


Drush for Developers - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Juampy Novillo Requena

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:110.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a best fit for backend developers with a basic knowledge of Drupal's APIs and some experience using the command line. Perhaps you already worked on one or two Drupal projects, but have never dived deep into Drush's toolset. In any case, this book will give you a lot of advice by covering real-world challenges in Drupal projects that can be solved using Drush.

Drush for Developers Second Edition

Table of Contents

Drush for Developers Second Edition


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1. Introduction, Installation, and Basic Usage

Installation requirements

Operating system


Installing Composer

Drush installation on Linux and OSX

Manual installation

The Drush command structure

Executing a command

Providing arguments to a command

Altering a command's behavior through options

Structuring command invocations

Command aliases

Understanding Drush's context system

Setting the context manually


2. Keeping Database Configuration and Code Together

Meeting the update path

Rebuilding the registry

Preparing the trap

Breaking the registry

Rebuilding Drupal's registry

Running database updates

Managing features

Exporting configuration into code

Running the update path on a different environment

Analyzing results

Reverting the feature components programmatically


3. Running and Monitoring Tasks in Drupal Projects

Running periodic tasks with cron

Disabling Drupal's cron

Verifying the current cron frequency

Overriding cron frequency and exporting it to code

Running cron with Drush

Scheduling cron runs with Jenkins

Installing Jenkins

Creating a job through the web interface

Monitoring cron runs

Running a task outside cron

Example – moving a Feeds importer from Drupal's cron to Drush

Exporting the Feeds importer into code

Writing a Drush command to trigger the Feeds importer

Running long tasks in batches

A sample Drush command using the Batch API

Batch API operations

Running the command and verifying the output

Evaluating code on the fly and running scripts

The php-eval command

The php-script command

A script to create nodes and revisions

Logging messages in Drush

The verbose and quiet modes

Redirecting Drush output into a file

Implementing your own logging mechanism

Running a command in the background


4. Error Handling and Debugging

Validating input

Validating an argument

Validating options

Ignoring options after the command name

Allowing additional options

Adding custom validation to a command

Rolling back when an error happens

Turning the update path into a single command

Browsing hook implementations

Inspecting the bootstrapping process

Inspecting hook and function implementations

Browsing and navigating hook implementations

Viewing source code of a function or method


5. Managing Local and Remote Environments

Managing local environments

Managing remote environments

Verifying requirements

Accessing a remote server through a public key

Defining a group of remote site aliases for our project

Using site aliases in commands

Special site aliases

Running a command on all site aliases of a group

Avoiding a Drupal bootstrap with @none

Referencing the current project with @self

Adding site alias support to the update path

Inspecting the command implementation and hooks

Running the update path with a site alias

Copying database and files between environments

Defining Drush shell aliases for a team

Blocking the execution of certain commands

Ignoring tables on sql-sync


6. Setting Up a Development Workflow

Moving configuration, commands, and site aliases out of Drupal

Installing Drupal Boilerplate

Relocating Drush files

Testing the new setup

Configuring the development database for the team

Configuring Jenkins to sync production to development

Fine-tuning the development database

Recreating the database on sql-sync

Excluding table data from production

Ignoring tables from production

Sanitizing data

Preventing e-mails from being sent

Running post sql-sync tasks in local environments



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