractiveObj script

Implementing the ObjectInteraction script

Implementing the InventoryItem script

Implementing the InventoryMgr script

Implementing the DisplayInventory method

Implementing the MissionMgr script

Implementing the Mission script

Implementing the MissionToken script

Implementing the SimpleLifespanScript

Putting it all together

Testing the mission system

Try it out!


3. Mission One – Find the Facts

Finding the facts

Designing games to maximize fun

The teaching loop in game design

Implementing the core classes for mission one

Creating a terrain

Creating the FlagLocators GameObject

Creating the FlagMonument GameObject

Creating the MonumentMgr Script

Creating the InventoryPlaceOnMonument class

Creating the MissionMgrHelper script

Creating the TriviaCardScript script

Creating the SetupMissionOne script

Creating the flag Prefabs

Creating the pop-up card Prefabs

Creating the mission pop-up Prefab

Creating the mission reward Prefabs

Creating the FoundAllTheFlags Prefab

Creating the ReturnedTheFlagsResult Prefab

Configuring the mission manager

Playing the level!


4. Mission One – Future Proofing the Code

Reorganizing our GameObjects in the Scene view

Creating a global scene

Creating a first level scene

Adding new scenes to the project

Creating the PopupMainMenu GameObject

An introduction to Finite State Machines

Implementing an FSM in a game

The switch case FSM

Classes implementation of FSM

Implementing the GameMgr script

Reflecting on our code changes

Analyzing code functionality

Updating some systems

Making the ScorePlate active

Updating the player motion algorithm

Playing the level!


5. User Interfaces in Unity

Getting familiar with Unity UI classes

Developing the pop-up system

Exploring the GUIText component

Interpreting the members on GUIText

Exploring the GUITexture component

Exploring the TextMesh component

Ideal use of TextMesh

Creating clickable text elements

Detecting mouse clicks

Detecting mouse over

Detecting leaving mouse over

Exploring UnityScript and the GUIButton object

Using UnityGUI

Creating a clickable button

Detecting a mouse click

Building the main menu pop up

Testing our work

Future extensions


6. NPCs and Associated Technology

Creating the NPC GameObject

Implementing the npcScript class

Implementing the SplineMgr class

Connecting SplineMgr to NPCScript

Implementing the NPC decision system

Implementing the npcCondition script

Implementing the npcResponse script

Implementing the npcInteraction script

Implementing the npcDecisionMgr script

Building a collection of NPC conditions and responses

Implementing the condition_closerThanThresh script

Implementing the condition_fartherThanThresh script

Implementing the response_changeState script

Putting it all together


7. Mission Two – Testing a Player's Learning

Exploring the structure of mission two

Defining the framework for mission two

Adding a mission to the missionMgr script

Extending the GameCam script

Modifying the terrain

Adding NpcRacers to the mission

Creating the start and finish line flags

Creating the LevelStart and LevelFinished pop ups

Creating the setupLevel2 Prefab

Creating the raceStartup Prefab

Implementing the LevelLogicObj GameObject


8. Adding Animations

Exploring 3D hierarchies

Skinned meshes in Unity3D

Acquiring and importing models

Exploring the Mechanim animation system

Choosing appropriate animations

Building a simple character animation FSM

Exploring in-place versus root motion animation

Adding the character script

Building a zombie racer animation FSM

Building a quiz racer animation FSM

Exploring the Unity animation editor


9. Synthesis of Knowledge

Understanding the mission three GameObjects

Applying learning theory to mission three

Creating the structure for mission three

Modifying the terrain

Adding visitors to the park

Modifying the pop-up system

Creating the NpcLocators Prefab

Creating the CorrectResponse Prefabs

Modifying the quiz cards

Adding another data condition

Using the setupLevel3 Prefab

Creating the AddScore condition

Creating the ShowLevel3Results response

Creating the Time object

Modifying the LevelLogicObj object

Rewarding the player


10. An Extensible Game Framework Pattern in Unity

Load additively

Using delete/load patterns

Refactoring our work

The pop-up system

Updating level 3 pop ups

Updating level 2 pop ups

Updating level 1 pop ups

Refactoring level 2

Implementing a system to connect object references

Updating the SetupMission2 script

Refactoring level 3

Playing and distributing your game

Reflecting on e-learning and game design



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