


Android Game Programming by Example电子书

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作       者:John Horton

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:232.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The book is best suited for existing Android or Java programmers who want to adapt their skills to make exciting Android games. The book is also for determined readers who might have no Android, game programming or even Java experience, but a reasonable understanding of object oriented programming knowledge is assumed.

Android Game Programming by Example

Table of Contents

Android Game Programming by Example


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1. Player 1 UP

A closer look at the games

Tappy Defender

Tough retro platformer

Asteroids simulator

Setting up your development environment

Installing the JDK

Installing Android Studio


2. Tappy Defender – First Step

Planning the first game


The game mechanics

Rules for the game

The design




Design pattern reality check

The game code structure

The Android Activity lifecycle

The Android Studio file structure

Building the home screen

Creating the project

What we did

Building the home screen UI

What we did

Coding the functionality

Creating GameActivity

What we did

Configuring the AndroidManifest.xml file

What we did

Coding the game loop

Building the view

Creating a new class for the view

What we did

Structuring the class code

The game activity

The PlayerShip object

Drawing the scene

Plotting and drawing

Drawing PlayerShip

The Canvas and Paint objects

Controlling the frame rate

Deploying the game

Debugging on an Android device


3. Tappy Defender – Taking Flight

Controlling the spaceship

Detecting touches

Adding boosters to the spaceship

Detecting the screen resolution

Building the enemies

Designing the enemy

Spawning the enemy

Making the enemy think

The thrill of flight – scrolling the background

Things that go bump – collision detection

Collision detection options

Rectangle intersection

Radius overlapping

The crossing number algorithm


Multiple hitboxes

Neighbor checking

Best options for Tappy Defender


4. Tappy Defender – Going Home

Displaying a HUD

Implementing the rules

Ending the game

Restarting the game

Adding sound FX

Generating the FX

The SoundPool class

Coding the sound FX

Adding persistence


Multiple different enemy graphics

An exercise in balance

Format time

Handle the back button

The finished game


5. Platformer – Upgrading the Game Engine

The game

The backstory

The game mechanics

Rules for the game

Upgrading the game engine

The platform activity

Locking the layout to landscape

The PlatformView class

The basic structure of PlatformView

The GameObject class

The view through a viewport

Creating the levels

The enhanced update method

The enhanced draw method


6. Platformer – Bob, Beeps, and Bumps

The SoundManager class

Introducing Bob

Multiphase collision detection

Player input

Animating Bob


7. Platformer – Guns, Life, Money, and the Enemy

Ready aim fire


The drone

The guard


8. Platformer – Putting It All Together

Bullet collision detection

Adding some fire tiles

Eye candy

The new platform tiles

The new scenery objects

Scrolling parallax backgrounds

Pause menu with moveable viewport

Levels and game rules

Traveling between levels

The level designs

The cave

The city

The forest

The mountains



9. Asteroids at 60 FPS with OpenGL ES 2

Asteroids simulator

The game controls

Rules for the game

Introducing OpenGL ES 2

Why use it and how does it work?

What is neat about Version 2?

How we will use OpenGL ES 2?

Preparing OpenGL ES 2

Locking the layout to landscape


The view

A class to manage our game

Managing simple shaders

The game's main loop – the renderer

Building an OpenGL-friendly, GameObject super class

The spaceship

Drawing at 60 + FPS


10. Move and Draw with OpenGL ES 2

Drawing a static game border

Twinkling stars

Bringing the spaceship to life

Rapid fire bullets

Reusing existing classes

Adding the SoundManager class

Adding the InputController class

Drawing and moving the asteroids

Scores and the HUD

Adding control buttons

Tally icons

Life icons

Declaring, initializing, and drawing the HUD objects


11. Things That Go Bump – Part II

Planning for collision detection

Colliding with the border

The first phase of border collision detection

Colliding with an asteroid

The crossing number

The first phase and overview of asteroid collision detection

The CollisionPackage class

Adding collision packages to the objects and making them accessible

Adding a collision package to the Bullet class

Adding a collision package to the SpaceShip class

Adding a collision package to the Asteroid class

The CD class outline

Implementing radius overlapping for asteroids and ships

Implementing rectangle intersection for the border

Performing the checks

Helper methods

Destroying a ship

Destroying an asteroid

Testing for collisions in update()

Precise collision detection with the border

Precise collision detection with an asteroid

Finishing touches



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