


ArcGIS By Example电子书

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8人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Hussein Nasser

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:77.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are an application developer who wishes to enhance your skills for the GIS domain with ArcGIS, then this book is for you. Previous experience with ArcGIS is not required.

ArcGIS By Example

Table of Contents

ArcGIS By Example


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1. Getting Started with ArcGIS

The history of ArcGIS

An introduction to ArcGIS for Desktop

ArcGIS for Desktop licenses

The system requirements of ArcGIS for Desktop

The important concepts of ArcGIS for Desktop

The ArcGIS geodatabase

Working with the map layers

Customizing ArcGIS for Desktop

The system requirements of ArcObjects

Verifying the installation of ArcObjects

App 1 – the cell tower analysis tool

App 2 – the restaurant mapping application

App 3 – the excavation planning manager


2. App 1 – the Cell Tower Analysis Tool

An introduction to ArcGIS add-ins

Creating the Hello, ArcGIS add-in project

Preparing the TelZaViBa data and code

Preparing the geodatabase

Preparing the map document

Preparing the TelZaViBa add-in project

Displaying the range of each tower

Querying features

The topological operators and graphic elements

Drawing the tower range based on the attribute value

Drawing the range attribute

Drawing the range for all towers


3. Mapping Signal Strength

Adding a point to the map

The ArcGIS coordinate system

Adding the find closest tower tool

Creating a marker point

Finding the distance between two points

Finding the distance between two towers

Finding the distance between the point and a tower

Finding and highlighting the closest tower

Finding the closest tower

Highlighting the closest tower

Displaying the signal strength


4. Real-time Maneuvering

Adding real-time cell phone simulator button add-ins

Creating a map point from the x and y coordinates

Reading and mapping external GPS point coordinates

Reading external GPS coordinates

Mapping GPS coordinates

Enabling signal maneuvering and highlighting the active tower

Loading the GPS file

Enabling maneuvering with a timer

Highlighting the selected tower and displaying signal strength


5. App 2 – Extending ArcObjects

Extending ArcObjects

Preparing the geodatabase and map for bestaurants

Preparing the bestaurants project

Adding the restaurants mapping toolbar

Adding the restaurants viewer button

Adding the button

Assigning a button to the toolbar

Querying the subtypes of restaurants

A geodatabase workspace

Populating subtypes

Finding restaurants in a subtype


6. Reviews and Ratings

Introducing relationships

The reviews and ratings table

Querying reviews and ratings

Retrieving related records

Calculating the average rating

Highlighting restaurants

The ArcGIS Display object

Highlighting features

Filtering restaurants on the map


7. Advanced Searching

Querying the regions

Connecting to the region's geodatabase

Populating the regions

Finding restaurants in a region

Spatial queries

Populating restaurants in a region

Adding the search textbox in the toolbar

Real-time search and filtering


8. App 3 – Advanced ArcObjects

Geodatabase editing

Preparing the data and project

Preparing the Yharnam geodatabase and map

Preparing the Yharnam project

Adding the new excavation tool

Adding the excavation editor tool

Adding the excavation manager toolbar

Creating excavation features

Using the rubber band to draw geometries on the map

Converting geometries into features

Viewing and editing the excavation information


9. Excavation Cost Calculation

Preparing the excavation cost calculator

Creating the excavation cost calculator class

Calculating the soil type removal cost

Calculating the tree removal cost

Calculating the number of trees

Calculating the tree removal cost

Estimating the final cost


10. Saving and Retrieving Excavation Designs

Preparing the design table

Creating the design manager

Adding the design manager button

Preparing the design manager form

Creating a new design

Saving multiple excavations

Opening existing designs

The LoadDesign method

Loading excavations

Loading trees

Calculating the design cost

Using the filter map to show only design excavation

Deleting designs

Deleting an excavation

Deleting a design

Generating the excavation design report

Searching for the design



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