


Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Brenden Sewell

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:97.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Whether you are an experienced game designer or artist looking to test your latest idea, or a complete novice looking to build their first video game, this is a great place to start learning how to build complex game mechanics quickly and easily without writing any text code. No programming experience required!

Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine

Table of Contents

Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine


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1. Object Interaction with Blueprints

Creating a project and the first level

Setting a template for a new project

Making sense of the project settings

Creating the project

Adding objects to our level

Exploring materials

Creating materials

Material properties and Blueprint nodes

Adding substance to our material

Creating our first Blueprint

Exploring the Event Graph panel

Detecting a hit

Swapping a material

Improving the Blueprint

Adding movement

Changing actor mobility and collision

Breaking down our goal

Storing data with variables

Readying direction for calculations

Getting relative speed using delta time

Translating the existing location

Updating location

Changing direction

Testing moving targets


2. Enhancing Player Abilities

Adding the running functionality by extending a Blueprint

Breaking down the Blueprint character movement

Customizing control inputs

Adding a sprint ability

Animating a zoom view

Using a timeline to smooth transitions

Increasing the projectile's speed

Adding sound and particle effects

Giving our targets state with branches

Triggering sound effects, explosions, and destruction


3. Creating Screen UI Elements

Creating simple UI meters with UMG

Drawing shapes with widget Blueprints

Customizing the meter's appearance

Creating ammo and enemy counters

Displaying the HUD

Connecting UI values to player variables

Creating bindings for health and stamina

Making text bindings

Tracking the ammo and eliminated targets

Reducing the ammo counter

Increasing the targets eliminated counter


4. Creating Constraints and Gameplay Objectives

Constraining player actions

Draining stamina while sprinting

Using looping timers to repeat actions

Blocking actions with branches

Regenerating stamina

Preventing firing actions when out of ammo

Creating collectable objects

Setting up collection logic

Setting a gameplay win condition

Displaying a target goal in the HUD

Creating a win menu screen

Displaying the menu

Triggering a win


5. Making Moving Enemies with AI

Setting up the enemy actor to navigate

Importing from the marketplace

Expanding the play area

Making the level traversable with a NavMesh

Setting the stage for intelligence with AI assets

Creating navigation behavior

Setting up patrol points

Enabling communication between assets

Teaching our AI to walk with the Behavior Tree

Making the AI chase the player

Giving the enemy sight with Pawn Sensing

Adding conditions to the Behavior Tree

Creating chasing behavior


6. Upgrading the AI Enemies

Creating an enemy attack

Making an attack task

Updating the health meter

Making enemies hear and investigate sounds

Adding hearing to the Behavior Tree

Setting up the investigating tasks

Interpreting and storing the noise event data

Adding noise to the player's actions

Making the enemies destructible

Saving time by reusing existing Blueprint content

Spawning more enemies during gameplay

Choosing a spawn point where enemies will appear

Managing spawn rates and limits with variables

Spawning new enemies in the Level Blueprint

Creating enemy wandering behavior

Identifying a wander point with a custom task

Adding wandering to the Behavior Tree


7. Tracking Game States and Applying Finishing Touches

Making danger real with player death

Setting up a lose screen

Creating round-based scaling with saved games

Storing game information using a SaveGame object

Storing and loading the saved data when starting the game

Increasing the enemy target goal

Create a transition screen to be shown between rounds

Transitioning to a new round when the current round is won

Pausing the game and resetting the save file

Creating a pause menu

Resuming and resetting the save file

Triggering the pause menu


8. Building and Publishing

Optimizing your graphics settings

Setting up our game to be played by others

Packaging the game into a build

Steps for further learning

Finish and share as many games as you can

Stretch out of your comfort zone

Resources for additional learning and support



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