


Magento Search Engine Optimization电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Robert Kent

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:57.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is an easytofollow tutorial with best practices and advanced references which will help you to take full advantage of Magento with SEO. This book is aimed at both Magento developers and SEO specialists who wish to optimize search and end user elements such as clickthrough rates to ensure the design of their online shop sites effectively maximize sales. Magento store owners may also find large sections of this book useful in order to understand the larger impact small tweaks and changes can have on SEO especially when editing products and categories. This book assumes that the reader will understand the basic concepts of keyword research and the external factors that are required in order to manage an ongoing SEO campaign.

Magento Search Engine Optimization

Table of Contents

Magento Search Engine Optimization


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1. Preparing and Configuring Your Magento Website

Focusing on your keywords

The role of the home page

Structuring our categories for better optimization

Optimizing our CMS pages

Optimizing our titles, content, and meta information

Adjusting our Magento configuration for SEO

Default <head> settings

XML sitemap

Google Analytics


2. Product and Category Page Optimization

Optimizing titles and descriptions for the SERPs

Adjusting our category titles and descriptions

Adjusting our product titles and descriptions

Optimizing our URL keys

Layout and content considerations

Category page layout

Product page layout

Optimizing our headings

Optimizing product and category descriptions

Additional tips for content

Optimizing images and selling your product

Implementing schema (rich snippets)

Adding the schema.org markup to our templates

Implementing social sharing for products


3. Managing Internationalization and Multiple Languages

Choosing the right domain structure for multiregional websites

Store-specific configuration

Translating URL keys

Translating template content

Avoiding duplicate content when translating pages


4. Template/Design Adjustments for SEO and CRO

Organizing our heading structure

Changing our heading structure on the home, category, and product pages

Integrating the breadcrumb and organization schema

Adding structured data to our breadcrumbs

Adding rel=next/prev to our category pagination

Adding reviews directly onto our product pages

Removing unwanted blocks from the checkout


5. Speeding Up Your Magento Website

SEO benefits of a fast Magento website

Magento configuration settings to increase speed

.htaccess modifications

Server-side performance and scalability

Online tools to test performance

Mage Speed Test

Pingdom Website Speed Test

Google Page Speed Insights


6. Analyzing and Tracking Your Visitors

An overview of e-commerce analytics reports

Adding secondary dimensions and advanced filters

Advanced segments

Understanding Multi-Channel Funnels

Assisted conversions

Top conversion paths

Adding events to track phone number clicks

Universal Analytics

Implementing and analyzing content experiments


7. Technical Rewrites for Search Engines

Additional .htaccess modifications

Maintaining a www or non-www domain prefix

Removing the /index.php/ path once and for all

Redirecting /home to our domain

Redirecting older pages

Improving our robots.txt file

Resolving layered-navigation duplicate content


8. Purpose-built Magento Extensions for SEO/CRO

Installing extensions

Popular SEO-specific Magento extensions

SEO Suite Ultimate by MageWorx

Google Shopping feed by Rocket Web

Universal Analytics by Aromicon

Magento WordPress Integration by FishPig

AddThis by AddThis

Creare SEO by CreareGroup

Extensions to help improve CRO

Turpentine by Nexcess

One Step Checkout by OneStepCheckout.com

Noteworthy extension developers



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